Stop Press Shoes Found
Rennie – yeah!! Finally found the shoes I want and in my size!!! Let the bidding war begin!! Imp – Cool.. you’re not going to fall off these are you? I suppose you could check that a safety net comes with them Awombleforever – Wow,they could cost ya Rennie but well worth it in the end,very nice. Rennie – *collecting for Rennie’s glam shoes – please give generously* *all donations gratefully received* Awombleforever – I’ve got a pair of shoes a size 4 that might suit someone for bognor. Very retro ,not too outrageous,slight platform closed toe and heel with …
White and Cream Tights
Hattie – My daughter is having a fancy dress at school and wants to dress seventies style ………she made me remember those white tights and cream ones that we all used to wear back in the seventies ……dont think u can buy them anymore!! Think they were hold ups too ……know we wore navy ones at times too ………. Will be worried if the guys answer to this one!! Hatts Rennie – Well I wouldn’t be suprised if James has some secreted in his drawers. No harm in asking!! *waits for the torrent of abuse* Karen – hey – try …
Anyone remember “Slade Socks?”
Muttley – So lets test the memories of the members of this esteemed forum- Slade Socks were bright / garish to say the least. They were luminous socks in lime green, orange yellow or pink with a number of black hoops down the ankle. Sure to make you stand out in a crowd! All the rage around 1973/75. Why they were particularly called “”Slade Socks”” I aint got a clue as other bands (Mud, Bay City Rollers – tho less said the better) wore striped / hooped socks as well. If anyone can solve this totally trivial issue feel free …
70’s Fragrances
Chopper Nigel – Hi , Recently been trying to clear out my parents garage I found a box of goodies from my old bedroom, I had’nt seen this for over 25 years, Are you ready for this……. A plastic bottle of Brut, a couple of denim, a couple of blue stratos, And a black bottle of Avon aftershave in the shape of a racing motorcycle. And you know what…. They smell just as bad now as they did then! Now girls, what make was that musk that all the groovy girls used to wear in the mid seventys? Thinking about …
Awombleforever – The poncho made a big impact around 1970,all the girls were wearing them,I was poor so had to make do with an old brown table cloth with a fringe,I cut a hole for the head,it was my poncho. My friend had a flouresant green and pink hand crocheted one. They have made a comeback and guess what,I now have 2 pink ones a white one and a black one,I love them. Hattie – Mine was crochet brown and orange back in the seventies …….oddly i only have a brown one and have only worn it once or twice …
The Denim Jacket
Awombleforever – I had a denim jacket ,like most people had then .I was very young and thought I was being clever at the time. I loved Mud they were one of my favourite bands but I also loved Greasers or rockers as they could be called. I thought Id fool my mum so I put a square of material on the back of it with I love Greasers and I cleverly made another square to go on top saying I love Mud to cover it. I used poppers to cover the Greaser one with the mud one. I then …
Sparky – Hey I just remembered that I used to have a pair of hipsters called loons. Barely covered my backside at the top, and were miles across at the bottom of the legs. Anyone else remember them? Awombleforever – I have a pair still ,like that black with coloured embroidery on the legs.They don’t fit me though as they are about a size 10.I even had to enlarge them slightly for a friend to borrow,also my daughter wore them to enter a talent competition over a year ago ,she was then 13. Wish I hadn’t taken the stitches out …
Saturday night outfits
2Tone – Did I look smart or what! Shoulder length black hair (curled under-page boy style). Pillar box red shirt with large collar worn over a black velvet jacket, two tone trousers perched upon a pair of platforms …..what girl could resist? (most of them in fact). I’m convinced it was the platforms that caused me to regularly fall over at about 11.30pm each night and not the Watneys party seven that I had consumed that evening. Rennie – LOL Welcome 2 tone Just trying to picture it…..hmmmmm I’ve really got to get a picture board up for these little …
What were you [MEN]
Rockerator – Were you a Brut33 or Old Spice Man? Rocksgirl – i love the smell of Old Spice. My late grandad always wore it and after he died when i was 18, in 1990, i bought some as i missed him so much. Rennie – I was neither the first aftershave I bought was Denim Awombleforever – My husband liked faberge west,I remember the packaging but not the smell.They don’t make it anymore I don’t think.It did have a nice smell but smells are very hard to remember. Sparky – Brut. Just like our ‘Enery I used to “splash …
Awombleforever – I just bought a tank top off ebay, hope it stretches well,the model wearing it was half my size. Butlins here we come Rockerator – Dont forget we want to see pics of the Butlins Bash. Rennie – There’ll be loads of those lol got some klackers too so a Klacker Challenge will be set Hattie you’ve a lot to prove as you’re a known champion!! Awombleforever – I don’t know what happend to my daughteres clackers ,she did have some but they have dissapeared.The tank top is way too small for me,my 13 year old daughters nicked …