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Cereal Packet Toys

Johnny7and ChadValli – Who remembers some of the great little toys we used to get from cereal packets. My favourites were the Crater Critters and I can’t remember which cereal packets we got them from in this country but I found an amazing site that traced them to Australia along with other cereal packet toys and you can still buy them today, although quite expensive.

Awombleforever – Hi Johnny7 you have got a better memory than me ,Iv’e forgotton most things like that.I think people with good memories are lucky to be able to recall things in such detail.I have a very selective memory but some things Iv’e forgotton still come back to me with a little help from others.

Johnny7and ChadValli – I remember the submarine which you used to put baking soda in to make it rise and fall, and the little walking people which had a fine thread attached to make them walk along

Rennie – I used to have one of those submarines, used to play with it in the bath along with my Thunderbird 4!!

Sparky – “Rennie wrote: I used to have one of those submarines, used to play with it in the bath along with my Thunderbird 4!!”
Not the ones that used bicarb of soda to make them rise and fall?

Rennie – well not sure, it used a tablet which fizzed it up . Of course when it didn’t work T4 used to come to the rescue.

Lainybins – My younger sister has the whole set of Magic Roundabout figures that came free with Rice Crispies (or was it Ricicles, which were twicicles and nicicles?). It used to drive my Mum insane that we’d urge her to buy the cereals, saying how much we loved them, but once we’d extracted the toy we lost all interest in the food.

Glittergal – OMG, I remember I loved the Magic Roundabout, when I was 7 in 1970, and they had the characters in some cereal packs , my Favourite character was Zebedee, and my favourite colour back then was green, so imagine my joy when I got a green Zebedee!!!

Goldencup – I remember I ended up with about six Florences and never got a Dougal! Sets of those little plastic figures have changed hands for ridiculous sums of money on ebay.

Jack Regan – I think Coco pops used to give away spinning tops with Sooty Show characters.
I can remember getting a Sooty spinning top and some friends of my grans came round and their kids nicked it from me. I cried my eyes out. i was only 5 but I had waited ages to get a Sooty.

Whilst we are on the subject of Sooty my fave characters were always Sweep and Ramsbottom the snake.”

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