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The Diaries of Smurfette aged 12¾

Here are some excerpts taken from my diary from January 1974 onwards. Now I’m 45 it all looks a bit silly, but hope you can relate to some or all of it! Sit back and enjoy the journey through Top of the Pops, the Top 40 on the radio, falling out with my best friend, fashion, school and my favourite TV programmes.

You will also see that I was completely “Boy Crazy” and in love with a different one every week (or even every day in some cases!!!)

Have fun.

Tuesday 25th December 1973.
It’s Christmas Day and I’ve only got a few presents! This is what I’ve got:
2 coathangers, talc, nail varnish (2 bottles), lock-up diary, Christmas stocking and £20.00 clothes. Also I got Cluedo, a record and a David Cassidy life story book. From Johnny, Pam & Jenny we got a £1.00 record token, but that was for babysitting as well. Trevor and I bought Leo Sayer’s record and Toni bought Roxy Music’s. I’ve still got to get a surprise from Cheryl & Stuart and Mick & Edy. My friends gave me lots of presents like bath cubes, bubble bath & bath salts.
P.S. Cheryl & Stuart = Nightdress. Mick & Edy = Soap & bath cubes

Smurfette’s Diaries January 1974

Tuesday 1st January 1974.

Dear Me, It’s the New Year and I’ve made some resolutions. They are as follows:
1) To be good, kind & considerate.
2) Not to swear or be rude.
3) Not to think or look at boys so much.
4) To be fussy about my appearance.

Today it’s very cold and there’s ice in the air. I had to wear my Mum’s gloves. Boy oh boy! Did I get some funny looks!!!
As the power & energy crisis is still on, it looks as if we’ll soon be using candles and riding bikes everywhere. Hope it’s not like this in 1974.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974.

Hi! It’s Me, Me.
Just written in to say or tell me everything that I’ve done or will be doing today. This morning I went down the shops and saw Terry J. I said watcha and he ignored me. Well you can’t have them all. Probably coz I won’t go out with him. Doesn’t really bother me though. Mum’s banned me from going out in the morning, coz it’s not fair to Toni & Jane (Tone’s camping friend). So Mum said I can only go out in the afternoons. Not to worry, there’s never anywhere to go. It’s such a dump. I went round Sue’s this afternoon. We played David Cassidy cassettes.

Thursday 3rd January 1974.

Haven’t done much today. Got up this morning at about 11am. Had a bath and washed my hair. Then went down the shops with Jane & Trevor. Laurence L. was down there and Jane said he waved to me. I wish I’d have waved back, but I didn’t see him do it. He probably thinks I don’t like him. (Boo hoo!)
This afternoon I went to Elm Park with Sue and then I met my Mum there to help her with the shopping.
Now it’s 6pm & I’m sitting on the settee writing this diary. Top of the Pops is on at 7.20pm. (Oh Goodo!)

Friday 4th January 1974.

Morning! (Or is it afternoon?) Anyway, it’s 12.35pm and I’m still in bed. (It’s a disgrace, an utter disgrace.) There’s only one more weekday until we go back to school, so I’m making the most of it. (Why not, I ask myself. Why not?) I’ve been playing Cluedo & cards with Trevor since 10.45am. I’m hoping to go & get David Cassidy’s LP, “Dreams are nuthin’ more than wishes” this afternoon, with £2.00 from Christmas.
It’s now 7.15pm and I have got David Cassidy’s LP. It’s great. Jane came with me to get it. (Wasn’t that nice of her?)
See ya.

Saturday 5th January 1974.

It’s coming up to 4 o’clock on this rotten old, raining Saturday. At the moment, I’ve got my loony friend, Sue, sitting opposite me, giggling her head off. I’ve just farted. (Sorry, I forgot my manners. It should have been that I passed wind). If you’re wondering why my writing’s so terrible, blame it on Susan. Oops! There she goes again! Sue’s just saying that a picture looks like David Cassidy. Considering it IS him………
Whoever reads this after me & Sue, please keep it in a condition how you’d expect to find it. Must sign off now,
Me, fans.

Sunday 6th January 1974.

It’s Sunday morning and I’m laying in bed writing this. Sue’s coming round at
2 o’clock and we’ll probably go over the building site.
My Mum & Dad are decorating. They’ve just finished the landing and next is their bedroom. Mine doesn’t need to be done, coz it’s covered in David Cassidy & Sweet pictures.

Monday 7th January 1974.

Good Morning. Oh no! I’ve done it again, it’s 12.08pm, it’s afternoon & I’m still in bed! Well, why shouldn’t I? We go back to school tomorrow. I got my transistor working last night & I’ve been playing it ever since. I did a good deed for myself last night, by tidying up my bedroom & sticking some more David Cassidy pictures on the wall and cupboard door.

Sorry about the writing, but it’s very awkward writing in bed.

Be back tomorrow. BYE!

Tuesday 8th January 1974.

Back to school today & what a day it was. We had tons of homework, but I have done it all. (Swotty knickers!) It was good to be back with all my mates.
As I was just leaving school tonight, my Music Teacher came up & told me that I’d passed my Grade 1V clarinet exam with merit. (It deserves a pat on the back I think!!!)
Me & Sue have been just as mad as usual today.
Gotta sign off now,
Luv, Me.
P.S. Sweet David Cassidy dreams coz it’s 10.40pm.

Wednesday 9th January 1974.

Second day at school today. It was quite good, but Laurence L. is ignoring me. I feel so sad. He’s going round with a girl called Lyndsey. I’m jealous. He liked me for a little while, but then he said I got on his nerves. I can’t cry over spilt milk now. Sobs & sniffs.
P.S. I still luv Laurence.

Thursday 10th January 1974.

Dear Me,
At the moment I’m sitting on the loo, writing this diary, listening to my tranny. Was alright at school today, but Stuart T. (boy in my class) has got a friend who fancies me. Stuart was asking all my mates my phone no. so he could give it to his friend. I don’t know what I’ll do if he rings me up.
There wasn’t quite so much homework tonight, but it took me 1 ½ hours just to do Maths. (There was only one question).
Laurence L. still looks as gorgeous as ever, but I don’t suppose he’ll ever ask me out again.

Friday 11th January 1974.

It’s 10.04pm and I’ve been in bed since 8.00pm. coz I’m not well. At school today, Sue broke up with me again. (She did yesterday as well). We’ve made up with each other now.
At school I still see Laurence L. and I still love him. If only I hadn’t followed him anywhere at all. When I’m in the 3rd Year he might think I’ve grown up a bit and decide to go out with me.
It’s not very good music on my tranny at the moment, but that’s ok, I’ve got D. Cassidy & Sweet staring at me from every direction.

These pages include the week that I skived off school !!!

Saturday 12th January 1974.

Afternoon Me,
How are you feeling today? Not too bad, but I’m very hungry. You see, I’m not suppose to be eating anything.
The Sweet are no. 1 in the Capital charts. I love their records and of course, Brian Connolly. I’m too young to go and see him. (Sadness).
I’ve got nothing interesting to say today. It’s quite good listening to my tranny. Cozy Powell’s on at the moment, with “Dance with the Devil”. I don’t know what I’d do without my radio.
See ya, Me.
P.S. Hurry up and get better. I will, don’t you worry.

Sunday 13th January 1974.

Dear Me,
I’m better now. I got up this morning and had a bath and washed my hair. But my Mum says I’ve still got to stay indoors.
Three boys rang me up last night. First a boy called Nick, then John E. & Richard J. They asked me to go round their house and play records. Then Terry J. rang up and asked me if I wanted to go to a party. But I refused to speak to him. (Nasty, aren’t I?)
P.S. It’s my Nan’s Birthday today. I haven’t bought her anything.

Monday 14th January 1974.

Hello Me,
It’s been quite good today. My Mum seems to be in a very good mood. She’s being very nice to me & Toni.
Tomorrow I’m making bread in Science, but I’ll tell you how that turns out tomorrow.
I’ve got another craze on this boy at school. His name’s Michael W. He’s got a lovely personality and gorgeous hair. But, Laurence L.’s still my no. 1. I’m hoping there’s still a chance that he’ll like me again.
Luv, Me.

Tuesday 15th January 1974.

Hi, been to school today and had to make that bread. I promised to tell you how it turned out, so here goes:
It was lovely, but the crust was really hard like rock.
In school, the inevitable struck for the first time. It’s a new experience.
The Sweet have gone straight in the charts at no.6. It’s great! D. Cassidy’s out of the “Top 30”.
I’ve had another row with Sue, but as usual, we made up again at the end of school. See ya.
P.S. Be back same time tomorrow.

Wednesday 16th January 1974.

Dear Me,
Just written in to say that it hasn’t been much of a day. The rain & wind are the worst yet, for some years, so the Newsman said.
I’m listening to my tranny as usual. My Mum keeps asking me if I feel alright, because my face looks funny. She knows I’m on. (I reckon half the World knows now.)
I’ve decided I don’t like Michael W. now. I luv Laurence L. still.
Be back tomorrow,

Thursday 17th January 1974.

Hi, I’ve been in bed all day. I didn’t go to school because I’ve got a headache, a sore throat, a cough and bad cold.
My writing is very untidy. I just can’t control my pen. Toni stayed home with me. (Isn’t that nice of her?)
here's the very bad handwriting
Although I’ve got plenty of room left, I can’t be bothered to write anymore.

Friday 18th January 1974.

I’ve been in bed all day and have nothing to say. When I’m better you’ll probably see I haven’t got enough room to write everything I want to.
See ya,
Luv, Me.

Saturday 19th January 1974.

Dear Me,
I’ve been in bed again all day for the third day running. (Ready everybody – Aaah!!!)
I’ve just gotta think about letting Laurence L. out of my life. I know it’s going to be hard, but I’ll try.
Be back tomorrow,

Sunday 20th January 1974.

Good morning, I’m still in bed. My brother, Trevor’s been very good to me. Every day, he’s been down the shops getting me sweets or a comic. He’s down there at the moment.
My Mum & Dad are decorating the lounge, so they said it’s best if I stayed in bed, as they’ve got no heating on. My Mum says I’ll probably go back to school on Wednesday. Lucky, aren’t I?

Monday 21st January 1974.

Hi ! I’m feeling better this morning, but Toni’s now got a cough, but my Mum & I think she’s only jealous and wants the day off with me.
Last night my Mum said it’d be better if I got up, had a wash & got dressed this morning. I can’t be bothered though, so I’m still in bed.
You can guess what I’ve got to keep me company. Yes. You were right. My tranny.
Gotta sign off now,

Tuesday 22nd January 1974.

