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UK News

Sex may lure out ‘Nessie’


Watch it Nessie !! They’re trying to lure you out of the loch’s depths -with sex.

Four Americans think its the only way to get the Loch Ness monster out of that lair
The four, led by Mr Robert Rines, president of the Academy of Aplied Science in Belmont,Massachusetts,plan to use a mixture of sex and sonar devices.

The group will drop into the water of the loch the “sex essences’ of eels,sea cows,sea lions and other mammals and fish that might be related to Nessie.

Chaos hits Jordan

Report by Arthur Chesworth: Amman

Jordan is moving perilously close to civil war. Plans are ready for the evacuation of Britons.
Fierce new fighting exploded today when King Hussein’s army moved against the Arab guerrillas here in Amman and in the northern town of Irbid.

I am typing this report sitting on the marble floor of the Intercontinental Hotel, my back against the wall. This hotel is on a hill over looking the fighting in Amman.
The building is being shaken by explosions of heavy artillery shells and mortar bombs.

“The Snipers”

Movement outside is impossible,  the hotel is under constant sniper fire. All guests have been ushered down to the air raid shelter. Among them are mothers and children released by the Arab guerrillas from the Trans World and Swissair jets they hold in the desert.

The post office was attacked by guerrillas in the centre of the old city then they blasted away with mortars at army strongholds.

With Jordan on the brink of civil war Amman radio broadcast orders by army chief General Haditha and guerrilla chief Yasser Arafat. They directed their men to stop firing.
The fighting eased, but at nightfall sporadic automatic fire and rocket explosions could still be heard.

General Haditha is known to be sympathetic to the guerrillas , in his radio statement he said he had been entrusted with “full responsibility” by King Hussein.

Syria: Travellers from Jordan reaching the Syrian border town of Dera’a said Amman looked “as if it was burning”

“The Victims”

The travellers said that when they drove through the north Jordan town of Irbid guerrillas showed them the bodies of seven of their men killed and,it was alleged, beheaded by the soldiers.

London: There are thought to be about 4,000 Briton’s in Jordan, most of them in Amman, writes squire Barraclough.

The British ambassador, Mr John Philips, has warned them through a ” Warden system” to be ready to move quickly with minimum luggage.

In London last night it was not made clear how an evacuation would be carried out.
The international Red Cross might be asked to supervise the operation. R.A.F. Planes in Cyprus would be the nearest British aircraft for the job.

Washington: The U.S. is selling Israel more Phantom fighter bombers. The number is reported to be about 16.

Paddy’s golden trail back to Co. Mayo

£285,000 pools win for man who left home broke !!
By Norman luck

From his small Irish town Patrick O’Malley set out with 4s, 6d in his pocket to make his fortune in England.

Yesterday , 12 years later he was getting ready to go back ….. With a cheque for £284,877.
His days of scrimping and saving to support his wife and four children back in Co. Mayo ended with a 5s bet on Littlewoods pools.

Paddy aged 66, had picked up a 5s win four weeks ago and last week he netted another 6s.

“The biggest”

And with the luck of the Irish he did it again on Saturday when he got 21 points and the pools biggest win for four years.

It was his search for fortune that gave him the winning line.

He put a cross against every English town he had worked in during the years he spent trying to make enough money to return permanently to Westport,Co,Mayo and his wife.
Paddy a £14-a-week labourer, said after being handed the cheque by Eurovision song contest winner Dana at a London hotel: ” I don’t really know what to do with the money.
Everything I’ve got is bought and paid for. I don’t want for anything. I will look after my family and retire to Westport.”


It will be back to the tiny terraced home,for a luxurious new house doesn’t figure in his plans. But there will be no more gardening at £7-a-week at the local school which he quit to come to England.

Paddy, who lodges in Stag Lane, Edgware, Middlesex and works for a nearby carburetter firm ,added : “I plan to go back to work once more to pick up my pay packet”
His wife Nora aged 55 said at home in Westport: ” It is wonderful news. Patrick has worked all his life and now this is his reward.  When paddy was leaving last May to go back to England after a holiday he told me he would stay at home for good when he won the pools !!!”

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