1970s Sweet Shop
Love Hearts Dip

Love Hearts Dips. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I`ll begin. Think of a Love Heart as you know it – little message and all – and stretch it into a sort of Swizzle stick – with several messages on it – and make it candy floss flavoured. Then add three fizzy sherbety dips in orange sparkle, tangy raspberry and zingy lemon flavours – and you have a Love Hearts Dip. It`s like Love Hearts meets Double Dip! – Qty In Order: 8 triple dips

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Everybody loves sweets and finding the old retro sweet shop while you're out shopping is always a treat. So it's a huge thing for me that AQuarterOF the biggest and best UK supplier of retro sweets has agreed to partner up with me let me create my very own 70s Sweet Shop. So grab your gobstoppers, put your dibs on your Dib Dabs and sizzle your Space Dust or just spend your doubloons on some Spanish Gold.