Now way back in 1905, this super product was launched, and throughout the wars and Depression it was the most popular chocolate, so by the time we reached the 1970’s it was really a mainstream product for us kids. The best chocolate ever, in my humble opinion of course.
The advertising from the 60’s that was kept in the 1970’s ad had huge stars like Cilla Black telling us that a “Pint and a half of milk” goes into every chocolate bar. Now how true that was we cannot say, but it was certainly memorable, as this was the time that school milk was so important too.
Now I always had bad teeth, so I really did not enjoy my Cadbury’s Milk Chocolate hard from the fridge, I prefer it to be warm but not dripping. How about you?
Another advertising presentation in the 1970’s.
“In the supersonic, scientific, psychadelic ’seventies
Isn’t it nice to know …There’s still the same great taste
Of Cadburys Dairy Milk Chocolate as it used to be,
Chocolate as it always will be! Cadbury’s Dairy Milk.”
Another 70’s way of advertising the Cadbury’s Dairy Milk was this one.
“One chunk (leads to another),One chunk (one chunk),
Just a glass and a half in every half-pound,One chunk (one chunk) leads to another.”
The product was a worldwide hit and in Australia it was made a little creamier than in some other territories, but it never seems to lose it’s place in the public’s heart. We had Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate throughout the 70’s, and we still give it to our grandchildren. Oh dear, I said grandchildren, are we really that old?
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