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Posters/ Pin Ups

Jack Regan – Not sure what category to put this up but what posters did you have on your bedroom walls adn who were your pin up’s.

I had a massive Teenage Rampage poster in Green which I found in my old trunk at my mums earlier this year. That was above me bed. I also had many of the Look In centre folds of artists and bands hanging everywhere including The Rollers, Slade and Mud. I also had a lovely picture of Debbie Harrie wearing a sparkly blue number on the wall right next to my bed.

Tanktop – Hi Jack, well a huge picture of Suzie Quatro filled half of my wall and yes my favourite group Mud were there, plus a big picture of Easy Rider

Hattie – Hi Jack and Tanks well David Cassidy and the Williams twins! Wonder what happened to them then, does anyone know

Rennie – I had the FA Cup winning side of Chelsea on mine, can’t hink of anyone else maybe Lyn Paul of The New Seekers. I did have a little thing for her

Lainybins – Hmm ~ I saw Lyn Paul in Boy George’s “”Taboo”” a couple of years back. Still a fantastic voice. She sings on the CD of the stage play if I’m not mistaken.

I had Donny posters on all walls and the ceiling and when he fell out of favour it was Eric Faulkner of the Bay City Rollers. Yup, I’m that predictable.

If I had my way now I’d have Richard Hammond posters on the bedroom wall but that’s been vetoed by Mr Bins. (He just about tolerates the “”arty”” 1970’s Clint Eastwood one….) So I’ve snuck a few Hammond pics into the kitchen instead and called it the Cool Wall (The photo of me with the Hamster taking pride of place of course…ah, happy day!)

Sorry ~ I ramble yet again…

David – I had a large poster of The Sweet on my wall. They were all decked out in glitter and make up and looking very camp. I remember my 80 year-old great-grandmother taking a look and not being able to work it out at all.

Awombleforever – Well I don’t really remember what my room looked like.Strange I know but Iv’e been told it was plastered in David Cassidy pics,it would have been as I thought he was Fabulous.
Before David Cassidy I liked Elvis but the younger man won.

Goldencup – Rennie wrote:”I had the FA Cup winning side of Chelsea on mine, can’t hink of anyone else maybe Lyn Paul of The New Seekers. I did have a little thing for her”

I also had a selection of huge Chelsea posters – was a fan of Peter Bonetti for some reason. Then there was a massive Donny poster which came in about four parts (probably from Jackie) and Andy & David Williams.

Hattie – I think because of the seventies I listen to a cross range, my daughter likes Mcfly so i listen to that its like dejavu as she knows the whole of david cassidy and lots of new starters do cover songs

Awombleforever – Hi Hattie,I don’t always listen to music,I tend to overdose on it now and then.I went to see a Who tribute band on saturday and they were great.I danced all night, I really loved it. Also Friday I spent a few hours listening to you tube,the David Cassidy /Partridge family stuff.Theres some new ones on there that I hadn’t seen before.One person in paticular has so many pics of David and some unusual ones I have never seen before.

Hattie – Yes I saw tht too this afternoon was really good and footage I remembered but hadnt seen for ages is a good to see xxhattiexx

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