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Dr Who Toys

Time never stands still for the intrepid Doctor from the long running Sci Fi tv programme Dr Who, and despite him being known to us for the first time in the mid 1960s, the Dr had a great hold on us throughout the 1970s as we had Jon Pertwee and the great Tom Baker take the main lead during that time.

The toys available to us in the 1970s were mixed to say the least, as Denys Fisher produced a number of dolls that were popular at the time, including the assistant Leela, who did not wear that many clothes, and seemed very popular with the dads of the 1970s.

Leela and her companion dolls were about 9” tall including the scarfed Tom Baker character, which also was bendable in a number of places.

They also produced the fantastic Cybermen, the not so Giant Robot and the metal dog K9, but my absolute favourite by far were the the toy Daleks. It would actually by battery power move along, and I cannot recall if it made an “Exterminate” noise, but I do recall it flashing lights from the top of the head. The Dalek was the ultimate toy from the set, and it was so well made, that it gave me months of fun and entertainment, until I”lost it” at school.

You may recall that at the time we could buy toy versions of the TARDIS, and I even remember my mum buying me a almost life sized version of the TARDIS made of curtain style material, which was made to look like the real TARDIS, she never made this, it came from the shops honest.

Apart from the hundreds of books and lunch boxes and things like that, the Dr Who toys gave us board games, LPs and cassettes and hours of fun in the playgrounds being chased by the Yeti. Now was there a Yeti toy?

My claim to fame, is I once sat inside a Dalek as a kid, I was not suppose to, and I had no camera at the time. But that was a story I told for years after, oh great memories of time and space.

70s Toys & Games

Remember the old retro toys you used to play with? Did you bounce about on spacehoppers, play pong or ride around on your cool Chopper? Can you recall the heroes Twirling Tim and Hurricane Hank, and who they used to do battle with in the arena? Did you used to come home from school with bruised knuckles from trying to beat 100 clacks on your Klackers? Or was you the studious type carefully making lovely patterns with your Spirograph which, no matter how careful you were, always seemed to cut through the paper turning your masterpiece into a mess.

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