Good morning. Looks as if Toni’s jealousy hasn’t worn off, because she’s still at home with me. She’s putting on a cough and pretending to have a headache. Poof! I don’t believe a word of it.
Anyway, the “Top 20”s on in 40 minutes, so I’ve got that to cheer me up.
Mum says that she’s gonna take me over the Doctor’s tonight, to get something for my cough & sore throat.
Yesterday I went out for the first time in 5 days.
Au revoir and all that stuff.

Wednesday 23rd January 1974.

Hi ! I’ve got great news. The doctor says I’ve gotta have the rest of the week off. Toni has as well. That means I’ll have had 7 school days off!
Yesterday I listened to “Top 20” and Mud are no. 1. The Sweet are no.2 (not fair. They’re always no.2).
I wonder how Laurence L. is. I haven’t been to school to see him. He’s probably just as gorgeous as ever.
I’m gonna have to go now, coz my sister’s just come in.

Thursday 24th January 1974.

Watcha, I’ve been a good girl and taken my medicine. Gotta have some cough mixture in a minute. Yuk!!
Great, I’ve had all this time off school. I’ve got to go back on Monday. There’s only tomorrow left for a lay-in. Not to worry.
The Osmonds are on my tranny at the moment. 539m Capital is a great station. The Sweet were on Top of the Pops tonight. Gotta go now, there’s no room,

Friday 25th January 1974.

Hi. Had a good sleep. I didn’t wake up until 11.45am. Then I had a bowl of porridge and after that, I went down and got some chips for dinner. I’m going back to school on Monday. I’ve had quite a good holiday, even if I am ill.
I’m probably gonna go down my old school this afternoon. My brother’ll be my excuse. I’ll go and pick him up, then bump accidentally into one of the teachers.
Signed, Me.

Saturday 26th January 1974.

I didn’t go down the school yesterday. I couldn’t be bothered. I’ve been to Elm Park with Sue this morning and I’m meant to be meeting her at 2.00pm, but I haven’t even had my dinner yet. It’s 1.50pm.
My nose keeps running. (Well run after it then.) Ha! Ha! Wasn’t that funny? No comment. Alright, you don’t have to laugh. I won’t.
David Cassidy was on the Partridge Family this morning. He’s just as gorgeous as ever. See ya,

Sunday 27th January 1974.

Watcha! At the moment I’m sitting in my Dad’s car with Sue. We’re both having a mad mood, writing our diaries.
Tomorrow I’m going back to school. Smelly Dee will be there, the S.O.S.He’ll probably make some crack as to why I’ve been absent.
Sue’s got the hiccups and every time she hiccups, she bangs her head on the window. (Mad if you ask me). Sorry! I’ve just passed wind.
Signed by,

Monday 28 th January 1974.

Hi ! It’s Me,

It was good at school today, but have I got lots of copying up to do!

The new Top 20 will be on tomorrow. I’ll probably take my tranny illegally to school, but I’ll tell you no. 1 tomorrow night.

Laurence L. doesn’t even notice me, he’s with Lyndsey all the time. I’m so upset. Not to worry, there’s plenty more fish in the sea (that’s my Dad’s saying).

Bye, Me.

Tuesday 29 th January 1974.

Dear Me,

I said I’d tell you who is no.1 so I will.

no.1/ Mud no.2/ Sweet no.3/ New Seekers no.4/ Leo Sayer.

At school it was quite good, but I hate my teacher, Smelly Dee. He’s always got something to moan about. Sue’s just as loony as ever. Well, we’re both good at being stupid.
Trevor got a letter from little Ricky and now we’ve got their address, I can write to Kim.

Signed, Me.

P.S. The weather’s got worse.

Wednesday 30 th January 1974.

Dear Me,

At the moment I’m in school And Smelly Dee is rabitting on about the school swimming gala. Sue’s looking at me very funnily. Now she’s burst out laughing. I’m sneakily watching her leg swing to & fro under the desk. Smelly Dee’s still jabbering on.

Jeremy W’s. just looked at me. (He looks like a fish).

Now I’m at home and I’m in the middle of my homework.

See ya, Me.

Thursday 31 st January 1974.

Hi ! It’s Me,

It was terrible at school today. Laurence L. was talking to his friends about me and he was calling me a slag and taking the mickey out of me. I hate him now.

It was quite good in art. We were allowed to play radios and we listened for the whole morning.

I haven’t been given any homework today. (Must have gone mad).

Top of the Pops is on tonight. I hope The Sweet are on.

Signed, Me.

This was the week I got out of the School Swimming Gala!!!

This was the week I got out of the School Swimming Gala!!!

Friday 1st February 1974.

Well it’s the 1st Feb. and here I am in my form room, just writing this. It’s break time. We’ve got double maths next. How terrible!

The Sweet weren’t on Top of the Pops last night. But Mud were.

I’m now at home. The double maths lesson this morning wasn’t as bad as I thought. I actually understood what Smelly Dee was on about.

It’s quite good on telly tonight, but also tomorrow the “Partridge Family” are on. Can’t wait.

See ya, Me.

Saturday 2nd February 1974.

Hi ! I haven’t been around with Sue today, as she said she had the flu yesterday. I don’t believe her.

Mick and Edy are suppose to be coming over tonight, but they don’t always keep their promises.

Toni went to work for the first time today in Littlewoods at Romford. She earns £3.00 for a Saturday. Good, if you ask me.

I watched the “Partridge Family” this morning. Andy & David Williams were in it. I still think David Cassidy’s better.

Gotta sign off, Me.

Sunday 3rd February 1974.

Dear Me, It’s today. (Clever aren’t I?) I’ve just eaten a gorgeous, super, (wait for it) fantastic, excruciating, ICE LOLLY!!! It was lemon flavour.

I’ll be going over myNan’s for tea tonight. It’s ages since we had tea with her.

Mick & Edy didn’t come over last night. I knew they wouldn’t.

The new people in Kim & Ricky’s house are horrible. I think they are anyway.

See ya tomorrow,


Monday 4th February 1974.

Hi ! Just popped in to write all about today. Nothing exciting’s happened as usual.

I’m spose to be in the swimming gala tomorrow, but I don’t wanna be in it. The boys P.E. teacher said I had to, but I said I can’t. (You know the reasons even if they aren’t true). He kept asking me WHY? I went and told our P.E. teacher and she said to have a word with my form teacher (another Man), coz he’d be able to get somebody to take my place. I haven’t asked him. I’m getting my Mum to write a note.


Tuesday 5th February 1974.

Watcha, Had quite a good day at school today. The Top 20 was on and Sweet are still no. 2  Mud are no. 1 again.

The swimming gala is on tonight and I got away with my excuse at school. My Mum wrote a note and I had to give it in to the Man P.E. teacher. Luckily, he didn’t even read it!

My Mum’s decided she wants to read my David Cassidy life story book. But so far she hasn’t got further than the first couple-o-words.


Wednesday 6th February 1974.

Dear Me, It’s 10.25pm and I’m sitting on my bed listening to Lulu singing “The Man who sold the World” on my tranny.

I’ve just been a good girl and tidied my bedroom and dressing table up.

It was quite good at school today. We came 2nd in the swimming gala overall, last night.

Top of the Pops is on tomorrow. It’s about time David Cassidy had a new single out. The Sweet will probably be on. I’ll tell you about it after I’ve watched the programme.

Gotta sign off now,Me.xxx

Thursday 7th February 1974.

Dear Me, Top of the Pops was on at its usual time tonight. The Sweet were on right at the beginning, so we didn’t see them singing. David Cassidy hasn’t got a new single out yet, perhaps next week.

It was quite good at school. Colin B. kept chatting me & Sue up. He’s got something about him that I really like. I spose I fancy him, but it’s a secret between you & me. Nobody else!

My tranny’s on again as usual. A person called Barry White’s on, singing

“I’m never gonna give you up”.

See ya, Me.

Friday 8th February 1974.

Hi! Been to school again today (as usual). Susan broke up with me, just because I told my mate, Kay, a secret and I didn’t tell her. (Silly old cow. That’s what she called me).

Anyway, I’m going out with Kay tomorrow. So if she knocks for me, I won’t be in.

Colin’s really tasty! I’m going to send him a Valentine’s Card. Actually, the secret I told Kay, was that I fancy Colin. Kay said to Sue, “Lyn’s got a secret lover” and when I wouldn’t tell her who, she called me all the names under the sun and said I only wanted people to ask questions about it.


Saturday 9th February 1974.

Dear Me, What a day it’’s been. It’s been raining most of the day and I’ve hardly been out. Well that’s a lie, I went down the shops and then went out with Mum and Dad to Hornchurch.

The Partridge Family was on this morning. It was as good as always. I’m having my hair cut, like Susan Day’s now got hers. It should suit me!

My Mum and Dad went out to a dance last night and they’re going out again tonight. MyNan’s staying with us, thank goodness.


Sunday 10th February 1974.

Watcha Me, So far the day’s going well. Last night I had to sleep on the settee. Actually, I’m still in my nightdress, laying on the settee now and it’s 12.10pm.

It’s now 4.50pm and I’m dressed!

The Top 20’s on at 6.00pm and I’m going to take it down on paper.

I’ve got to do a lot of revising for a Maths test in school tomorrow.

I’ve been playing my David Cassidy LP most of the afternoon. I feel better after it’s been played.

See ya, Me.

Monday 11th February 1974.

Dear Me, At the moment, I’m in my form room writing this diary. I’m meant to be revising for my Maths test. Deborah D. is yacking away behind me and I just can’t stop laughing.

SmellyDeejust said that it’s a bit dangerous if I bring my diary to school. (Doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Silly man!)

At 10.10pm Colditz is on. (I must watcheth that). My latest craze today is to speaketh in the Olde English wayeth. (mad, aren’t I not?) Yeseth.

Goodbyeth, Me’eth. Xxxx’eth.

Tuesday 12th February 1974.

Hi! I’m in the dreary old form room again. The Top 20 was on.

Sweet no. 4   Lulu no. 3   Susi Quatro no. 2   Mud no. 1

We’ve got no homework at all tonight. I didn’t have any yesterday either, because I did it all in school.

There’s nothing much on the tellyvizion tonight, so I’m going to play cards.

Now I’m at home. Cor! There’re some really tasty workmen outside. (Well, one really). They keep speaking to me. Wollop! Kerunch!

Signed, Me.

Wednesday 13th February 1974.

