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Good and bad memories of songs

Lawnroctracy – most people in their lives can relate to a certain song which they can remember at a certain time in their lives wether its a good or bad memory, my era was more the eighties but on saying that when i was young i can always remember brown girl in the ring and chirpy chirpy cheep cheep as kids we hated brown girl in the ring as my father always made his own version up when it was bedtime my brothers and i hated it as we knew it was bedtime,but loved chirpy chirpy cheep cheep and used to dance around to it,my eighties songs are alot as alot of them remind me of my wild youth,but cutting crew i just died in your arms tonight always reminds me of youth club and being dumped sniff sniff,has anyone got a song they relate to good or bad

Rennie – good thread Tracy
I have so many memories of songs but a couple that really bring them back are:

If you leave me now – Chicago , Xmas up in Burnley 1976 seeing my best friend whom I hadn’t seen for years.
Don’t go breaking my heart – Elton & Kiki
That really hot summer of ’76 and a holiday down in Looe, Cornwall

Lainybins – “In the Summertime”” by Mungo Jerry transports me to a holiday in the far north of Scotland where me and little sister used to roam about all day on our own (neither of us yet in our teens at this point) and no one worrried where we were or that we would come to any harm.

“Lady Eleanor” by Lindisfarne ~ my sister’s copy of which I took to school and it got horribly scratched *oops*

“Silver Machine” by Hawkwind ~ older brother coming home from boarding school having seen the band play and me and l’il sis proudly wearing the badges even though we had no idea of the band or their music at the time!

“Tiger Feet” by Mud and I’m at the Sutton Veny disco with my first real boyfriend Andrew who would write me love notes on staved pages torn from his music book.

“Aiport” by The Motors and I’m being ripped away from my family and friends (and my then boyfriend John) to accompany my Dad on a two year posting to New Zealand.

“Substitute” by Clout after being cheated on ~ again.

Yeah ~ music is a very powerful memory tool *sniff*.

Awombleforever – Nobody’s Child, Karen Young
Sung by my Sister always made me a bit sad and weepy,love it though.
Tell Laura I love her, another 1 of my sisters faves.
It was a Night by Elvis played on 78 rpm by me and a friend in London, from her mum and dads collection,we used to giggle and laugh untill we wet ourselves.
Oh that reminds me Ernie the fastest milkman in the West ,recorded it on an old reel to reel with my friend trying not to laugh but what do you expect from 2 11 year old girls.
I am a Clown David Cassisy ,had just bought the Album Cherish ,the first time I heard that song I cried.
Too many more songs and memories I could have a list as long as my arm,or even longer as my arms are short

Sparky – Lainybins wrote:”Substitute” by Clout
I once met a group of young “ladies” from Sheffield that had a rather rude version of that one! Thanks for bringing back the memories!”

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