Hattie – I know Crimbo is a bit of a way off but what is your favorite …… Rennie – Got to be Greg Lake’s *I believe in father Christmas* very closely followed by Wizard’s offering.. Imp – Has to be Slade there is no other Christmas song!!! Awombleforever – I wish it could be Christmas everyday,trouble is I’b be sick of turkey James Blast – gotta be an album that reminds me… Jethro Tull – Bursting Out and Magazine – Real Life then again, I remember biting a maidens bum to the strains of Mike Oldfarts take on In …
Favorite Christmas Song ………
Favorite concert from the 70’s
RockinRodwell – I have two favorites that I can’t pick one over the other for obvious reasons. 1. Slade June 74 Ambassador Theatre in St. Louis 2. Deep Purple 72 Anaheim Convention Center CA. More about these concerts at www.rockin-rodwell.com I hope I’m allowed to put this up if not my apologies. ROCK ON !!
New Inductees to Rock Hall
RockinRodwell – Abba, Genesis, The Stooges, Jimmy Cliff and The Hollies are to be inducted in The Rock Hall March 15, in NY. You can learn about the induction process at www.Rockin-Rodwell.com
Status Quo
Glam-Rockett – Hi any Status Quo fans out there? ROCK legends Status Quo have been confirmed as part of the line-up for this year’s Rochester Castle Concerts. They will be making a triumphant return to the castle gardens, following a sell-out apperance in 2005. The Quo will be playing on Friday, July 18. Tickets are £33 and will go on sale on Wednesday, March 12 at 10am. They will be available online through at The Central and Brook Theatre box at www.castleconcerts.co.uk or by phone on 01634 338338 . Tickets can be bought in person from Medway Visitor Information Centre …
Has anyone heard of this song fragment ?
Sunshine – Hello. I stumbled onto your great site a while ago. Thought it might be a good time to finally ask this question. Is anyone familiar with this snatch of lyric? “You can run from what you want, but the miles will just make you…”???? I’ve searched different lyric sites in vain. A friend who left this earth much too soon gave me this bit of a song. He loved music from the 70’s, so I was hoping it might “ring a bell.” It might be a country song. It might even be from the 1980’s. No 80’s allowed. …
Confession Time – David Essex
David – I have a terrible confession to make……….. I find myself actually liking David Essex stuff. Now, that’s something of a confession for a bloke to make – imagine if I’d said that at school in the 70s – I’d probably have got my head kicked in! But, think about it……… Lamplight Rock on (one of the best base-lines ever) America (Ameri ca ca ca ca ca ah ha ha…..) Stardust Hold Me Close Rolling Stone Gonna Make You a Star I know he went a bit naff in the 80s, but his 70s output was actually very good. …
Help with song Lyrics
Soulsister – HELP! Can anyone help me with a song i have liked from childhood but cant remember what its called or who its by:The beginning of the Lyrics went- Shiney,shiney,shiney shoes of leather-thats it i cant remember anymore, I think it may have been by the Doors?? Strange song, kind of hippyish, late 60’s early 70’s. I heard it a few years back on an advert,for a car-its so frustrating!! Can any of you music buffs out there help me?? Coop72 – Hi Soul sister…….. Had you been watching all of the seven ages of rock BBC prog’s you’d …
Posters on Walls
Hattie – mine were of course dc ………..also williams twins ………. what did u have ??? James Blast – Yes, Genesis, Roger Dean art, Curved Air, Mott The Hoople, The Pink Floyd, Roxy Music, Strawbs, ELP, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Aerosmith, Uriah Heep. I’dve had loadsa King Crimson too, if I coulda found any Tanktop – And I found a poster in Another brick in the wall, James it is my duty to arrest you James Blast – I think you’re getting better slowly Goldencup – My bedroom walls were completely covered in posters, mostly from ‘Popster’ which was a …
Off the wall
Rennie – Hi guys n gals I was just thinking it was time we had confessions of a silly nature and fessed up to the tracks that deep down you really liked but would never ever have admitted to. I don’t care as I have no image to keep up so I’ll go first. Pipkins – Gimme Dat Ding Lawnroctracy – hey rennie is that a little dig at me for mentioning the wurzels lol blackbird i,ll have e was another good embarrassing track my image has been shattered now i have lots of tracks that i could confess to …
From Vinyl To CD
Johnny7andChadValli – Hi All, Just getting my head around my KAM BDX 900 USB TURNTABLE which converts vinyl to mp3/wav files so you can then burn them to cd etc. I still have the Steinburg system for noise filtering but its a bit long winded to set up and use. Anyone who has a real desire to save their collection onto cd should give this some consideration ( or drop me a line via private message and maybe i could help out) CHAD Rennie – ive got mine to set up, had it out the box but need to set …