Diary of a Lovesick Teenager Header Image

Stories Written By: Gary Wernham

Thursday, 22nd July 1976

Did a bit of oil painting in morning, listened to records in afternoon. Boring day stayed in at night. Mum and dad went out.

Wednesday, 21st July 1976

Went nans in morning. Came home at dinner time, did a bit of oil painting in early afternoon. Had a bath at night. Never went out.

Tuesday, 20th July 1976

Oil painting all morning, playing records all afternoon. Swapped some records with Spinksy. Never went out at night. Still fancy Cathy.

Monday, 19th July 1976

Went nans in morning went town with grandad. Mum never went work. Oil painting all afternoon and a bit at night. Never went out at night.

Sunday, 18th July 1976

Oil painting in morning. Walked nans went in Good Companions where they was for about 5 minutes. Had a bath. Neil and Barry came, they said Sutchy’s got an infection she can’t come out for 6 weeks*, that puts yesterday in doubt. Mum and dad went out at night. * Deborah Sutch had the Mumps

Saturday, 17th July 1976

Went work all day. Went library at dinner, got a record and three paint brushes. Walked home watched the opening of the Olympic Games at night. Budge said he saw Sutchy and a blonde haired girl outside the shop, could have been Cathy.

Friday, 16th July 1976

Did some oil painting in morning a and Guardians. Howard came in afternoon, played loads of records. Went playing cricket at night. Howard, Bren and I went in Bernie’s till about 11.40pm.

Thursday, 15th July 1976

Was oil painting most of the day, thinking of Catherine a lot all day. They used to walk past our house one time now they don’t. Gunna try and fancy this girl called Mary from now on it should be easier than Catherine in more ways that one. OH it wasn’t true by the way what Bones said coz Anthony said it wasn’t this morning.

Wednesday, 14th July 1976

Stayed in all day oil painting on and off. I asked Bones had he seen Catherine lately at school, he said Anthony was talking to her, she said, Where’s Gary?, and she still likes me a bit, don’t know whether it’s true. I’ve been thinking about her all day. Still madly infatuated on her.

Tuesday, 13th July 1976

Went school in morning. Teacher said I didn’t have to come in anymore. I was dead sick. Come home at 9.30am. Saw Cathy at school. Played cricket all afternoon and night. Been thinking of her all day, GOD when is it all gunna end, when is she gunna leave me in peace.

Diary of a Lovesick Teenager

Because this is a diary, it was written at the time and at no point are there any exaggerations, lies or anything that may be misleading, it is written with an honest, if naive hand due to the tender age of it’s author. It can be described as funny, a little sad in parts and reflects my thoughts at the time, but most of all it is an honest document that I hope above all will entertain and amuse.

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