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Sindy and Patch

Awombleforever – Well ,we were very poor when I was young so I don’t remember having a sindy doll but I do remember getting patch her little sister one xmas.I had a puppy at the time though and guess what happened,yes you guessed ,he chewed her hands off ,I went mad at him poor dog but I was so upset. If I remember rightly she had blue denim dungarees or jeans with a red gingham shirt on and short dark hair,very tomboyish .

Slayed – Hi Wombleforever
I only had 2 Sindy dolls in the early-mid 60s – I never knew about Patch and Paul until it was too late and I was deemed too old to play with dolls, but I have truly made up for that in the last year!!
I now have two 60s Sindys, two Patches, one 60s Paul and loads of 70s and even 80s Sindys!!
I have some pics I can share with you of my Pedigree lot if you’d like. Luv Anita xxx”

Awombleforever – Hi Anita,that could be cool ,not sure whether you could post on this site ,or I can give you my email address in a PM.Thanks.

Slayed -Hi Womble
PM me your Email Addy and I’ll post you some pics there to save Forum space!! We can just chat about the dolls here perhaps!! Luv Anita XXX”

Lainybins – My Sindy was the one with blue/grey denim jeans and a red, white and blue horizontal stripey top. My grandmother used to knit and crochet her all the latest fashions so she was quite a trend-setter in her day. One Christmas I was given a Sindy horse ~ my pride and joy! I used to fill the nose-bag with pearl barley and, because the horse had an open mouth and was completely hollow, every so often I had to shake the pearl barley out. Sindy horse eventually broke a leg and my older brother said we would have to shoot it. But thankfully Dad got the Araldite out and all was well. Phew!

Rennie – *laughing* It could still do dressage I suppose.”

Lainybins – Strangely, for a toy I loved so much, I can’t recall what happened to Sindy horse (yes, I’ve looked under the bed and he ain’t there !). He probably ended up in a tin of Pedigree Chum…

Glittergal – I had a Sindy doll, a Lovely Lively one, with lovely brunette hair

Glam-Rockette – I had a Tressy doll and her hair grew – anyone else have one?

Soulsister – Yes i had a Tressy, got her at christmas and was really impressed with her hair that pulled out of the middle of her head,when you pressed a button on her tummy! Although she soon lost the ability to take it back again!

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