Diary of a Lovesick Teenager Header Image

Tuesday, 22nd June 1976

Mum took me work at 9am. Neil Mort came at noon. Went for dinner at 12.30 at Co-op café then went for a walk round town till 1.30. Did very little all day it was very boring. Walked home, popped in at nans on way home. The fair was here when I got back. Messed about in garden at night. Phil Moores came at night. Phoned Joanne up at night to tell her we haven’t any of them shoes that she wanted so don’t come in tomorrow night (coz Neil told me she was), told her mum.

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Diary of a Lovesick Teenager

Because this is a diary, it was written at the time and at no point are there any exaggerations, lies or anything that may be misleading, it is written with an honest, if naive hand due to the tender age of it’s author. It can be described as funny, a little sad in parts and reflects my thoughts at the time, but most of all it is an honest document that I hope above all will entertain and amuse.

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