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Cadillac Seville

£9,669 circa 1976
The “small” Cadillac is a spacious five-seater with 5.7-litre V8 engine, automatic transmission and a luxurious interior. Power steering, electric adjustment of seats for reach and tilt, electric windows, centre armrests front and rear, and air conditioning with automatic temperature control are standard equipment. The engine has electronic injection, front brake discs are ventilated and there is a space-saving spare wheel with gas cylinder to inflate it.

Seville, the smallest Cadillac for years, certainly reflects the way America is thinking in these days of conservation and inflation. Powered by a 5.7-litre V8 engine produced in the Oldsmobile works, the Seville has an angular four-door saloon body mounted on a 290 cm wheelbase -somewhat more modest than the 338 cm wheelbases of the larger ‘Caddys’. The interior is sumptuously-trimmed, and there is pneumatic self-levelling suspension.


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Cars of the 70’s

Something that is always of interest, especially to us blokes is cars, so looking back on the old motors of the 70s was certainly something of a treat. With a lot of thanks to all my classic car friends we've put together a great collection of 70s cars including the iconic Capri for you to have a look through, and to make it a little more interesting, we've written it all as if we were in the 70s and even inserted the going price for the cars at that time.

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