Duncan’s Walnut Whips (Rowntrees)
Best to remember these now, as they have gotten so stupidly small that they will be extinct soon in the next following years. Now back in the 70’s these volcano shaped chocolate whirls with a Walnut on top were great, and they seemed twice as big too. I love chocolate, I love Walnut and I loved the soft sweet goo, or fondant as it really was known that was waiting inside the chocolate wall.
Many people say that the 70’s had the Walnut Whip having two Walnuts, one on the top and one inside, am not sure if I can recall that, but it certainly is not true now.
I also have a vague memory that the TV commercial had the whip as a volcano, but after that my memory goes blank. But I remember they were individually wrapped in blue and brown wrappings, and sometimes you could get them in a small box too.
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