Watcha, It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow. I’m suppose to be sending Colin B. one, but I haven’t even got a card. (Or money, come to think of it). He’s sitting over by the wall at the moment. There’s just something about him which makes me fancy him. Sue likes him as well. But not half as much as me.

Old fish-face, Jeremy, has got orange and yellow striped socks on.

Hi! I’m back again. It’s 7.20pm and I bought a Valentine’s Card for Colin on the way home from school. It cost 10p.

See ya, Me.

Thursday 14th February 1974.

Dear Me, How are you? Oh, very well, thankyou! Top of the Pops is on at 7.55pm.

My mate, Marie, put the card in Colin’s desk this morning and this boy David R. said it was my writing. Colin seemed to be quite nice to me today. I think I luv him.

I made some more bread today, but this time in cookery. Next lesson we can make:

Lemon Crunch Pie or Onion Soup or Fruit Fool or Jelly Mousse.

I’ll probably make Jelly Mousse.

See ya the same time tomorrow,



Friday 15th February 1974.

Hi! Had just the same normal day at school as usual. Got my Maths test results today. Get ready to hear how many I got. Ready- Wait for it !!!    12/20

Twelve out of twenty! Good, if you ask me.

If you’re wondering what happened to my pen at the beginning of this page, I’ve just washed it out with water.

Hi. I’m back again. We first went to see myNanin hospital, then went over to see my Mum’s Aunt Phylis.

This morning, Helen, my cousin, sent me mascara & eye-shadow.


Saturday 16th February 1974.

Dear Me, I’ve been out most of the day. This morning, after the Partridge Family, I went round for Sue and we went toElmPark. We went back in the afternoon to get each other’s birthday presents. I bought her blue mascara and she bought me the same.

At the moment, the Saturday Thriller is on. It’s not all that scary so far.

Aah! I’m back again and the thriller is getting quite scary. It’s about a girl who’s got a new car that’s haunted. When driving along she hears screams and the car won’t let her go where she wants to go.


Sunday 17th February 1974.

Watcha, It’s 2.10pm and I’m sitting on the settee writing this diary. Thunderbirds is on the television. It’s been repeated about 6 times already.

I’ve just been playing cards, “biddy”, with Toni. I won both of the games. (Very unusual for me).

I got my new shoes yesterday. They’re really nice. I’ll probably wear them to school with tights tomorrow.

Gotta sign off now,


Monday 18th February 1974.

Dear Me, It’s 6.10pm and I’m worn out after a hard day’s work at school.

I wore my new shoes with tights. Richard H. a boy in my class, whistled at me and most of my mates liked them.

Colin keeps bumping into me, accidentally-on-purpose. I think I fancy him and I’ve got a feeling he likes me. (I wish it was true).

“Love thy Neighbour” is on the telly tonight, so I’m definitely gonna watch that. Also, Colditz should be on.

I’ve done all my homework in school. I’ve only got to do my topic and even then I don’t have to.


Tuesday 19th February 1974.

Dear Me, I’ve been to school as usual today. It was quite good coz Colin’s there. I really like him. He turns me on!

I wore tights again today with my new shoes. I ‘fink’ I look alright, even if I do say so myself.

I’m gonna play table tennis with my brother in a minute. Woopee!! (Shouts of joy and happiness).

The top 20 was on today and Suzi Quatro’s no. 1  Mud no. 2  Alvin Stardust no. 3

Wombles  no.4


Wednesday 20th February 1974.

Hi! I’m in a mood today. SmellyDeekilled my little money spider in the Maths lesson. Poor little thing.

When I came home tonight, there were loads of ladders & holes in the back of my tights. I felt so embarrassed when I walked along.

There’s a tasty boy who’s moved in next-door-but-one. My Mum says he’s only about 11. Age doesn’t bother me though. I hope I can meet him.

Colin flicked an elastic band at my leg this afternoon. I fancy him. “Luv is a very splendid thing”.


Thursday 21st February 1974.

Dear Me, It’s been a good day today. Top of the Pops was on at 7.55pm. Suzi Quatro was on and Bay City Rollers, Barry White, Alvin Stardust, Gilbert O’Sullivan, Hollies, David Bowie, Queen. I can’t think of any others.

My sister, Toni is a right old cow. She’s been reading my diary, because I left it out this morning. She keeps saying, “Laurence & Lyndsay” and everything I put about Colin. But, I’ve read hers!

At the moment it’s 10.20pm and my radio’s not on for once, because the battery’s going.

See ya tomorrow,

Signed, Me.

Friday 22nd February 1974.

Hi, We broke up today for half term. Great, isn’t it? We only get 3 days off. My brother gets a whole week off.

I think we’re gonna move, because my Mum and Dad have got lots of leaflets about houses for sale in Basildon & Billericay. We’re gonna go and look over some of them tomorrow.

It was quite good on the television tonight. “Within these Walls” was on tonight and this horror film is on at 11.05pm. I’m not allowed to watch it though.


Saturday 23rd February 1974.

Watcha! At the moment I’m sitting in the car in Sparrows Herne. My Mum and Dad have been in one house and they said it’s horrible. By the way, I’m inBasildon. I forgot to tell you that. They’ve just gone to knock at another house. It looks quite nice from the outside and inside, as a matter of fact! They’ve now come out and they don’t like it. So, we’re now outside another one which looks alright. I’m gonna go now. See ya same time tomorrow,


Sunday 24th February 1974.

Dear Me, We had no success yesterday in the house-hunting. There was one we went in which was very futuristic, but my Mum and Dad didn’t like it from the outside. It was brand new & cheap too!

It’s been quite a good day. Mick, Edy & Paul and Johnny, Pam & Jenny came over for tea. They’ve only just gone. It’s 10.10pm

Sue came round this afternoon and we were playing skipping and running races. (We can be very mad at times).


Monday 25th February 1974.

Hi! It’s good to be on Half-Term. Today Sue and me went toElmPark, so that I could get Trevor, my brother, a yo-yo. We rang Coral first to see if she’d meet us there. So she did and then she came round my house for an hour or so.

It’s 11.15pm and this evening we went and had a look over this house. It was really beautiful, but my Dad was the only problem. He found fault with every possible thing!!!

If you look at Feb 20th you’ll see I put that this new boy was tasty. But, I saw him today and he’s not! (I think I saw him).


Tuesday 26th February 1974.

Dear Me, I got an unexpected letter with a present in from my Cousin this morning. Inside was some rouge. I wrote back and said thanks.

Today, Sue and me went toElmParkagain. (Not to look at the shops, but for another reason. Boys !!!!!!!!)  (Well I went for that reason anyway!)

I’ve just had a phone call from one of the boys down the camp site, Ray P. Nice to have these boys ring me up. We’re gonna see them down the camp site on the first weekend of the season.


Wednesday 27th February 1974.

Watcha, At the moment it’s 3.02pm and I’m sitting here on the settee listening to my David Cassidy LP and of course, writing this diary.

This morning, Sue and me went toElmParkand then we went round Coral’s house for an hour or so.

Just now I went up the sweet shop hoping to buy some chocolate for cookery tomorrow. But, when I got up there, it was closed. (Stupid place!!!)  With my sweet money, I bought a cake instead.

By the way, I’ve gotta go back to school tomorrow.


Thursday 28th February 1974.

Hi ! It was quite a good day today. We went back to school and MY Colin was there.

Top of the Pops was on tonight. Suzi Quatro was on & Lena Zavaroni, Ringo Starr, Paper Lace, David Bowie, Bill Hayley, (Surprising!) Wombles, Hudson Ford, John Christie, Charlie Rich and a couple of others were on.

It’s voting day today and there’s no results come through yet. I think Labour will be the party to get in, but I’m not sure.

Gotta go now, Me.

As you’ve probably worked out, this wasn’t a leap year!

But I still put the page to very good use!!!

February 29th 0000

It isn’t “today”, today, so I’ve stuck the Sweet in, instead.



I turned 13 and the hormones really kicked in!!!!

I turned 13 and the hormones really kicked in!!!!

(Completely Boy Mad!!!)

Friday 1st March 1974.

Dear Me, It’s the day after election day and still there’re NO results. As far as everybody knows, nobody has been elected, because they’re all equal. (Or nearly anyway).

Do you like the Sweet picture on the last page? Deborah D. gave it to me. She’s kind!

Colin burst out crying in class today. I didn’t know he was such a baby, because he really acts a “tuffy” at school. I still luv him anyway. I started to write a letter to him after school tonight and this boy told Smelly Dee what I was doing.


Saturday 2nd March 1974.


Watcha, As you can see it’s Kim’s birthday today. She’s 9. If you’re wondering who Kim is, well she used to live next-door-but-one. I used to take her & Ricky (Kim’s brother) to Elm Park, swimming and I practically lived in their house. I babysat and even slept there twice.

At the moment, we’re at Pitsea, house-hunting. There’s some new ones which my Mum likes. It looks quite a nice place to live in. I wouldn’t mind it.

See ya, Me.

Sunday 3rd March 1974.

Dear Me, As you know, we came down to Pitsea yesterday and looked at some brand new houses. Well, at the moment, we’re down at Pitsea again. My Mother and Father (Posh, aren’t I? calling them Mother and Father) like the house, so they’ve asked to have one built if possible.

It’s now 6.30pm and the Top 20 is on. Charlie Rich’s singing his song called “The most beautiful Girl”.

Now Lena Zavaroni’s on. My Mum doesn’t like her, but I think she’s got a brilliant voice for a girl of 10.


Monday 4th March 1974.

Hi ! We went to school today as usual. Colin is the greatest boy ever. He keeps asking to borrow my biro and so I lend it to him. He actually gives it back! I luv him wildly, madly and passionately.

Coming off the subject of boys, I think we’ve got a house in Rayleigh. It’s detached and is a bit bigger than the one we looked at yesterday. My Mum and Dad are going to have the day off work to go and see it.


Tuesday 5th March 1974.

Dear Wonderful, Happy, Lovesick Me, How are you? I’m ok thankyou. If you’re wondering who I’m lovesick about, it’s Colin. Today he asked to borrow my pen again. So, as usual, I lent it to him. He didn’t give it back to me tonight, but I don’t care. I trust him. I know he’ll give it to me tomorrow. (Well I hope he will anyway).

The Top 20 was on today. No. 5 is David Bowie No. 4 is Ringo Starr

No. 3 is The Hollies No. 2 is Suzi Quatro and

No. 1 is (wait for it!) Alvin Stardust.

Bye, Me & my love. X

Wednesday 6th March 1974.

