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4 Idle Hands

Phil Daniels
Nula Conwell
Ray Burdis
Sue Holderness
George Innes
George Waring
Willoughby Goddard

“Maybe we’re not ready for the outside world.”

“Is the outside world ready for us?”

This light-hearted series, aimed at teenage viewers, charts the unsteady progress of Mike and Pete, two 16-year-old school-leavers who are suddenly forced to ponder the bewildering but urgent question: what are they going to do for a living? As Mike and Pete’s efforts to avoid the dole queue land them a succession of disastrous jobs, 4 Idle Hands humorously details the unremitting difficulties of adolescence.

First screened in 1976, the series features an early TV role for future Quadrophenia, Breaking Glass and EastEnders star Phil Daniels, with George Innes, Royston Tickner and Howard Goorney taking on the principal adult roles.

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70’s Televison

What an amazing piece of kit our telly was. Can you imagine having to change channel by turning a knob to tune in BBC2 and forever getting up to realign the aerial and contrast, and the only way to stop the picture from rolling was to give the set a good thump? Do you remember that we only have three channels to watch? Thinking about it, the conversation was better at school next day as everyone seemed to be watching the same thing unlike nowadays where we have too much choice. Aye, the quality of programmes seem to have dwindled when you think back to what we had in our days.

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