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It’s Time to get Fresh in the Shops

By Mary Collins and Sue Freeman

The packet of shredded suet looked good enough. It was to have been part of a bread pudding…. Until the shreds started shrugging around. Out went the whole lot, maggots and all. Just one more case of uneatable rubbish being sold instead of food.

Another of the horror stories from the stores.

Now a Public Health inspector has found out what every housewife has to put up with in too many supermarkets and shops. But whereas she is too busy with other household affairs to send the goods back to the manufacturers, he has been able to compile a report. And he found that 22 out of 32 food shops in his town were selling goods more fit for the dustbin than the table!! He was able to go through his purchases and he found no fewer than 240 packets of stale cakes hiding under there bright shiny wrappers.


But the housewife Is buying for the family not researching for the nation and she cannot see why every manufacturer should not follow the system of date stamps as used for example on vacuum packed bacon packages.

The secret code system that manufacturers apply for their own eyes only sometimes even beats the experts. We cannot tell whether the food is fresh and safe for a family to eat until it is unpacked said a spokesman for the 5,500 strong association of Public Health Inspectors “And then unless it smells obviously mouldy. We won’t know until the whole family has gone down with stomach upsets.”

Upsets and that can mean fatal food poisoning in the case of old people and serious illness for children can be avoided when the food is obviously bad. And of course the manufacturers will refund your money when you complain …

But why should we have to waste time asking for refunds on top of the hours spent in queues to buy the products? Why should stretching out the house keeping money be turned into a Russian roulette of the kitchen?

The food manufacturers claim that date labelling would simply send the food prices rocketing by 40 per cent.

They claim that housewives would always choose the freshest and therefore masses of perfectly good food would soon be out of date and wasted. Walls,the sausage and pie makers claim “If a pie was kept in a modern supermarket it would remain fresh for a number of days, but not if it was put in a shop window under the sun.”

“So as we have no control over what shops do with our food, how can we date label any, except those which are vacuum packed and stay fresh until opened?”

But aren’t food manufacturers crediting the housewife with too little shopping sense? Of course she wants, and has a right to the freshest food, but that doesn’t mean that she won’t take the manufacturers word and happily buy within the date limit, without searching only for the item that was packed the day before. And she is hardly likely to put the blame on a manufacturer if she finds her local grocery shop keeping food in conditions where it couldn’t possibly last.

Rosemary McRobert of the consumers association said “food manufacturers have a grandfatherly attitude towards housewives by which they believe that there is certain information they should not be trusted with, “but we believe that the housewife has the right to date labelling of all food. It’s not fair to put all the responsibility on the retailer especially when he often has no way of knowing himself that packaged food is fresh.”


A government committee now looking into date labelling of foodstuffs  expects to be pondering the question for another year. Then it could take two or three more years before any change in law came into effect.

Does the housewife have to wait that long for a fair deal???

Why Wilson Button Holed Fred

Written by Colin Pratt

Mr Harold Wilson was only trying to be discreet when he told fellow Yorkshire man Fred Hewitt to “button up” it seems But Fred thought the labour leader meant “shut up”

Yesterday the labour party was at great pains to explain that Mr Wilson really was trying to save 68-year old Fred acute embarrassment. It happened when Mr Hewitt,an insurance broker,from Kippax,near Leeds,got off a plane at London airport with Mr Wilson.

As photographers and sightseers rushed up, jovial Fred said: “Harold these chaps are waiting to talk to me not you” And as he wrote, in a letter in yesterday’s Daily Express: “Imagine my surprise when he came out with ‘button up.’

Last night the labour party’s international secretary Mr Tom McNally said Fred had totally misunderstood a man to man attempt at a cover up job. “Mr Wilson took his remark as the joke it was obviously meant to be and in like good humour advised him to button up …… A helpful suggestion that Mr Hewitt should rearrange his apparel before facing his public.”

Last night Fred replied “if I was a bit exposed the laugh is on me.”

Concorde Threat

With the world showing increasing interest in Concorde,the men at Bristol who build it stop work.
Rolls-Royce workers,making the Olympus engines,stage a lightning walk-out in support of a pay claim.
Bristol Aircraft Corporation workers join them over a redundancy row.

What utter folly !!!! This great new aircraft needs all the support it can get at the present crucial stage of trying to win orders from the worlds airlines.

Industrial disputes now can only jeopardise what is a world beater and threaten the livelihood of thousands of aircraft workers.

The plane workers of Bristol must waken to the fact that they are in a highly competitive industry which cannot afford irresponsible stoppages.

Chips,Yes but no Fish in Snooty Henley

By Declan Cunningham

At Henley-on-Thames, the home of the Royal Regatta,they are holding out against another great British institution … fish and chips. And last night the local council was accused of “Snobbery” in a row over a ban on the sale of fish at the town’s main street chip shop.

Customers at the shop in Hart Street can buy chicken and chips, pies and chips, and even battered sausage and chips,but never fish and chips.

Councillor Albert Spiers who runs the shop with his wife and son, has appealed to the Ministry of Housing and Local Government because the council refuses to let him fry fish.


His son Graham said; “It really is ridiculous and I am sure snobbery is behind it. “It seems that the street is too high-class for fish and chips. We are surrounded by antique shops and expensive restaurants.”