It was another wonderful day today. Colin used my pen all day and he actually gave it back to me at the end of school. I LUV HIM MADLY. If only he liked me and if only I wasn’t so tall and he wasn’t so small.

Bobby & Derek B. were up the shops tonight. They kept looking at me, but I kept looking at them, so that’s probably the reason.

In cookery at school, I made shepherd’s pie. It turned out really gorgeous. We all had it for our tea tonight.


Thursday 7th March 1974.

Hi ! You never guess what? We’re gonna move. To Rayleigh! My Mum and Dad have found a brand new detached house. It’s suppose to have a great big back garden and a stream at the end of the front garden.

The school nearby is Comprehensive and the colour of the uniform is red.

Bright red!

But my Mum keeps bringing up problems which will eventually lead to us NOT going, even though a deposit for the house has been paid.

Top of the Pops was on tonight.


Friday 8th March 1974.

Dear Reader, (in otherwords Me!) I told all the class about me going to Rayleigh. All the boys kept shouting, “*****’s moving, 1,2,3 !!!” They were really stupid. Most of my mates want me to write to them, so I won’t worry.

At school in cookery, I made potato cheese pie. But I didn’t trust my cooking and so I didn’t have any for tea. My Mum, Dad & Brother said it was nice.

Colin is really gorgeous. I’ll never forget him, even when I move and meet other boys and friends.

Run out of space, Me.

Saturday 9th March 1974.

Dear Me, It’s Saturday evening, 10.40pm to be exact and I’m laying in bed. Trevor has just come and asked me to play cards with him. Well, I suppose I did promise him.

This afternoon, we all went to Romford (except Toni who was at work, Romford, in fact). My Mum bought me 2 pairs of knickers, yellow and a blue pair. They’re really nice.

Actually, next door sound as if they’re having a party OR if not, some kids have broken in and knicked all their booze!

See ya, Me.

Sunday 10th March 1974.

Hi ! This morning we all got up bright and early, even though the weather wasn’t bright. And we set out at about 11.15am to go to Rayleigh and see our new house. It’s really gorgeous. Out the front is this brook which has got cement or concrete banks. Today, though, it looked like a river. I hope we do move. It’ll be really exciting, I should think.

Gotta sign off now, Me.

Monday 11th March 1974.

Watcha, It’s 8.45pm and I’m up in my bedroom after just being hit by my f’ing old Mum. It’s all my f’ing sister’s fault. I hate her guts. She makes me puke!!!

I think we’re still moving. My Mum rang up the school in Rayleigh today and there is a place there for me.

It’s my birthday in exactly 2 weeks from now. Monday, the 25 th.

There’s a new Top 20 on tomorrow. I’ll write about it in tomorrow’s edition.


Tuesday 12th March 1974.

Good Evening, It’s 9.20pm and I’ve decided to have another early night. As you know, I said something horrible AND rude about my Mum when she hit me. Well, I take back what I said, because my Mum apologised and gave me a kiss.

On the Top 20 today, “Billy, don’t be a Hero” is No. 1. It’s by Paper Lace.

I got a letter from Kim in New Zealand this morning and I sent one back straight away. (Well by the 5.00pm post anyway). It’s Air Mail, so it should get there within the next week.


Wednesday 13th March 1974.

Hi ya kiddies, I washed my hair tonight. It’s now 10.55pm.

Yesterday, Ray from down the campsite rang me up. He wanted to know if I would go out with his friend, Gary K, who I used to go out with. But, being the fool that I am, I said NO. I wish I hadn’t! (Sob,sob). So tomorrow, I’m hoping my sister will lend me some money, so that I can phone Ray up from a call-box and change my mind. This Gary was really good looking. I’ve still got all his letters from 2 years ago.


Thursday 14th March 1974.

Watcha! It’s been quite good today. At school, in cookery, I made fish pie. We had it for our tea. It was really nice, even if I do say so myself.

I still haven’t rung Ray up to say that I’ve changed my mind about going out with Gary K. He’s probably tastier now, because his hair’s suppose to be longer.


I don’t like Colin anymore. He’s the worst boy I’ve ever seen. In school, he’s realised I sit behind him in every lesson. He said I was stupid.

Marcel wrote to me this morning, telling me his news.


Friday 15th March 1974.

Dear Me, I’ve got a confession to make. Even now, I still haven’t rung Ray up to tell him I’ve changed my mind about going out with Gary K.

At school, me & Debra have got a crush on this boy called “Pegwards”! He’s everso small, but really good looking. He once put his arm round me, when him & all his mates used to come round my house. I LUV HIM! (Mind you, I think I prefer Gary K !)

By the way, I’m still not talking to Susan.


Saturday 16th March 1974.

Good afternoon, I still haven’t rung Ray up. It’s a terrible offence. I meant to do it this morning! Anyway, Mum and Dad are going out tonight to another dance, so I’ll probably ring him then.

The Partridge Family was on this morning. It was really good as usual.

It’s my birthday in 9 days time. I don’t even know what my Mum and Dad are going to buy me. To be precise, I don’t even know what I want!

Gotta go now, Me.

Sunday 17th March 1974.

Hi ya Me, I suppose you’re wanting to know whether I’ve rung Ray up yet, well, the answer is NO !!! And the reason is that I just can’t be bothered to.

This afternoon, we all went down to pick the caravan up, so that we could bring it home. On the way there, we called in on Mick & Edy and they came down to the farm with us.

It’s 9.15pm and there’s nothing very good on the telly. Only a boring old play which we’re sitting through.

Bye for now, Me.

Monday 18th March 1974.

It’s 10.33pm and I’m in bed. My Nan came over this evening with my Uncle Roy. As usual they bought us sweets.

If you read yesterday’s, you’ll see that I put about sitting through a boring old play. In fact, it turned out to be really good, but sad.

I still haven’t rung Ray up. (It’s terrible, isn’t it?) Never mind, we’re going camping in 2 weeks. I’ll see him then.

By the way, I’m 12 years and 359 days old.


Tuesday 19th March 1974.

Dear Me, It’s been a great day. I’ve fallen madly wild about this 3 rd Year boy, Pegwards. He goes around with Stuart F. and they used to come round my house. Once Pegwards had his arm round me. It was really great, but I didn’t think he was particularly wonderful then. Me & Sue hung round his house after school tonight. And when we saw him, he said that he was already going out with a girl. (Not fair, is it?)

By the way, instead of ringing Ray up, I wrote a letter to Gary and sent it off tonight.


Wednesday 20th March 1974.

Dear Me, I’m still in luv with Pegwards and this girl who knows him said he was lying when he said about already going out with someone.

That letter which I posted to Gary K. should get there tomorrow. I hope it does!

There’s only 5 days until my birthday. It is my Mum’s birthday tomorrow. Toni and I have bought her a bottle of “ Tweed”, £1.35 and Charlie Rich’s record, 48p.

Gotta go, Me.

Thursday 21st March 1974.


Hi ! Pegwards has been avoiding me all today. When me and all my mates stayed to watch the dance competition tonight, Pegwards was with this girl. He was sitting next to her and he was mucking around with her. It’s just not fair!

Anyway, I’ve still got Gary K. (I hope so. He should’ve got that letter today!) If I haven’t got him, I’ve got Bobby J. (He’s a 1 st year and Terry J’s brother).

I like him and my friend knows it, but I keep saying he’s horrible.

Bye for now, Me.

Friday 22nd March 1974.

Hello! It’s 10.08pm and I’m in bed. This evening I had a bath and washed my hair. (It’s still a bit wet! I’m going to have a cold probably tomorrow!)

I’ve decided I like Bobby J. and also I like this other 1 st year, Toddy. (That’s the only name I know him by!)

My birthday’s in 3 days. This evening I should have been home late, but I was early and so, got home before my Mum. I caught her in the act of bringing my birthday cake home.

See ya, Me.

Saturday 23rd March 1974.

Dear Me, I’m going ice-skating at Streatham tonight. I can’t wait. My Mum keeps trying to put me off by saying, “Do you really wanna go?” Of course the answer is “Yes!”

My Nan R. came over this morning. She bought me a birthday card and gave me 50p. I went to Elm Park and bought a record. It’s called, “Ma-ma-ma belle” by E.L.O.

My Nan’s staying the night, so it means I’ll have to sleep on the settee. I don’t mind actually.

It’s nearly 11.00pm and in fact, I’m sleeping in Trev’s room on the floor.


Sunday 24th March 1974.

Hi ya, Me. It’s my birthday tomorrow. My Mum and Dad are gonna give me £2.50 each. Which makes, (get ready!) the grand total (1,2,3) of £5.00.

I haven’t decided what I’ gonna buy with it yet. (Well, I haven’t even got it !)

By the way, we went up to Streatham last night. BUT, my Dad wouldn’t go in. Just because it cost 50p each. We looked through the cracks in the door and saw everybody skating round. I wish we could have gone in! It’s not fair!

Gotta go now, because my other Nan and my little cousin are coming over to tea.


Monday 25th March 1974.


It was great at school today! I told Bobby J. to be over the back of the fields at 1 o’clock, so that I could get a birthday kiss from him. I went over there with Sue, but I backed out. I don’t like him. Instead, I like Toddy. I know where he lives and I know his phone number. (He’s really tasty even though he’s got ginger hair and his smile’s really gorgeous. I luv him!!!)

I’m now 13. So I’m not a weeny bopper anymore, but a TEENY bopper.

I went out and bought another 3 records today. New Seekers, Paper Lace and Hot Chocolate.


Tuesday 26th March 1974.

Watcha, It’s been good at school again today. Toddy doesn’t like me, but I don’t blame him. I’m tall, lanky and ugly. PLUS, I’m a 2 nd year and he’s a 1 st year.

My Mum still hasn’t given me my £5.00 birthday present yet. But, she said I’ll probably get it tomorrow.

Today, we had 2 Geography tests in a double lesson. (The first one I got 7/20 and the second one, 10/20). Not very good, ay?

Tomorrow we’ve got a Science test. I’m no good at that either.

See ya, Me.

Wednesday 27th March 1974.

Dear Me, I asked this boy to ask Toddy whether he liked me or not and guess what the answer was? Yes, you were right! “No!”

It’s what I expected though, because he’s a 1 st year.

I also like Keith P. but he’s always been in my class (since we were 5) until we came to this school. (Mad on boys, aren’t I?)

The exams are in about 6 days time. I haven’t even revised. (Terrible, isn’t it?)

Gotta go now,

Luv Me & my loved ones.

Thursday 28th March 1974.

