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Diary Entries for : April 1976

Wednesday, 21st April 1976

Stayed at home all day trying to revise, played records as well. Howard came down he said he saw Cath holding hands with Rupert Bear. Never went out at night.

Thursday, 22nd April 1976

Stayed at home all day revised all of about 20 minutes. Played records. Went Howard’s coz he said come at 7 and the nut wasn’t in, neither was Bernie. Stayed in at night. Mum and dad went out at night.

Friday, 23rd April 1976

Revised all afternoon, maths for about one and a half hours solid. Went nans and disco on my own. There was only about 15 people there, was with Beddy* and Yvonne Challinor all night. Can tell he fancies her. I think I’ve got a chance there, hell of a lot more than with Catherine. * Gary Beddall

Saturday, 24th April 1976

Went town got two record tokens. Played golf on Fair Field* at afternoon. Stayed in at night. Going off Catherine at long last. This ends an era never to be forgotten by mankind because no one will ever know, nothing has happened or ever will. * The Fair field was a piece of rough land at Fearnhead owned by Silcocks fair. They used to set up the fair every Padgate Walking Day in June before selling the land and the new owners have subsequently built houses on the land. Silcock’s Fair now holds it’s Walking Day Fair on Bennett’s Rec, …

Sunday, 25th April 1976

Stayed in in morning and afternoon. Howard came at night, played soccer on college* with Barry Norris, he said he’s not seen C.D for a long time. Howard and I went to Bernie’s and he took us for a ride in his new car, met his mates in their car, right load of idiots. I got in about 10.30pm. Mum and dad went out at night. * Padgate Teacher Training College, Crab Lane, Fearnhead.

Monday, 26th April 1976

Back at school today. Gordon Colquoun and I volunteered and joined the Help the Aged campaign. Was designing a poster for it at night. Gunna stick it on the wall at school tomorrow. Andy Spinks said Cathy isn’t going out with Barry anymore. From what I can make out she seems a peculiar girl.

Tuesday, 27th April 1976

Last full day at school in the 5th year. From tomorrow afternoon exams start. Hardly seen Cathy today, the beautiful barmy blonde from Barnes Avenue who drives me insane every day in my life, except when I’m asleep.

Wednesday, 28th April 1976

Did cricket in P.E. At the end of dinner break took Kim Naylor library deliberately so Catherine could see me with her. Don’t know what I’m trying to do. Had maths paper 1 exam for one and a half hours, I think I’ve got about half marks. We were all let home early. Didn’t want to go home early wanted to see Cathy at home time

Thursday, 29th April 1976

Had paper 1 and 2 of English for the best part of the day. Finished at 3.45 but I walked round school till 4.00pm coz I wanted to see Catherine but Mr. Doherty gave me and this lad a job to do, didn’t get out of school till 4.25pm missed Cathy I was dead sick. I like her more today that ever before.

Friday, 30th April 1976

Had English paper 3 all morning, it was quite easy. Did very little in afternoon. Anthony said Catherine said she likes that Lydsey de Paul painting, I don’t like it though. Called for Howard at night, played cricket on college.

Diary of a Lovesick Teenager

Because this is a diary, it was written at the time and at no point are there any exaggerations, lies or anything that may be misleading, it is written with an honest, if naive hand due to the tender age of it’s author. It can be described as funny, a little sad in parts and reflects my thoughts at the time, but most of all it is an honest document that I hope above all will entertain and amuse.

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