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Diary Entries for : January 1976

Wednesday, 21st January 1976

    Played football in PE, I was Goalie, got ded muddy and showers were cold. Played football in Gym we won 4-2, Catherine and her friends were watching. It’s been a boring day really. Had a bath at night very windy too.

Thursday, 22nd January 1976

Went school nothing happened again concerning Catherine still like her of course. Went works dance at St.Mary’s Club, all the Firth* people were there, I had about 4 pints of lager, when I was dancing I fell over twice due to the polished floor and my high heel shoes. * The Firth was the Firth Company Ltd, one of several wire works in the Warrington area. It was situated on Nora Street, Howley and was demolished in the early 80s to make way for sheltered housing. My mother, grandad and grandmother all worked here at various times throughout the 1960s …

Friday, 23rd January 1976

Seen very little of Catherine all week. It’s very momentous that I settle this silly feeling inside next week coz I don’t like it, it hurts to much. Went John Addisons and nans at night. Never did anything at night.

Saturday, 24th January 1976

On the way to nans Mr.Hail* gave me a lift, he stalled the car at Padgate lights and couldn’t get it going again, plus the exhaust was trailing on the floor, me and Mally got out and pushed. Debbie Sutch was behind us with her mum. Walked to town got 4 records. Went town Police Station to identify my bike* but it wasn’t there. Stayed in all day and night. * Mr Hail was the father of John and Malcolm (Mally) Hail who lived at 48 Station Road, Padgate. In fact they still live at 48 Station Road, Padgate. * …

Sunday, 25th January 1976

Stayed in all day. Boring day throughout. Getting a bit depressed about the job situation. That’s my bloody Sunday for you

Monday, 26th January 1976

Went Disco at Community Centre, Duanie* and all was there. I asked Sutchy for Harman* and she said NO. At the end Duanie asked Mags* for me and she said NO. I was a bit disappointed don’t know why? * Ian Duane. A friend then and a friend still today * Alan Harman * Margaret Lucas

Tuesday, 27th January 1976

I asked Ste Hanson what did they say to Mags last night, he said she said, no coz she likes me as a friend, but Duanie said she doesn’t like me, I’m inclined to believe Duanie than Ste. Played soccer in gym at 4.30pm we won 8-3. Never went out at night

Wednesday, 28th January 1976

My mums friend is a relative of Debbie Sutch. She told my mum the Deakins are a funny family, very Catholic religious and always playing table tennis and all that. Still like her though, it’s not her fault she’s been brought up like that, I feel sorry for her. Mum and dad went out at night.

Wednesday, 28th January 1976

My mums friend is a relative of Debbie Sutch. She told my mum the Deakins are a funny family, very Catholic religious and always playing table tennis and all that. Still like her though, it’s not her fault she’s been brought up like that, I feel sorry for her. Mum and dad went out at night.

Thursday, 29th January 1976

Quite a good day. Nothing happens nowadays concerning Catherine’s mob, not that I’m all that bothered. Wrote 4 letters for leaflets and an application form for Police, threw the other 3 away coz they were wrong.

Diary of a Lovesick Teenager

Because this is a diary, it was written at the time and at no point are there any exaggerations, lies or anything that may be misleading, it is written with an honest, if naive hand due to the tender age of it’s author. It can be described as funny, a little sad in parts and reflects my thoughts at the time, but most of all it is an honest document that I hope above all will entertain and amuse.

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