Good evening, Toddy said “hello” to me today and gave me one of his really gorgeous grins.

Sue & I went up the school tonight to sell tickets and we went and watched “Oliver” (the school production). We didn’t stay and see all of it, but we’re going again tomorrow and we’ll watch it right through.

This boy in my class, Stuart T. gave me a load of Sweet pictures today.

By the way, because I went out this evening, I missed Top of the Pops. (But, I don’t spose anything really good was on!)


Friday 29th March 1974.

Hi, Again, like yesterday, Sue & I went up the school to sell tickets for “Oliver”. We stayed and watched it. The boy who played the part of Oliver, Geoffrey M. was really good. His voice was lovely.

Smelly Dee gave me 100 lines in school today, because I didn’t hand in my reply slip. So I told him I wasn’t going to sell tickets, but then changed my mind. He came up to me at the door and gave me a lecture. He said it was part of growing . Susan couldn’t stop laughing. Nor could I.

See ya, Me.

Saturday 30th March 1974.

Dear Me, How are you? Oh very well thankyou.

At the moment I’m sitting in the back of the car (which is in the garage) waiting for my Dad to get the caravan out of the back garden. You see, we’re going camping today. I can’t wait. Hope all my old mates are down there. Ray and Lee should be down there, and with a bit of luck, Gary K.

I saw Terry J. down the shops this morning. He offered Sue and me a sweet. (He’s really nice, but I only like him).


Sunday 31st March 1974.

Dear Me, It’s 4.20pm and I’m sitting in my caravan. It’s a really gorgeous weekend. The sun’s been shining all the time. Ray isn’t down here this weekend, but my mate, Marina, is. We’ve been decorating the hall most of the time. I’ve really enjoyed doing it! When me and Marina rang Ray up today, I told him to tell Gary K. that if he likes me, he must ring my phone number tomorrow and let it ring 3 times. I’m hoping Ray will tell him.

Gotta go now, no more room.


I went to the pictures with a boy for the first time!!!

I went to the pictures with a boy for the first time!!!

See how complicated it all got!!!

Monday 1st April 1974.

Good evening, I don’t think Ray could have told Gary K. to ring me, because he didn’t phone. If it wasn’t that, it must’ve been thatGarydoesn’t like me. (I don’t like him now!)

I’ve been to see “Oliver” again tonight. (It’s my 3rd time). I really enjoyed it and would go on watching it for weeks and weeks. Geoffrey M. sang really nice and sweetly. (He’s a real tasty geezer!!!)

By the way, I got in free again tonight AND I was not selling tickets. Don’t know why Smelly Dee didn’t ask us to pay up.


Tuesday 2nd April 1974.

Dear Me, I’ve got to do a load of revising now, while I’m in bed. It’s 9.20pm. The exams are tomorrow. I haven’t learnt anything that I should’ve.

I saw Terry J. down the shops tonight. (He’s so nice, but I just don’t know why I don’t want to go out with him). My Mum saw him as well. She was speaking to him.

By the way, there’s a new no. 1. Get ready for it. One! Two! Three! Yes, it’s ….

“Seasons in the Sun” by Terry Jacks.

See ya, wish me luck for tomorrow,


Wednesday 3rd April 1974.

Hi ! We had the first 3 exams today. Geography, History, then Maths. It wasn’t half as bad as I expected.

We’ve got R.K. , Music, Maths and Science tomorrow.

I went up the shops tonight, but not only to get sweets. Yes, you guessed right. To see a boy! But you don’t know who! It was Terry J. In fact he was up there, so I offered him a sweet. I think I fancy him again. I’ll probably ask his brother in school tomorrow whether Terry’s got a girlfriend. If not, well I’m in luck!


Thursday 4th April 1974.

Dear Me, I’ve got really great news. You know yesterday I said I’d ask Terry J’s brother if Terry had a girlfriend, well today, I did. Yes he has! But tonight I asked Bobby if Terry liked me and he said yes. So Bobby told Terry that I wanted to go out with him. I’ll tell you everything else tomorrow.

We had those rotten exams today. I’ve probably done badly in all of them.

Top of the Pops is on right now. By the way, if I hadn’t already told you,

Terry Jacks is number one.

See ya, Me.

Friday 5th April 1974.

Hi ! I’m going out with Terry J. again. Me and my mate, Kim went round where he lives after school and also most of the evening. Kim’s gonna go to the pictures with Bobby and I’m going with Terry on Monday. (A nice little foursome, don’t you think?) We’re gonna see “American Graffiti”. It’s about rock and roll and teddy boys.

It’s been a great evening. Kim’s coming round at 10.30am on Monday and the boys at 11.00am. We’re gonna leave at about 1.30pm.

See ya, Me.

Saturday 6th April 1974.

Good evening, Well it’s Sunday morning really because it’s past 12.00pm or am!

I rang Terry J. up this afternoon, but he wasn’t in, so I asked for Bobby. He wasn’t in either. There’s only one more whole day until I’m going to the pictures with Tell.

I’m at the campsite at the moment. Ray and Lee wouldn’t even speak to me today at all. Silly old bags!

I’m in my new fluorescent sleeping bag. It’s really nice & comfortable.

Gotta sign off now,

Luv, lovesick, Me.

Sunday 7th April 1974.

Hi ya, I rung Terry J. up again this morning (or was it afternoon?) Anyway, he wasn’t in, so I asked for Bobby and he wasn’t in either!

Tomorrow’s the great day. Me and Kim and Terry and Bobby are going to the pictures. I can’t wait, but they better turn up or Bobby had better come or it means I won’t go on my own with Terry.

Lee & Ray said it was me who wouldn’t speak to them. (Blimmin’ liars).Marina’s gone home and so have both the boys, so I’m on my own. Well I didn’t go round with them anyway.


Monday 8th April 1974.

Hi ! It’s been a great day and I’m so happy. BUT, we didn’t go to the pictures. NO, because they didn’t turn up. Terry went to Southend with all his mates and Bobby weren’t gonna come on his own. So tonight Kim and me rang them both up and asked ‘em to come out. They did. Terry eventually put his arm round me and well, Bobby had to be given a little encouragement before he put his arm round Kim.

We’re suppose to be going to the pictures tomorrow, even though none of us have any money.


Tuesday 9th April 1974.

Watcha! We all went to the pictures today. We saw “American Graffiti”.

Bobby’s really tasty and I fancy him. But he’s going out with Kim and me with Terry. I wish we could swop. I’m not sure if we’re gonna see them tomorrow. I don’t really care if I do or don’t. Well, I wanna see Bobby. (Nice!)

My Mum and Dad have sold our settee and 2 chairs tonight, because we’ll be moving in about 2 months or less, so we’re getting new furniture.


Wednesday 10th April 1974.

Dear Me, It’s been a great night! You see, Kim & me rang Bobby and Terry up and told them to be up the shops at 7.00pm. BUT, only Terry turned up, so we went round his house to find Bobby. Anyway, Bobby talked to me all evening and he was letting out all his & Terry’s secrets. Kim got a bit jealous I think. But the reason is that Bobby doesn’t like Kim (but I’m not to tell her!)

I like her and I like Terry & Bobby as well. He was really nice. Also, he told me that Terry’s gonna give me up when I move.


 Thursday 11th April 1974.

Hello Me, I don’t think Terry likes me. Well, in fact, I’m POSITIVE. Last night I wrote on the pavement outside their house, “*** & Terry”. This evening when I went round there, the Terry had been crossed out and Bobby put in its place. I knocked and asked who did it and they didn’t know. Terry must’ve got jealous last night. I’m never gonna  phone or knock at his house ever again. And this time I’d decided to be nice to him and he now doesn’t like me.


P.S. Top of the Pops is on soon.

The camping season was underway and you thought I was “Boy- Mad” at home! Wait and See……!!!

 Friday 12th April 1974.

                     DAVID CASSIDY’S BIRTHDAY.

Hi, As you can see, it’s David Cassidy’s birthday. He’s 24. (Getting old, but still beautiful). I didn’t even send him a card!

I met this new boy (down the campsite) tonight. We went for a walk and first of all he put his arm round me and then we just held hands. I’m not sure if I like him, because after everybody had gone to bed, me, Elaine, her friend and my sister, went in Lee & Ray’s tent. (They’re talking to me!) Elaine said Lee likes me.



Saturday 13th April 1974.

Watcha! It’s been really great tonight. That new boy (he’s called David by the way) went for a walk with me after the hall had closed. Elaine went with Don and Cathy with Raymond. Anyway, he kissed me. He’s really nice, but if Terry J. likes me then I’ll go with him and not David, who’s 15 and very short.


See ya, Me.

Sunday 14th April 1974.


Dear Me, I’ve been with David nearly all day. There’s something nice about him. My sister keeps singing and taking the mickey out of Don. He thinks everyone fancies him! I don’t.

Lee asked Elaine to go out with him, but she said no because she’s going out with Don.

Tonight, my Mum and Dad are organising the Bingo over the hall, me in the canteen.


Monday 15th April 1974.

Hi ya, I’ve been with that boy, David all today. He’s gonna come camping with his mate next week. (I should think they’re gonna come every week, because they’ve joined the Youth).

It’s been a great Easter. BUT, there’s one big thing. I didn’t get any Easter Eggs at all. My Mum said she’s gonna give us 50p each. (Nice of her, don’t you think?)

Gotta go now, Me.

Tuesday 16th April 1974.

Dear Me, I rang Dave up today. He sounded really nice on the phone. I asked him to ring me back in the phone box and he couldn’t get through, but eventually he did. THEN we got cut off. I rang back later and he wasn’t in, so I’ll see him on Saturday at camping.

Bobby and Derek B. were being followed tonight, by me and Susan. They’re so tasty! Derek came into the phone box and he got his scarf and hit me on the bum. (I’ll never wash again!)

See ya, Me.

Wednesday 17th April 1974.

Dear Me, I saw Terry J. up the shops today and he talked to me. Also, he’s had his hair cut. By the way, Kim phoned up today and she said Terry does like me because she phoned up and asked him. He was nice to me! (I’ll probably have Terry in the week and see Dave at the weekends!) Two- timer, aren’t I?

At the moment, I’m listening to Tone’s Roxy Music L.P. “Mother of Pearl” has just started. It’s really lovely.

See ya, Me.

Thursday 18th April 1974.

Hi ya, It’s been a bit of a boring day, except this afternoon when my Mum took me and Trevor over to see our new boy cousin. His name’s Andrew.

