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Hattie – I remember having this pair of sandels closed in at front high and wedged
In White, Orange and Pale bright Blue… wow i felt good in them. It was 1976 … I also remember going to Curtess shoes and getting black and brown wedges they had at least a 4 inch platform
My Mum was horrified she used to take me to Clarkes in the younger days of my life

LlawnrocTracy – i remember my gran taking me to finns shoe factory in penzance cornwall when it was time to get my new school shoes,i used to beg her for the nice shiny black patent ones but she insisted on awful brown lace up ones saying the others wasent practical,god i hated them shoes and dreamt of the nice patent ones which all my friends had but in those days you did as your told lol how hard done by though i felt

Hattie – I was too omg that wasnt easy my mum had a fit at me

Jack Regan – I can remember being really envious of a boy called Ian Porter at junior school as he had a pair of stack heels and my mum always bought my shoes from Clarks. I did get to borrow them as I played a rock star in a school play.
However when I went into high school my dad bought me a pair of junior doctor martens at Christmas they were cherry colour amd thought I was a real man. Fortuneately it wasn’t too long before I grew into adult ones and wore DM’s for the rest of school life.
Curtess shoes, I can remember taking a girlfriend there once and bought some very sexy red stilletoes. Who remembers Freedam hardy and Willis? Wedges have been quite popular in the last 2 years.

Hattie – Remember Freedman Hardy too Jack…. Do you remember blakeys too!They went down well on Lino and school polished floors too…Bet the School caretaker hated them!

Awombleforever – Hi all ,just found this pic of my daughter wearing my flares from the early 70s.
She was at a talent competition in cornwall and she was about 11 at the time. Think I was 12-13 ish when I wore them in the 70s,I was very tiny then,oh how things change. I also have a waistcoat to match,have still got that too but she wouldn’t wear that. Wish they still fitted me. To be honest they are actually let out to fit my daughter as she has hips ,which is something I never had ,like a boy I was ,from the waist down.

AlleyCatPink – OOOOOoooooo very nice

Rennie – oh well cool maybe they will fit me? Flambards??? Thats Helston isn’t it?

Awombleforever – Yes Rennie Flambards is in Helston.It was a finales week for junior talent.My daughter great at HOOLA HOOPING.a NATURAL at it Have you ever tried it Rennie? Or anyone else for that matter.
Its not as easy as it looks

Rennie – I used to be able to keep it going for while when I was a kid, not sure I could get one round me now!!

James Blast – They are some serious “Dan Dare’s”!

Hattie – They are fab Womble gosh mine were not like that atall! Boring spings to mind lol ”

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I started building Escape in 2005 and in it’s early form I had the pleasure of a great 70s community. Sadly with Escape’s new design we couldn’t incorporate the old threads into the new forum but so we don’t lose all those magical old chats we’ve collected them all here for you to go back and read.

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