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Noisy MP’s Main Threat to Oil

From Andrew McEwan in Strasburg

The main threat to Europe’s oil comes neither from the Arab producers nor opinionated members of the Dutch cabinet but from the loud- voiced MP’s of all Common Market countries.

The became clear yesterday following the European Parliaments 1.30 a.m resolution calling for ‘economic counter-measures’ against Arabs who are boycotting Holland.

The strong anti-Arab statement contrasted sharply with the conciliatory statement the Council of Ministers made last Tuesday in a bid to appease the Arabs.

If things were as they appear to be the prospect of economic sanctions would have delighted the Israelis – and horrified British Conservatives, since Britain has most to lose.

But both sides reacted cautiously. British, French and Israeli interests are much less far apart than generally realised.

The Council’s pro-Arab statement was a cover for a very different policy, details of which are being kept quiet for fear of upsetting the whole delicate artifice.

The plan is to ensure Holland’s oil supplies discreetly so as to not arouse the Arabs anger.

But the MP’s at Strasburg, either ignorant of the strategy or willing to upset it, made more and more inflammatory statements.

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