At the moment, it’s 8.30pm and “Special Branch” has just started. Haggerty, Patrick Mower, one of the stars in it, he’s really tasty.

Top of the Pops was on just now. This is who was on: Wombles, Glitter Band, Mott the Hoople, Sunny, Limmie & Family Cooking, Jimmy Osmond, Terry Jacks, Abba, Bay City Rollers. Wizzard, (I think there was one more, but I can’t think of it!)


Friday 19th April 1974.

Dear Me, At the moment, it’s 9.50pm and I’m lying in bed, eating a black jack and writing this diary.

Tomorrow’s the great day! You know why? Well, because I’m gonna see Dave down the campsite. It should be really good.

Today, me and Sue went and bought 4 records. Abba, Limmie & Family Cooking, Chi-Lites and the Wombles. They’re not for us, but for Kelvedon’s camp social.

Gotta sign off now,

Luv, Me.

Saturday 20th April 1974.

I’m down the campsite and Dave said he’d be down here. BUT, when I got down here, NO Dave. Then this evening, he turned up in the clubhouse. He hasn’t really talked to me much and I didn’t even get a kiss from him. Hope he’ll go around with me tomorrow. I really fancy him!

I’ve started this David Cassidy scrap book. It’s really good! I’ve got lots of pictures and I know they won’t all fit into the scrap book.

See ya, Me.

Sunday 21st April 1974.

Watcha Me, It’s been another fantastic day. Dave has been around with me all day and he’s been kissing me etc. (The etc. doesn’t really mean much, it doesn’t mean anything actually!) He kept holding my hand and cuddling me and…. I really like him. He’s not going camping next weekend (sob sob!) He asked for my phone number and he might give me a ring. (Nice!)

Now I’m at home and I’ve just made a rhubarb crumble, put it in the oven and everyone’s waiting for it to cook. We’ve got rice with it as well.


Monday 22nd April 1974.

Dear Me, We go back to school tomorrow. It’s been a good holiday anyway!

Today, my Mum told this man that he can borrow our caravan for a few weeks, which means we can’t go camping. BUT, my Dad says he’ll take me camping. I’ll have to cook for myself and sleep up the Youth Field. It’ll be really good, but that’s only if Dave’s there. (Mind you, I wouldn’t get up to anything, that’s a promise!)

The Top 20’s on tomorrow. I’ll let you know if there’s a new no. 1 or not.


Tuesday 23rd April 1974.

Hi fans, I rang Dave up today after school. He’s really nice on the phone and he spoke to Sue. (Mind you, I prefer him when I see him, NOT on the phone!) I wish he lived nearer, but then we’d see each other more often, therefore, not like each other so much.

Terry Jacks is no. 1 for the 4th week running, Abba no. 2, Mud no. 3, Wombles no. 4  and the Glitter Band no. 5.

I got some of my exam results today. Maths- 65%, R.K.- 49%, Science- 35% and History- 46 out of 80 or 100 (Not sure!)


Wednesday 24th April 1974.

Dear Me, Was alright at school today. I haven’t had any more exam results. Probably get some more tomorrow.

Dave is still on my mind. I haven’t phoned him up today. I think I’ll leave it until I’ve seen him again, which’ll probably be in 1 ½ weeks time.

I washed my hair and had a bath tonight. My hair’s really come up nice, because my water had bubble bath in it as well.

At the moment, it’s 10.16pm. I’m laying in bed writing this. (Cor! Top marks for observation).

Gotta go now, Me.

Thursday 25th April 1974.

Dear Me, Top of the Pops was on tonight and I missed it. My mate, Marina, from down the campsite, was on there. We missed it, because as you know, our caravan is being leant to someone. We had to tow it all the way to a place near Chelmsford. We set out at 6.45pm and didn’t get back ‘til about 12.00am.

It was alright at school today, except Smelly Dee was having a go at me for something or another. I’ll be really glad when it’s time to move.

See ya, Me.

Friday 26th April 1974.

Watcha, I did 10 whole pages on an oil topic tonight. It took me about 2 hours.

We’re not going camping tomorrow, but just visiting for the evening. I don’t really wanna camp because Dave won’t be there. Or Marina, Elaine & Cathy.

At the moment, I’m sitting on the loo.

This girl in my class, Kim, has leant me this book called “Skinhead”. It’s all about the life of a skinhead and is really dirty in parts. I’ve only just started from the beginning, because I read all the good, dirty bits first.


Saturday 27th April 1974.

Hello, me old mate, We visited Kelvedon, the campsite tonight. Hardly anybody was there. Dave and his mate weren’t there. It was quite boring really. We got home at 12.45am and now I’m in bed writing this.

Me and Sue went to Elm Park this afternoon. I bought myself some “Body Mist” deodorant. It’s rose flavour.

I haven’t got anything to write about, so you’ll just have to put up with me writing a load of old rubbish.

See ya tomorrow, Me.

Sunday 28th April 1974.

Dear Me, At the moment, I’m watching, “Doctor at Sea”. It’s really funny and I just love Duncan Waring. He’s really lovely looking.

We went up the campsite again today, but it was boring, because we got there at 1 o’clock, didn’t have any dinner and got home at 6.45pm eating Chinese food.

The Sunday Mystery Movie is on in a minute, but I can’t be bothered to watch anything on the telly.

I’ve done all my homework, there’s nothing to do and I’m cold.

Gotta go now, Me.

Monday 29th April 1974.

Dear Me, You’ve probably noticed that I keep writing this diary in lots of different pens. (It’s nothing important, so don’t worry about it). Also, you’ve probably noticed that I’m writing a load of old rubbish just to fill up the space!!!

I keep thinking about Dave. He’s really lovely! I hope he’ll be camping with his mate, coz I’m gonna take my friend, Rhona, with me and we’ll make a good little foursome. (I hope!)

At the moment, I’m sitting on the loo. I’ve just had a blow-me-nose session. I wiped my nose on toilet paper. (Yuk!)


Saturday 30th April 1974.

Hi ya, fans, Yesterday I wrote about taking my mate camping. But, tonight I rang her up and she can’t come. NO, because her foot is in plaster after having her toenail pulled off! I’ll just have to go on my own!

I’m a good girl coz I’ve done all of my homework. Like yesterday, I’m sitting on the loo.

By the way, the new Top 20 was on. No. 5 Glitter Band, no. 4 The Wombles,                                                             No. 3 Terry Jacks, no. 2 Mud  AND  no. 1  Abba, singing “Waterloo”.

My music exam, I got 52%



Phone Box Residence

This is the month that I practically lived in phone boxes with my friends!!! (I apologise now to all those poor boys that I pestered continually!!!) , I couldn’t spell the “Rubettes” & I kept changing my mind on what boy to fancy!!!

Wednesday 1st May 1974.

Dear Me, On the telly tonight, a TV programme called “And Mother makes Five” was on. In it are these 2 boys. I used to like the big one, but he’s had his hair cut short, so now I like the small one. He’s got that brilliant name, David!

David Parfitt. (Tasty!)

It’s 8.50pm and I’m here, laying in bed. There’s nothing on the telly, I’ve done my homework, so I’ve just come to bed.

David G. is still my no.1. He’s really gorgeous and he’d better be down Kelvedon on Saturday.


Thursday 2nd May 1974.

Watcha! I had the day off of school today. Yeah! Because my brother didn’t have to go to school, so I stayed and looked after him. (My sister weren’t half jealous!)

It’s now 5.20pm and I’m sitting on the loo AGAIN! Top of the Pops is on tonight. Abba will definitely be on (coz they are no.1).

I’ve got nothing really interesting to say, except I had a bath and washed my hair this morning. (Don’t you think that’s really wonderfully, excrutiatingly interesting? I do!)

Gotta sign off now,

Luv, the one and only,


Friday 3rd May 1974.

Dear Me, I nearly had a chance to go camping tonight. YES, but my Mum put a stop to it. You see, there’s a boy who’s suppose to fancy me and his Mum’s really pleased he talks to me and so she tries to do anything to please me. (That’s my conclusion anyway!)

Dave should be down there and I know my mate Elaine is. Hope they don’t get together and leave me out. (I’d be really upset!)

Went over my Nan A’s tonight. We’ve just come in. It’s 10.40pm.

See ya, Me.

Saturday 4th May 1974.

Hi ya, It’s Saturday night and Dave’s not down here (the campsite). But there’s this boy who’s 16 and he’s really tasty. (Trevor’s his name). He goes around with 3 other boys. Anyway tonight, Me, Elaine and Cathy went in their tent and he kept sitting next to me. (Elaine likes him and she’s jealous!)

We stayed up until 1 o’clock and we couldn’t stop laughing. This woke the Youth Leader up and he came out and told everyone off.

I still like Dave and if, just if, and supposing that Trevor did like me, I don’t know who I’d go with. (Probably Dave and let Elaine go with Trev).


Sunday 5th May 1974.

Dear Me, It’s Sunday evening and I’m in bed after a really gorgeous day camping. That boy, Trevor, is really tasty. Anyway, we went for this walk with him and his other mates and there was this really high hill in the woods. He kept helping me up and holding my hand. (Nice). Also, he was walking most of the way with ME. (Elaine really got annoyed!) But, I can’t help it if I’ve got all the charm.

Dave’s gonna ring me some time in the week, because I rang him yesterday and he said he’d been trying to ring me.


Monday 6th May 1974.

Watcha. Elaine rang me up tonight. She asked me what happened after she’d gone home last night and I was left with all the boys down the campsite. She said that she was gonna go out with Terry and I could have Trevor, but I said “No! I’m going with Dave G. and you can go with Trev”. (Wish I could have him though! Shame!)

It was quite good at school today. You know we had to do Paper 2 of our Maths exam again! Guess what I got? 100%. I’m not just a pretty face.

My Uncle said that it’s in the paper that David Cassidy’s retiring after his concert in the U.K.


Tuesday 7th May 1974.

Dear Me, It’s 9.32pm and I’m in bed. We’re not going camping this weekend and if Dave does, I’ll just do my conkers. I think I’ll ring him up tomorrow. Even if we don’t camp, we’re still gonna visit.

The new Top 20 was on today. No. 5 Bay City Rollers, No. 4 Peters & Lee

No. 3 Wombles, No. 2 Roulettes (or something), No . 1 Abba.

I’m not sure, but I think that Bobby J. is the best friend I’ve ever had. He is so grown up and I love talking to him.


Wednesday 8th May 1974.

