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Flip ‘n’ Score

Flip ‘n’ Score price circa 1978 $7.99
Just like Vegas – a dice game to provide hours of entertainment. Great for parties, travel, any occasion. Green felted playing field in 125/8 inches square frame of natural wood.

Now I had a version of this game that was James Bond orientated.  Basically the idea of the game was to roll the dice and if say you rolled 9 you could either cover the 9 or both 5 & 4 or 6 & 3 or 7 & 2, on the next throw you would do the same with the idea that you had to cover all the numbers without getting stumped. So if you left yourself with a 5 and you rolled 6 you lost.

I used to quite like this game and decided one day I would search deep down in my wardrobe but alas I found it had been converted into a cosy habitat by my escaped pet hampster, Godfather.



70s Toys & Games

Remember the old retro toys you used to play with? Did you bounce about on spacehoppers, play pong or ride around on your cool Chopper? Can you recall the heroes Twirling Tim and Hurricane Hank, and who they used to do battle with in the arena? Did you used to come home from school with bruised knuckles from trying to beat 100 clacks on your Klackers? Or was you the studious type carefully making lovely patterns with your Spirograph which, no matter how careful you were, always seemed to cut through the paper turning your masterpiece into a mess.

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