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Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Nix – What a piece of s***. But my friend Amy had this thing for the Bee Gees and my friend Annie had this thing for Peter Frampton (going in) and then a thing for Steven Tyler (coming out), so I saw the film about 50 times over the summer because I had a thing for peer pressure.

That said, it’s the one film I completely associate with my youth (I was about 12 at the time). It’s total garbage, but if I happen to catch it on (like say some channel has to run it after losing a bet) I’ll be there, watching. Transfixed. And, a little horrified.

Hattie – Always admired the Beatles for their songs, but sadly only watched that film prob once maybe it was shown with more popularity with you there but here we sorta didnt see it that much odd that as are such a brill group… mine here has to be bee gees( sat night fever film) is interesting to see that it maybe did better in the states……… cool film when i did see it

Nix – I don’t recall it being popular with the general public, beyond my two friends loving it, or loving people who were in it (I can’t imagine they truly loved it, though they said they did at the time). I was old enough to know the critics hated it, and I was already into music enough to know a great sacrilege had taken place.

I do remember feeling sort of embarrassed for the performers. Like, if they didn’t have the sense to feel bad about what they were doing, then I would.

James Blast – dreadful movie but one of the most bizarre cast lists I’ve ever seen
Peter Frampton …. Billy Shears
Barry Gibb …. Mark Henderson
Robin Gibb …. Dave Henderson
Maurice Gibb …. Bob Henderson
Frankie Howerd …. Mr. Mustard
Paul Nicholas …. Dougie Shears
Donald Pleasence …. B.D. Hoffler
Sandy Farina …. Strawberry Fields
Dianne Steinberg …. Lucy
Steve Martin …. Dr. Maxwell Edison
Aerosmith …. Future Villain Band (FVB)
Earth Wind and Fire …. Themselves
Alice Cooper …. Marvin Sunk (the ‘Sun King’)
Billy Preston …. Sergeant Pepper
Stargard …. The Diamonds
George Burns …. Mr. Kite
Carel Struycken …. The Brute
Patti Jerome …. Saralinda Shears
Max Showalter …. Ernest Shears
John Wheeler …. Mr. Fields
Jay W. MacIntosh …. Mrs. Fields
Eleanor Zee …. Mrs. Henderson
Scott Manners …. Young Sergeant Pepper
Stanley Coles …. Young Lonely Hearts Club Band
Stanley Sheldon …. Young Lonely Hearts Club Band
Bob Mayo …. Young Lonely Hearts Club Band
Woody Chambliss …. Old Sergeant Pepper (as Woodrow Chambliss)
Hank Worden …. Old Lonely Hearts Club Band
Morgan Farley …. Old Lonely Hearts Club Band
Delos V. Smith Jr. …. Old Lonely Hearts Club Band (as Delos V. Smith)
Patrick Cranshaw …. Western Union Manager (as Pat Cranshaw)
Terri Lynn Wood …. Bonnie (as Teri Lynn Wood)
Tracy Justrich …. Tippy
Anna Rodzianko …. The Computerettes/Dancer
Rosa Aragon …. The Computerettes/Dancer (as Rose Aragon)
Peter Allen …. Our Guests at Heartland
Keith Allison …. Our Guests at Heartland
George Benson …. Our Guests at Heartland
Keith Carradine …. Our Guests at Heartland
Carol Channing …. Our Guests at Heartland
Charlotte …. Our Guests at Heartland
Sharon …. Our Guests at Heartland
Ula …. Our Guests at Heartland
Jim Dandy …. Our Guests at Heartland
Sarah Dash …. Our Guests at Heartland
Rick Derringer …. Our Guests at Heartland
Barbara Dickson …. Our Guests at Heartland
Donovan …. Our Guests at Heartland
Randy Edelman …. Our Guests at Heartland
Yvonne Elliman …. Our Guests at Heartland
José Feliciano …. Our Guests at Heartland
Leif Garrett …. Our Guests at Heartland
Geraldine Granger …. Our Guests at Heartland
Adrian Gurvitz …. Our Guests at Heartland
Billy Harper …. Our Guests at Heartland
Eddie Harris …. Our Guests at Heartland
Heart …. Our Guests at Heartland
Nona Hendryx …. Our Guests at Heartland