Hi ! I’m so happy. You see, I rang Dave up tonight and well, I love him. Anyway, Kim put another 2p in and I spoke to him for a little bit longer. Then I asked him to ring me back, but he said he couldn’t get through. I borrowed Kim’s money again and I got through to him. The stupid boy had forgotten to dial the code. (That’s why he couldn’t get through!) Anyway, I asked him to ring me back after. So he did. Guess what? He’s going camping this weekend when I’m not. Never mind, we’re visiting. He’s really marvellous.

Gotta go now, Me.

Thursday 9th May 1974.

Dear Me, I forgot to tell you last night. Dave’s gonna ring me tomorrow, Friday. Oh, I’m so happy. It’s not fair though, we’re not camping. Never mind, I’ll see him for Saturday evening. That’s better than nothing!

Top of the Pops was on just now. This is who were on:

Bay City Rollers, Peters & Lee, Roullettes, Wombles, Abba, Anita Tranquilly (or something like that), Paper Lace, S.P.A.R.K., Philadelphia, Status Quo. I liked everyone except, yes, I forgot to mention it, Vince Hill. He was on. (I feel sorry for him, coz he appeared and he’s not really appreciated).


Friday 10th May 1974.

Watcha, I rang Dave up tonight and Kim and Susan were in the phone box with me. Anyway, when he rang me back, Kim picked up the phone and started speaking all posh. She was really funny! I don’t reckon he’ll like me tomorrow, coz Kim told him that I reckoned he had a small bum!

On the telly tonight was, “It’s a knockout”. It was really good!

On April 26 th I wrote that Kim had lent me a book called “Skinhead”. Well now I’ve got “Trouble for Skinhead 1”.

Gotta sign off now, Me.

Saturday 11th May 1974.

Hi ya, We’ve just got back from down Kelvedon. Dave was there. He’s really fantastic. But, I don’t think he likes me! We’ll find out tomorrow. There was a bit of trouble down there, because the Youth Leader wasn’t there. Cathy fainted and so she’s got to sleep in Mick’s the night. Elaine’s gotta go in with her Nan! It’s all because someone started pulling tents down.

I’m gonna blame Kim if Dave doesn’t like me, coz I really, really do like him. Aah!

See ya in a few hours, Me.

Sunday 12th May 1974.

Sadness, Sadness!

Guess what? We got back down the campsite at precisely 12.50pm and Dave had gone home. Yes, just like that! So I rang him up at home. He was in bed, but I made his brother get him up. Anyway, the reason he went home was that he didn’t have nothin’ to do. Marina took the phone from me and she asked Dave if he still liked me. The answer was “Yes” I’m pleased to say. Next week we’re going camping Friday night. I’ve gotta ring Dave and tell him in the week.

There’s school tomorrow. Nice for me, ain’t it?

See ya, Me.

Monday 13th May 1974.

Dear Me, I’m really in a sad mood. On the telly was this programme about a Children’s home and that they need people to adopt them. Following the American style, they’re interviewing some of the kids on telly. Anyway, there was this boy of 12, he was the best looking boy I’ve seen for ages and I really would love him to live with us. His smile was just out of this world and his eyes, although he looked a bit Chinese, were really lovely. I’ll probably cry myself to sleep over him.

Gotta go now, Me.

Tuesday 14th May 1974.

Hi ! I rang Dave up tonight, but he wasn’t in, so I chatted to one of his brothers. Anyway, he told me that Dave was over the fields and he didn’t know what time he’d be in. Then I asked if he knew whether Dave was going camping at the weekend. The boy said he didn’t know, but he definitely knew Dave’s going at Whitsun. This boy said, “Does Dave know your number?. Have ya got a phone?”

I said “Yes”. He said “I’ll get him to ring you then!”

It’s now 10.40pm and he has not rung, probably too shy.


Wednesday 15th May 1974.

Hi. I’ve had a really great evening. You see, Julie S, Christine, Susan and Me all went out tonight. We stopped and talked to Terry J, who admitted I was a horse-face and I admitted he was a Wanker, Bender and Tosser.

Anyway, we also rang Dave up. He doesn’t know if he’s going camping this weekend, but he’s gonna see with his friend tomorrow and then ring me at 7.00pm.

I had a bath and washed my hair tonight. It’s really come up nice (my hair), even if I do say so myself.

Luv, Me.

Thursday 16th May 1974.

Dear Me, Dave didn’t ring me up tonight. (Sob! Sob!) Anyway, we’re not going camping on Friday night, but Saturday morning instead. (It’s not fair!) Mind you, he’s probably not even going, because he didn’t ring tonight.

Top of the Pops was on as usual. This is who was on: Jim Stafford, Bay City Rollers, Cliff Richard, Wizzard, Roubettes, Alvin Stardust, 3 Degrees, Status Quo, Another new group, Another 2 people from the Eurovision Song Contest and I can’t think who else.

Gotta go now, Signed, Me.

Friday 17th May 1974.

Hi ya, Been out with Susan, Julie S, Christine tonight. Anyway, we rang Dave up and he’s not going camping until Whitsun (next week). My Mum, Dad and Brother and Me walked Julie home tonight. She lives at least 2 miles away. It was a good evening.

At the moment, it’s 10.40pm and I’ve just had a bath and washed my hair. Then I dried it and now I’m in bed writing this.

Downstairs on the telly, I can hear the TV awards programme on.

See ya, Me.

Saturday 18th May 1974 .

Dear Me, I’m down the campsite. Anyway, there’s a whole group of boys, who’ve come on a walk from London. As me and Marina are the only 2 girls down here, every single one of them has chatted us up. I’ve decided I like the one who’s got a delicious smile. He was talking to both of us on the swings. After the hall had closed, they wanted to walk us back to our tent. But, we didn’t tell them where it was. So, they followed us. Not in so many words we told them to push- off. But, we both wished we hadn’t!


Sunday 19th May 1974.

Watcha! As Marina slept in my tent up the Youth Field with me, we both got up at 4.45am just to see those boys off, because they were getting up early. Anyway, we went over the toilets, walked round the field about 100 times and it was freezing cold. At 6.15am we watched them all get up and suffer, but I couldn’t see the one with the gorgeous smile and Marina couldn’t see her one. At 7.20am we went back to bed and missed them all. They all went home. (Sob Sob!)

See ya, (I’m not 2 timing Dave). Me.

Monday 20th May 1974.

Dear Me, At the moment, I’m in bed. Anyway, I forgot to tell you that Ray and Lee (down the campsite) brought a friend down with them this weekend. Well, he’s the ugliest boy I’ve ever seen (not trying to be horrible, but he was). He fancied me and kept coming over and talking to me.

Coming back to this evening, he rang me up tonight, asking me if I’d go to a disco with him up his school. (Broxhill, Harold Hill). I said “No”, because I’m already going out with Dave. Then later, Ray phoned up, not knowing his friend had already rung, and asked me to go with this boy. But, I still fancy Lee and I go out with Dave. What do I do?


Tuesday 21st May 1974.

Dear Me, It was “Sports Day” at school today. I came 3 rd in the Hurdles, 7 th in the 100 metres and we came last in the Relay. Never mind! At least we had a go!

Tonight, we all went up to the “Elm Park Hotel” for this Disco. 7.30-10.30

Anyway, when we got there it was packed and the thing had been cancelled. Yes, because lots of people, too young, came up there. The police sent us all away. (not fair!)

The new Top 20 was on, but I didn’t hear it. All I know is that “Sugar Baby Love” is no. 1


Wednesday 22nd May 1974.

Watcha! Me, Christine and Julie S. all went out tonight. Well, Julie came home to my house straight from school and we had toast for tea. Then we went back round Julie’s, expecting to meet Christine there at 7.00pm. But, no Christine. Instead, a phone call from my house saying she’d gone there. So we said we’d all go back and meet in Elm Park. After, we went back to Julie’s until 9.00pm when her Dad took us home.

By the way, if you’re wondering why Susan didn’t come tonight, it’s because she wouldn’t speak to me on Monday.


Thursday 23rd May 1974.

Hi, This is who was on “Top of the Pops” tonight: Anita Trinquetti, Roubettes, SPARKS, Show Waddy Waddy, Osmonds, Paper Lace, Cockney Rebel, Brian Ferry, Lena Zavaroni, Alan Price and I can’t think who else. There should be one more!

We break up from school tomorrow. Great, a whole week holiday. Wowee!!!

At school we had another boring day. Smelly Dee is just as awful as ever.

Gotta sign off now,

Luv and stuff, Me.

Friday 24th May 1974.

Dear Me, Tonight’s the night. Yes, when we go camping. It’s Whitsun Weekend and Dave’s gonna be down Kelvedon. (He said he was anyway!) I’m doing a sponsored walk tomorrow for Kelvedon’s C.C.Y. (Camping Club Youth). I’ve got quite a number of Sponsors, including Smelly Dee.

We broke up today, but it wasn’t all that exciting.

Stuart F. keeps giving me smiles. I still like him, just as I still like Lee. But, I simply go mad over Dave. Aaah!

See ya, Me.

Saturday 25th May 1974.

Hi. It’s Saturday and Dave’s not down here.

We did that Sponsored Walk. Ten miles. Cor! Ray and Lee did the walk too.

By the way, guess who’s down here? Yes, Mick and Martin. Two boys that we met last Whitsun.

Haven’t got anything else to say.

Bye, Me.

Sunday 26th May 1974.

It’s now Sunday and the Sports are on. I’ve just come 1 st Girl, 2 nd overall in the obstacle race. So I’ve won a record token.

There’s this boy, Paul S. who knows most of the boys in my class. He lives in Rainham. Anyway, I’ve been talking to him all day. He’s everso nice, even though I don’t fancy him. He’s just a friend to talk to! I reckon my Mum & Dad and his Mum & Dad think we fancy each other. (Nice!)

See ya, Me.

P.S. Sorry about the awful writing.

Monday 27th May 1974.

It’s Monday. Yes, when the Bank Holiday is almost over.

Today, we had to hunt for Johnny the Pirate (All the kids) and make him walk the plank of the swimming pool. Anyway, it ended up everybody being chucked in. Me as well !!! With all my clothes on too!

I’ve been talking to Paul most of this day.

By the way, my mate, Marina went to see David Cassidy yesterday. (Sob! Sob!)

Tara , Me.

Tuesday 28th May 1974.

As you know, most weekend campers were suppose to go home yesterday. But, my family have decided to stay on for another day, because the weather’s so nice. At the moment, I’m sitting in the caravan on my own. You see, Mum, Dad, Toni and Trevor have gone home for the day, so my Mum can do her washing etc. But, now I’ve been told we’re staying for another whole week. Great!

