70s Cars Header Image

Peugeot 104

£1,653 circa 1976
Wrap-round rear lamps are an additional safety feature on this lively little four-door front-drive saloon. The transverse overhead- camshaft engine has a light alloy head and cylinder block to reduce weight and the gears are in the crankcase as on the Mini instead of being in a separate housing. A family enterprise in the Jura. Peugeot is far from the other centres of the French industry.

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Cars of the 70’s

Something that is always of interest, especially to us blokes is cars, so looking back on the old motors of the 70s was certainly something of a treat. With a lot of thanks to all my classic car friends we've put together a great collection of 70s cars including the iconic Capri for you to have a look through, and to make it a little more interesting, we've written it all as if we were in the 70s and even inserted the going price for the cars at that time.

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