Barry Humphries …. Our Guests at Heartland – Dame Edna Everage
Etta James …. Our Guests at Heartland
Dr. John …. Our Guests at Heartland
Bruce Johnston …. Our Guests at Heartland
Joe Lala …. Our Guests at Heartland
D.C. LaRue …. Our Guests at Heartland
Jo Leb …. Our Guests at Heartland
Marcella Detroit …. Our Guests at Heartland (as Marcy Levy)
Mark Lindsay …. Our Guests at Heartland
Nils Lofgren …. Our Guests at Heartland
Jackie Lomax …. Our Guests at Heartland
John Mayall …. Our Guests at Heartland
Curtis Mayfield …. Our Guests at Heartland
‘Cousin Brucie’ Morrow …. Our Guests at Heartland (as Cousin Bruce Morrow)
Peter Noone …. Our Guests at Heartland
Alan O’Day …. Our Guest at Heartland
Lee Oskar …. Our Guests at Heartland
The Paley Brothers …. Our Guests at Heartland (as The Paley Brothers)
Robert Palmer …. Our Guests at Heartland
Wilson Pickett …. Our Guests at Heartland
Anita Pointer …. Our Guests at Heartland
Bonnie Raitt …. Our Guests at Heartland
Helen Reddy …. Our Guests at Heartland
Minnie Riperton …. Our Guests at Heartland
Chita Rivera …. Our Guests at Heartland
Johnny Rivers …. Our Guests at Heartland
Monti Rock III …. Our Guests at Heartland (as Monte Rock III)
Danielle Rowe …. Our Guests at Heartland
Sha-Na-Na …. Our Guests at Heartland
Del Shannon …. Our Guests at Heartland
Joe Simon …. Our Guests at Heartland
Jim Seals …. Our Guests at Heartland (as Seals)
Dash Crofts …. Our Guests at Heartland (as Crofts)
Connie Stevens …. Our Guests at Heartland
John Stewart …. Our Guests at Heartland
Tina Turner …. Our Guests at Heartland
Frankie Valli …. Our Guests at Heartland
Gwen Verdon …. Our Guests at Heartland
Diane Vincent …. Our Guests at Heartland
Grover Washington Jr. …. Our Guests at Heartland
Hank Williams Jr. …. Our Guests at Heartland
Johnny Winter …. Our Guests at Heartland
Wolfman Jack …. Our Guests at Heartland
Bobby Womack …. Our Guests at Heartland
Alan White …. Our Guests at Heartland
Lenny White …. Our Guests at Heartland
Gary Wright …. Our Guests at Heartland
Barbi Alison …. Dancer
Helena Andreyko …. Dancer
Jennifer Buchanan …. Dancer
Leonard Connor …. Dancer
Sheryl Cooper …. Dancer
Carol Culver …. Dancer
Dennis Daniels …. Dancer
Tom Demenkoff …. Dancer
Cindy DeVore …. Dancer
Lionel Douglas …. Dancer
Larry Dusich …. Dancer
Deborah Fishman …. Dancer
John Robert Garrett …. Dancer
Ken Grant …. Dancer
Sandra Gray …. Dancer
Mary Ann Hay …. Dancer
Mimi Lieber …. Dancer
Ben Lokey …. Dancer
Kim Miyori …. Dancer
Sean Moran …. Dancer
JoAnn O’Rourke …. Dancer
Melinda Phelps …. Dancer
Kathy Pickle …. Dancer
Greg Rosatti …. Dancer
Andy Roth …. Dancer
Lou Spadaccini …. Dancer
Dennis Stewart …. Dancer
Judy Susman …. Dancer
Andy Tennant …. Dancer
Lulu Washington …. Dancer
Richard Weisman …. Dancer
Antoinette Yuskis …. Dancer
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Scott McKinley …. Soldier (uncredited)
Velvet Rhodes …. Reporter (uncredited)
Carolyn Stellar …. Our Guests At Heartland (uncredited)
Al Stewart …. Our Guests at Heartland (uncredited)

Hattie – WOW James
If that is correct it is fairly impressive maps tv film music and theatre all out for the next so many years after

Nix – One can only assume the “guests at Heartland” bit is testimony to the power of the sentence, “There’ll be coke”.

James Blast – Heartland means something entirely different to me

Lainybins – Some of the cover versions of the Beatles songs weren’t bad (apart from “Fixing A Hole” which was truly dreadful). I had the double album and accompanying poster for years but sadly can’t seem to find them now. I can’t believe I got rid of the records, hoarder of clutter that I am!

James Blast – Aerosmith’s Come Together is killer!

Awombleforever – I recently picked up the album of this, don’t remember playing it,I’ll have to dig it out one day and have a listen.

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