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Coleman Milne Minster

£5,000 circa 1976
Based on the Ford Granada, this latest example of the stretching process carried out in Bolton is a moderately priced five-seater limousine with division which can be manually or electrically operated. It has a heated rear window and rear compartment controls for the radio. Interior woodwork is burr walnut with upholstery to customer’s choice and Lambtex rugs. Coleman Milne’s Fords have been exported as far as Hong Kong and Singapore.

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Cars of the 70’s

Something that is always of interest, especially to us blokes is cars, so looking back on the old motors of the 70s was certainly something of a treat. With a lot of thanks to all my classic car friends we've put together a great collection of 70s cars including the iconic Capri for you to have a look through, and to make it a little more interesting, we've written it all as if we were in the 70s and even inserted the going price for the cars at that time.

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