Coop72 – HERE’S A TOUGH ONE FOR YOU……. I’m looking for a very obscure piece of music. Calling all televison Adicts around my age or older, I’m 46 and I’m asking about an advert which was on TV around 1970-72 time. The TV Ad was for “”Panama Cigars”” Here’s how it went………….. It’s raining heavy outside the hat shop, The man goes in, from behind the counter the shop keeper offer the man a range of different hats, than man rufeses them all until the keeper offers a Panam hat then the man is happy and pulls out his cigar …
can anyone help with this obscure piece of music?
Favourite Elton John Song
Mark UK – Haven’t seen much of Elton been mentioned so I thought I’d start a thread just for him. So many good songs by him and Bernie and trying hard to decide which is my favourite. I think it goes to Funeral for a friend/Love lies bleeding such a great double track that has everything. Lindy – cant forget….candle in the wind…for marilyn monroe never knowing who to turn to when the rain set in, and I would have liked to know you, but i was just a kid,your candle burned out long before, your legend ever did. Then …
Posters/ Pin Ups
Jack Regan – Not sure what category to put this up but what posters did you have on your bedroom walls adn who were your pin up’s. I had a massive Teenage Rampage poster in Green which I found in my old trunk at my mums earlier this year. That was above me bed. I also had many of the Look In centre folds of artists and bands hanging everywhere including The Rollers, Slade and Mud. I also had a lovely picture of Debbie Harrie wearing a sparkly blue number on the wall right next to my bed. Tanktop – …
Johnny7andChadValli – Ok so here’s the thing, Remember Smokie? Remember Alan Barton? (later black lace) Well we are now doing one or two things with his son Dean, and the vocal similarities are uncanny.You may be aware that Johnny’s brother (Andy Whelan) Plays in the Alan Silson band and they are massive in Russia ect (partly why J7 and myself have’nt been around too much). They use Dean for re-hearsing the vocal harmonies over here ,as Alan now lives in Germany. Psst there may be one or two side projects come from this, but its early days yet.
TV Themes
David – Okay Guys and Gals, There were some great TV themes in the seventies – most of them were so much better than todays efforts. Here’s my top ten……. 1. The Persuaders 2. Man in a Suitcase 3. The Protectors (closing number – Tony Christie) 4. The Champions 5. Jason King 6. The Avengers (original) 7. Department S 8. Ace of Wands 9. Thunderbirds 10. The Saint (original) Some of them may be late 60s but they’re allowed in as they were on regularly in the 70s. James Blast – if anyone says Robinson Crusoe I will stab them …
Currently Listening to…
James Blast – sorry, thought I’d already started this topic was: The Pink Floyd – Meddle now: Family – Bandstand (yes the one with the 2 hits on) Rennie – Was Pink Flod – Wish you were here/Dark Side Santana – Moonflower Now Coldplay – A rush of blood to the head Tanktop – Coldplay AHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh most of todays artists with a small exception are cr……sorry that’s my opinion, that goodness we got a 70s site Hattie – Also Cold Play and Damien Rice too as well James Blast – Secret Machines – Now Here Is Nowhere, damn fine! Hattie …
Slade Mud Trextacy
Jack Regan – I can’t wait ina few hours me and Tiger feet have front row at Dunstable for a spring show. We caught the tour at Windsor at Christmas when I was feeling preety rough from a cold. Still gave it my all but tonight is going to be GGRREEAAAT. Inflateable guitar packed and even though there are no original member left in Mud, When the intro to Dynamite comes on I really lose it. There are so many great gigs coming up for an old git like me. Ace Frehley (ex Kiss guitarist ) next Friday and Saxon …
The Top Twenty
Tania – Am I right in thinking, that the new chart was broadcast on Radio 1 on a Tuesday lunchtime? I know it was always played on a Sunday evening as well, but I have a strong memory of crowds of girls trying to crowd around a tinny tranny in the playground, waiting to find out if there was a new number 1! (Out of sight of the teachers, and of course those dratted prefects, because radios were strictly forbidden)! Rennie – I’m really not sure about that Tania, I do have a vague recollection of it but somehow always …
Hattie – Well just arrived back from Birmingham, went to see 10cc (wow) was Graham Gouldman, Rick Fenn, and Paul Burgess …. with Mick Wilson as Eric and Mike Stevens as the other band member it was fantastic got us all out of our seats …… Graham added some of the songs he had written inbetween for other bands (to think he was so young in the sixties when he wrote those!!) ……….We were all blown out of our seats by Im not in Love, Dreadlock holiday and Donna, Mandy, they were just fantastic …. So if ever u get …
Group from 70’s “Child” Any memories/info
Sweetdreamer – Who has any memories of this group – I can vaguely remember the young boy – had poster on bedroom wall – very angelic looks, lots of curly long hair. Would love to find out what happened to the band. Tanktop – Hi sweetdreamer, are we talking about the 70s boy band called Child ? if so they had a few good songs like When you walk in the room, It’s only make believe and my favourite which I have recently aquired called Still the one, they were in the charts for a short time round about 1978, …