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Stories Written By: Rennie Hand

70s Xmas Parties

It amazes me that even after 10 years of building this site still more memories get unlocked. It was just the other day I was chatting to a lovely old lady I care for about the good old days and she reminded me about the annual Xmas parties we used to have on Boxing Day. All the family used to show up with a little food (usually cheese straws) and some drink and we’d party on down til the early hours listening to our suitcase record player stacked with singles and a pile of pennies sellotaped to the arm to keep it from jumping. When the party was over the cards used to come out and my dad (new one) and my old one (uncle) and a few others would gamble for small change. If we were goody sad used to let us stay up and I would pretend I was drunk eating all the Famous Names liquor chocolates.
Can anyone out there share their Xmas memories?

A 70’s Latchkey Kid

People always ask me what is it about the 70's that I love so much that I even contemplated building this site. So I thought the best way would be to tell you a little about myself so in this part of the site I will be writing down some of the adventures and real life events that happened to me whilst growing up in the 70's. Some are funny and some are sad, but it's these life experiences that made me what I am today. I hope you enjoy them.

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