The Retro Toy and games you put on your Christmas List
Remember the old retro toys you used to play with? Did you bounce about on spacehoppers, play pong or ride around on your cool Chopper? Can you recall the heroes Twirling Tim and Hurricane Hank, and who they used to do battle with in the arena? Did you used to come home from school with bruised knuckles from trying to beat 100 clacks on your Klackers? Or was you the studious type carefully making lovely patterns with your Spirograph which, no matter how careful you were, always seemed to cut through the paper turning your masterpiece into a mess.
No matter if you can’t remember, for you are cordially invited into my toybox to take a look at some of the things that used to keep you amused in those good old days. Hopefully seeing the old retro toys may bring back some happy memories and if you still have a pair of Klackers I would love to have them. I never did get a proper set of my own See below what I had to make do with. One thing before we go, make sure your pet rock is well fed and watered!
If you have a favourite that isn’t here, please let me know so I can add it to the list.