A spokesman for the town council of which Councillor Spiers is a member said “Snobbery is too strong a word. It is felt that a fish and chip shop is not appropriate for a place like Hart Street.”

The Woman with 240 Empties in her Backyard!

Poor Mrs Beryl Mepham could hardly move for empty bottles.
There they were-at least 240 of them waiting to be collected from her backyard.
And all because of a successful takeover bid.

Until a year ago the empties from her confectionary and tobacco shop in ferry road, Shoreham, were collected regularly by R White and Sons Ltd., a Brighton firm in Eastern Road,which had supplied all her soft drinks.

“Then they were taken over by the Whitbread group “explained Mrs Mepham”. And since then no one has been to collect the bottles. Now there’s such a large pile I can’t clear the yard. I’m also owed 3d on each bottle,”
Though she now buys her drink from another firm, the bottles are all stamped “R White.” Despite repeated appeals from Mrs Mepham, nobody ever arrived to take them away.

A Whitbread spokesman was quick to give Action Lines mobile unit an assurance that the bottles would be collected. “Leave the Matter to me.” he said “I’ll send a lorry round in the next few days, and of course, she’ll get her money back.

Sex may lure out ‘Nessie’


Watch it Nessie !! They’re trying to lure you out of the loch’s depths -with sex.

Four Americans think its the only way to get the Loch Ness monster out of that lair
The four, led by Mr Robert Rines, president of the Academy of Aplied Science in Belmont,Massachusetts,plan to use a mixture of sex and sonar devices.

The group will drop into the water of the loch the “sex essences’ of eels,sea cows,sea lions and other mammals and fish that might be related to Nessie.

Chaos hits Jordan

Report by Arthur Chesworth: Amman

Jordan is moving perilously close to civil war. Plans are ready for the evacuation of Britons.
Fierce new fighting exploded today when King Hussein’s army moved against the Arab guerrillas here in Amman and in the northern town of Irbid.

I am typing this report sitting on the marble floor of the Intercontinental Hotel, my back against the wall. This hotel is on a hill over looking the fighting in Amman.
The building is being shaken by explosions of heavy artillery shells and mortar bombs.

“The Snipers”

Movement outside is impossible,  the hotel is under constant sniper fire. All guests have been ushered down to the air raid shelter. Among them are mothers and children released by the Arab guerrillas from the Trans World and Swissair jets they hold in the desert.

The post office was attacked by guerrillas in the centre of the old city then they blasted away with mortars at army strongholds.

With Jordan on the brink of civil war Amman radio broadcast orders by army chief General Haditha and guerrilla chief Yasser Arafat. They directed their men to stop firing.
The fighting eased, but at nightfall sporadic automatic fire and rocket explosions could still be heard.

General Haditha is known to be sympathetic to the guerrillas , in his radio statement he said he had been entrusted with “full responsibility” by King Hussein.

Syria: Travellers from Jordan reaching the Syrian border town of Dera’a said Amman looked “as if it was burning”

“The Victims”

The travellers said that when they drove through the north Jordan town of Irbid guerrillas showed them the bodies of seven of their men killed and,it was alleged, beheaded by the soldiers.

London: There are thought to be about 4,000 Briton’s in Jordan, most of them in Amman, writes squire Barraclough.

The British ambassador, Mr John Philips, has warned them through a ” Warden system” to be ready to move quickly with minimum luggage.

In London last night it was not made clear how an evacuation would be carried out.
The international Red Cross might be asked to supervise the operation. R.A.F. Planes in Cyprus would be the nearest British aircraft for the job.

Washington: The U.S. is selling Israel more Phantom fighter bombers. The number is reported to be about 16.

Rindt Title Decision

Milan-Wednesday -The 1970 world championship title for Formula one car drivers will be ruled vacant if no one surpasses the 45 points gathered by the late Jochen Rindt.

The international auto sports commission meeting in Milan after the Italian Grand Prix at nearby Monza where Rindt died in time trials last Saturday said, if Rindt remains the point leader he will be the unofficial champion but no official post humous title would be conferred.

Clay v. Quarry ?

New York, Wednesday -Cassius Clay will meet Jerry Quarry of California in Atlanta,Georgia, on October 26,in Clay’s first fight in more than three years, it was said today.

The fighters will sign contracts tomorrow.

Millwall held up by fans “Invasion”

Stoke City 0 Millwall 0

One player sent off,another booked, no goals that’s the grim tally from this scrappy ill tempered League cup second round clash. And play was held up for two minutes in the second half as several hundred fans,suffering the fourth home goalless game out of five,trekked across the pitch in the rain to the covered stand.

Tempers flared in the second half,to a background of slow clapping. Stoke full back Jack Marsh brought down Millwall winger Doug Allder and was booked.

Three minutes later Millwall inside forward Eamonn Dunphy tackled Mick Bernard heavily. Bernard appeared to swing a punch and was sent off.

Millwall defended well in the first half and showed up Stoke’s critical weakness lack of a real goal getter.

Only Bernard, with two efforts from outside the area and striker John Ritchie, a 30th minute substitute for Willie Stevenson, looked like scoring.

Millwall gave the stoke defence some anxious moments in both halves. Wingers Allder and Steve Brown tested Gordon Banks with shots from all angles.

70s News

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