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If you went to a Seventies Party what would you wear?

Hattie – Was thinking that at the weekend, what would u wear to go to a party Seventies style, after all the seventies was our era

Tanktop – In my youth club days it was striped trousers, black n white shoes, make things easy did you ever see mud sing crazy in 73, they dressed in gatsby type outfits, well I came close. Now a party it would be my blue n white squared trousers, TANKY TOP, big collered shirt colours galore…OOh Heck I’m time travelling again

Hattie – Sounds really good Tanks, I forgot bout the Gatsby outfits…….Mine would be long skirt, big collared shirt with huge cuffs, and a tank top too, think that platforms r back in so they would be easy to get hold of too

Awombleforever – I remember wearing my school made,full length maxi skirt complete with frill,white with yellow polka dots and a yellow silky cross over top borrowed from a friend,cork wedges,multi coloured.Iv’e still got the skirt,it dosn’t fit me though,it fits my 13 year old daughter.I had a pic with me in that outfit but havn’t found it yet.The usual story,it’s gone missing
Hattie I still have one of mine Womble, lol, its still in my wardrobe too… although was later seventies got it from the market at whitecross street in london was £3.99……… wore it under an outfit last new year it has layers underneath so was excellent to make skirt fuller

Goldencup – I went to a 70s party last summer and I wore a pair of brown trousers with bright orange inserts to make them into flairs, a shirt with a large pointy collar, a hideous tank top and a dodgy brown and orange scarf. It all came from a charity shop and I dumped it immediately after the party. Now I’m regretting it as it would have done for Butlins!

Glittergal – I would wear flares, a cheesecloth shirt and wedges and I would wear bright blue eyehadow and lipgloss and have my hair all flicky

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