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Diary Entries for : May 1976

Saturday, 1st May 1976

Went nans in morning. Watched Man UTD get beat 1-0 against Southampton in FA cup final in afternoon. Bernie and Howard came at night went Manchester Airport watching planes in Bernie’s car. After got some chips and went in Tayle’s till about 10.30.

Sunday, 2nd May 1976

Revised in morning. Stayed in in afternoon watched tele. Mum and dad went out at night. I stayed in on my own, went bed before they came back.

Monday, 3rd May 1976

Had Geog paper 1 in afternoon. It was easier than I thought it was. Finished school early revised a bit at night. Got the maths paper that will make me or break me, the dreaded maths 2 tomorrow.

Tuesday, 4th May 1976

Had maths paper 2 in morning, it was hard. Had Geography paper 2, and that was easy. Not seen anything of Catherine. Went home from school early now exams have started so don’t see them at home time anymore. Not that she cares but I do.

Wednesday, 5th May 1976

Had Chemistry exam in morning. Did no lessons in afternoon. Went nans at night on way back saw Cathy and co outside the Stocks with these lads. I was dead sick. They went in shop and I walked in, they said, Here’s Gary, I went very red.

Thursday, 6th May 1976

Had no exams did no lessons today, stayed at school all day doing nothing. Seen a girl better than Catherine, she’s taking my mind off her. Cut hedge outside our house at night.

Friday, 7th May 1976

Had no exams today, very hot day. Did no lesson at all. Nearly had to go Vicky Park doing discus and running but had Guardians, couldn’t go. Walked home with some 3rd year girls*. We were on the toes of the Fab Four. I should have asked her about Cath but didn’t think of it at the time. She’s my link from now on. * Cath Dodds and Shirley Coulson

Saturday, 8th May 1976

Went town in morning got some oil painting board. Went nans for dinner. Dad took me home. Started a painting of a face and finished it. It’s not up to my usual standard, so it’s a failure even though it’s good, but second class genius’s don’t like to fail. Never went out at night.

Sunday, 9th May 1976

Stayed in all day very boring. Did that oil painting in morning. Mum and dad went out at night. In on my own, very boring.

Monday, 10th May 1976

Had maths paper 3 all morning. Did hardly anything in afternoon. Gordon came went disco it was crowded. Very boring one, I wonder why Cathy never goes, she’s never been yet. That other girl’s had her hair cut could hardly recognise her, she never went disco either.

Diary of a Lovesick Teenager

Because this is a diary, it was written at the time and at no point are there any exaggerations, lies or anything that may be misleading, it is written with an honest, if naive hand due to the tender age of it’s author. It can be described as funny, a little sad in parts and reflects my thoughts at the time, but most of all it is an honest document that I hope above all will entertain and amuse.

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