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I saw a post recently about the old roller skates we used to have and they mentioned about making them spark which triggered a memory about blakeys, the metal reinforcement studs you put on the bottom of your shoes. I can remember getting them and banging them into our heels and then the only way I can describe it is “clipping” which was kicking our heels onto the pavement down the road to cause sparks. Of course it looked much better in the dark and it kept us amused for awhile.

How easily pleased we were in the old days.

Rennie’s News & Views

If you’re looking to keep up at what’s going on with Escape or just interested in the 70s then you may just like to read my writings here. I’ll be reporting on any 70s news that’s happening around the world and also keeping you abreast of anything happening onsite. Sometimes I may just be wistful and write about those good old days but I will always be inviting you to comment and join in the conversation with your thoughts and ideas, after all that’s what this site is all about… sharing the memories