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Diary Entries for : March 1976

Sunday, 21st March 1976

It was raining all day today, never went out at all, a very boring day. Still fancy Catherine. Mum and dad went out, never had a bath coz I’ve got a cold.

Monday, 22nd March 1976

Teacher# said in assembly some people can’t stay on due to overcrowding, only the clever ones so they’ll probably eliminate me. This blonde haired kid said to Cathy I’ll see you tonight and she shook her head, he’s a scruffy little fart. Went disco on my own, it was quite good even talking to Mags’s friend for a bit. As I was talking to her, I heard Catherine Deakins name mentioned over the speaker. Mum phoned art college up for me have to go for an interview. Couldn’t make out who the boys name was with it coz I was …

Tuesday, 23rd March 1976

Found out who Ian Bellas is, it’s not that lad yesterday, don’t know who he is, but Bellas is that scruffy lad who smokes. Once when we were playing rugby he got kicked in the balls, he was in agony. Now I’ve got Catherine on strings it’s a matter of pulling the right ones. Mum and dad went on a driving test* at 6pm didn’t come back till 9.40, got me worried. When they came back my dad gave me £5.00. Art Teacher said to John Roach and I, each of us has got a piece of work in art …

Wednesday, 24th March 1976

Had Chemistry Exam (Practical) all morning, I know I’ve got them all right it’s a matter of getting the credit. If it wasn’t for Miss. French I wouldn’t have, she helped me a bit, don’t know if she was supposed to or not. Still fancy Catherine a lot. Never went anywhere at night.

Thursday, 25th March 1976

Went a meeting at dinner about staying on at school. I’m taking 4 O Levels and one A Level probably. I may even stay on for 2 years. It’s not been a Catherine day at all today. I could take my pick from many girls at school and have a good chance, but no, I want Catherine who’s worse than most girls. Why the bloody hell do I like her so. I think it’s because she out classes them all.

Friday, 26th March 1976

Bought a record off Chris Reeves* for 40p, had an offer for 55p for it and offers for 50p off two other people. I’ve found out what my soft spot is, I’d go down on my knees for her, even in a puddle in my short pants even if it does mean showing my hairy legs. * Chris Reeves is the son of Harry Reeves who taught us Technical Drawing. Mr Reeves was in the RAF during the war, a man I had a great deal of respect for. His hair was yellow, and he was a very fit man …

Saturday, 27th March 1976

Went town got a record and a box of chocolates for mum for Mothers Day tomorrow. Had dinner at nans came home stayed in all day and night. Quick day. I think Catherine used to fancy me at one time but she no longer does.

Sunday, 28th March 1976

Went nan Savage’s with mothers day presents and then other nans. In afternoon stayed in watching tele and doing art homework. Mum and dad went out at night.

Monday, 29th March 1976

Mr. Davis* phoned the Lancashire Constabulary to see if they are taking recruits on and they are. He gave me the address and I’ve got to write off and let him know how I go on. Mags says hello Gary now. There was a fire at school at dinner. Name was in Guardian on Friday for being in the final of an art competition, the finals on 10th April. Mum said she’s going and I have to go with her don’t want to go In Parr Hall. * Mr Davis was my maths teacher and careers officer. Another great man, …

Tuesday, 30th March 1976

Saw C.D’s Geog book, at the back she wrote, Ian Bellas all over the bloody thing and, I Hate Gaz Wernham, I’ll thank her for that comment one day. Richards* came at night and I took my records and we walked to Hipkiss’s*. Before he came I wrote a letter to Lancashire Police. * Ian Richards lived on Barnes Avenue a few doors away from Cath Deakin. A lot of my friends all lived a few doors away from each other on Barnes Ave. I can’t remember the numbers they lived at but there were the Moors twins, Ian Richards, …

Diary of a Lovesick Teenager

Because this is a diary, it was written at the time and at no point are there any exaggerations, lies or anything that may be misleading, it is written with an honest, if naive hand due to the tender age of it’s author. It can be described as funny, a little sad in parts and reflects my thoughts at the time, but most of all it is an honest document that I hope above all will entertain and amuse.

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