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Dave – The coolest bikes ever invented, i used to have a blue one with a big number 1 on the front

Rennie – you were lucky mate, never had one Mumgee….WHERE’S ME BLEEDIN’ CHOPPER!!!!!!!!!! ”

Brains – Just seen a chopper for sale at £950

Rennie – Oh my God, can’t afford that
I know that Mumgee has one is perfect nick and if she see that post I’ll never get it!!!

Nix – Yesterday I was out walking with my son and saw a little girl we know sitting on what looked a heck of a lot like a chopper. She must have saw my curious look, misread it, and said defensively, It’s not mine–it’s my brother’s. I suppose she thought I was wondering what she was doing on a boys bike.
It was silver, with the requisite black banana seat. I thought, That thing cannot be new. So I asked the kid and she said it was, still wearing that why do I gotta ride a cow when all the other girls get to ride ponies look on her face.
So, maybe?

Hattie – I never was allowed a bike never mind a chopper ……. she should count her blessings me thinks !! I always used to borrow friends bikes …. so can ride one ….just never owned one either ……..only the stupid three wheeler i mentioned early on

Awombleforever – I went to a party in the early 70s, had my first proper snog to I love you love ,got a bit tiddly on cider and the boy walked me part way home straddling his chopper What a memory.

Rennie – Ahhh that is soooo sweet. What a lovely memory. Trying to remember my first proper snog.
Ahh I was going on a double date but my mate never showed up so I ended up going out with both girls. We went roller skating which was a fun thing to do especially when I kept falling over. Got a bit awkward when it came to saying goodnight as the other girl was still there saying how nice the weather was for the time of year!!

Hattie – Mine was at a school disco, sad still remember the date too, 24th October, cant remember the year though… used to have school discos once a term back then, they were the highlight of the school term…….we all used to get dressed up,have a good three step dance and then when the slow dance came on the floor would clear……

Karen – Hiya Hattie – just before Christmas our gym class turned into a dance class – oh the horror – girls AND boys together in the gym!!!!! With sweaty palms and red faces we’d all ‘practice’ the teddy bears waltz, and other crazy dances…….

Glittergal – Always wanted one, never had one!

Soulsister – I had to laugh Hattie-cos i was the owner of a three wheeler[Tricycle], with a big tin carrier on the back!!! My mum was too scared for me to have a bike! And any boys who later on had Choppers ……well..ultracool dudes!!! Some of our male mates had big bikes with high butterfly bars-can anyone remember them??

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Forum Archives

I started building Escape in 2005 and in it’s early form I had the pleasure of a great 70s community. Sadly with Escape’s new design we couldn’t incorporate the old threads into the new forum but so we don’t lose all those magical old chats we’ve collected them all here for you to go back and read.

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