Last night, me, Elaine & Cathy went in Mick and Martin’s tent. What a laugh it was! Me.

Wednesday 29th May 1974.

Watcha! Mick and Martin are going home today at 6.00pm. Again, last night we went in with them. It was a real laugh because they got a bit merry! And Mick started playing football at 1.00am. It was a right laugh.

It’s quite boring down here. Nothing much to do. Just laze in the sun or anything else.

The two boys, Mick and Martin are coming back here in a couple of weeks, because these other two girls are coming down. Even though they can’t stand one of them.


Thursday 30th May 1974.

It’s not fair!

We’re gonna miss “Top of the Pops” tonight. Yeah, because we ain’t got our portable telly with us. Not to worry. I’ll probably just have to miss

“Darling David” and all the other good ones.

I’m really quite enjoying my little holiday down here. Ray and Lee came down this afternoon. I still fancy Lee. I wish, wish, wish he still liked ME. They didn’t have any money to get home with. I would’ve lent them some money if I had it.


Friday 31st May 1974.

The week’s almost over. All the weekend campers are coming back on this Friday night. Ray and Lee are coming down tomorrow. Cathy’s got something special to say to Lee. I think you might know what it is. Yeah, you’re probably right. That I wanna go out with him again. “Love is a very splendid thing”. I don’t somehow think he will, but you never know.

Gotta sign off now, Me.

P.S. If you’re wondering why I don’t speak about Dave, well Elaine & Cathy told me that he told them he didn’t like me, but didn’t know how to tell me. Sob! Sob!

This is the month that we moved

This is the month that we moved house & if you thought I was “boy-mad” before, just follow me over the next few months to read about my boy antics at my new school !!!

Saturday 1st June 1974.

Hi ya ! It’s Saturday evening. I’ve got really, really great news. You know Cathy, she asked Lee if he’d go out with me again. But, he said “no” and wouldn’t give a reason! Something he did say though, was that he likes me as lot and still wants to be good friends with me. He was really nice. He kept winking at me and he even got up from his own seat and came to sit next to me.

We, Cathy, Me & Elaine, went in Ray & Lee’s tent until 3.00am. At first, they all came in mine, but Tom told us to get to bed. Cheek!

Sunday 2nd June 1974.

Dear Me, It’s the end of our little holiday! I’ve been with Marina, Ray & Lee part of the day and Elaine, Cathy, Trevor (that tasty boy) and his friend, Dave, the other part of the day.

This afternoon, Elaine told me to ask Trevor if he’d go out with her and he said “no”. Elaine burst out crying because he said “no”. (What a pity!) Then they asked Dave for me and he said he would if Elaine went with Trevor. (Nice!)

I still luv, luv, luv Lee. And what’s more, I’ll never go off of him.

Lots-a-luv , Me.

Monday 3rd June 1974.

Hi ! Guess what? You know Paul S. (boy down the campsite who lives in Rainham). Well his Mum and Dad were crowned Miss Kelvedon and Mr Hatch at Whitsun. My Mum and Dad got a letter from them this morning, thanking them for a great weekend.

We went back to school today. It was alright. It’s funny how I’ve decided I like a couple of my old boyfriends again. Like Lee and Stuart F.

I went to a dress party tonight, but there wasn’t anything much good for me.

By the way, I wrote to Dave, asking if what Elaine said, was true or not!


Tuesday 4th June 1974.

Hi ya. I fancy Stuart F. again. Today in school, I was talking to him. He had this little photo of himself and I asked him if I could have it. He said “no”, but I keep on asking him. Me and Sue went round by his house tonight. Then, over the park, we met his little sister. I told her about the photograph.

My Mum spent £8.35 on a skirt and top today. The skirt is high-waisted, past my knees, white with navy flowers on. It’s also flared. My new top is matching, white with navy edging and little buckle things on the sleeve.

See ya, Me.

Wednesday 5th June 1974.

Watcha! It’s been another great day. At dinnertime, Me, Susan, Christine and Julie S. were sitting on the field talking to Stuart F.

Anyway, tonight we went round his house (Susan had to go home though). He asked us in. So, Me, Chris and Julie went. (his family were out, only his friend there). When it was time to go, Stuart and his mate got up and wouldn’t let us out of the room. Me and Julie got out, but Christine was left in there. They turned the light out and Stuart tried to kiss Christine. She told me she really likes him. (Jealousy, Jealousy.) Never mind,


Thursday 6th June 1974.

Dear Me, I wrote a letter to Stuart this morning and told him I liked him. Also, that he wasn’t to show any of his friends. BUT, he did and they read it out loud. They all took the mickey out of me, saying little sentences that I had written. It’s not fair, he fancies Marianne M. (Mind you, she’s really, really pretty). Also, Colin, Ivan and Stuart T. fancy her. (She’s well away!)

This is who was on “Top of the Pops”: Scaffold, Pearls, Bryan Ferry, Isley Bros,

Roubettes, Gary Glitter, Cozy Powell, Sparks, Ray Stevens, Cilla Black and Bad Company. It was quite good this week.


Friday 7th June 1974.

Hi ya ! I’ve had the most fantastic evening ever with Sue & Julie S. You see, we walked to Elm Park and Derek B. and his mate was there. They kept following us and we kept following them. Anyway, we walked all the way home and they were behind & in front on their bikes. As we got to Elmer Gardens, I called out to Derek. He came over and kept smiling. We walked down to his house (with him following on his bike) and he actually said “see ya” and smiled. I’m absolutely in love with him. (It’s a shame we’re moving in 3 weeks, but I can still write and ring him.) Lovesick, Me.

Saturday 8th June 1974.

Hi. We went to a wedding today. It was really good (except for the crappy band!) The Groom had a brother called Keith who was 20. (Well, he had 5 brothers and a sister actually!) This bloke, Keith, was the funniest bloke I’d ever met. His birthday’s on 22 nd March, so I gave him my “Aries” ring. He was wearing it.

I can’t stop thinking about Derek B. He’s just gorgeous. I’m not going to our new house tomorrow, but I’m gonna go out with Julie S. and Sue. We’ll probably go round Derek B’s house. I love him.

Gotta sign off now, Me.

Sunday 9th June 1974.

Dear Me, I went round Sue’s this morning and we rang Derek B. up to ask if he’d come out. He actually said “yes”. So we met Julie S. and walked past Derek’s house. He didn’t come out, so I rung him again. He said that he didn’t want to come out. I said, “Can you come out tomorrow?” He said, “What about tonight?” I said, “With all 3 of us?” He replied, “Yes, at 8.00pm.” That was a bit late, so we arranged for 7.00pm. But, I went round Julie’s for tea and we didn’t get back round my house until 8.00pm. I love him madly.

See ya, Me.

Monday 10th June 1974.

Hello me old mateys !

Derek apparently didn’t go last night either, because Sue and Me rung him up tonight. I don’t reckon he likes us, because he keeps making excuses as to why he doesn’t want to come out. I still luv him madly.

Paul S’s Dad has been round all evening. He’s just gone (10.50pm) Rather late, don’t you think?

My Dad’s hoping to move on the 28 th June. Eighteen days in this dud old house. I’ll really be sad when I have to leave all my old boyfriends, especially Derek.


Tuesday 11th June 1974.

Hi ya ! I’ve had the greatest night ever. You see, me and Sue went to Elm Park tonight and we rang Derek up to see if he’d come to Elm Park on his bike. And he said he would. So, him and his mate came on their bikes. We went over Harrow Lodge Park. It was dead silence all the way, but I’m really glad. You see, Derek was riding next to me all the way. Anyway, it was 8.45pm and Me & Sue had to be back at 9. So we got back into Elm Park. Derek’s friend told us that they had to “shoot off”. Derek just went on ahead and didn’t even say “goodbye”. His mate did though.


Wednesday 12th June 1974.

Watcha. Sue wasn’t allowed out tonight, because of last night. So I went out with Julie S. Anyway, we came back to my house and wrote 2 letters to Sue from Chris & Richard. (2 boys in our class). They put that they wanted to go out with her and would she go? Me and Julie went round her house at 8.30pm and Julie put them through the letter-box. Sue’s Mum and Dad are gonna do their nut. Never mind. Derek hasn’t come out tonight. Shame!

By the way, Ray Stevens and “The Streak” are no. 1 in the charts. (Rubbish!)


Thursday 13th June 1974.

Hi there, “Top of the Pops” was on tonight. This is who was on : Ray Stevens, Show Waddy Waddy, Gary Glitter, Neil Reid, Arrows. There’s 6 more stars who were on, but I’ve forgotten who they were. (Silly cow). Marie and Susan watched it round my house. So did Measy’s (Marie’s) dog, Mark. He’s a little grey toy-poodle. Measy reckoned she’d walked out on her Mum & Dad. This is what she brought with her: Her sheepskin coat, her dog, Mark, and £27.50 in money. For a punishment of not telling her Mum where she was going, Marie’s got to stay in all week, not watch any football. Aah!


Friday 14th June 1974.

Howdy Partners, It wasn’t much of a good night tonight. Julie S. was meant to be round my house at 7, but she didn’t turn up. At 7.30 I decided to just go and get Susan. So just me and her went out. We rang you-know-who up (Derek B.) and asked him to come out, but he reckoned he was watching the football. (I believe him really!)

Andrew from the campsite came over with his Mum and Dad tonight. We took him to see this old ruined cottage on the Southend Road. It weren’t half scary.


Saturday 15th June 1974.

Dear Me, We went to a really great wedding tonight! It was my Mum’s cousin, Graham, who got married to a girl called Linda. There was a disco there, but they played quite a few dud, old-fashioned records. Jimmy, my hero, was there. You know, my Mum’s other cousin, who’s a sailor. I got a kiss goodbye from him.

The “Partridge Family” was on the telly this morning. It is the first series that was on and David Cassidy had really short hair. I thought it looked really nice.

See ya, Me.

Sunday 16th June 1974.

Watcha , Me. We went down to the garden of our new house in Rayleigh today. Mum, on Friday, aid that I could bring a friend with me, so I asked Susan. But, her Mum and Dad wouldn’t let her come, in case we got back about 10 or 11 o’clock. So, this morning, I rang Julie S. up. She was allowed to come. It was really a good day. We explored all the shops and guess what? We went past this boy’s house who used to be in my class. His name’s Mark W. He fancied me and I fancied him. Nice!


Monday 17th June 1974.

Hello! It was Monday today and so we went to school. “It’s a Knockout” was held for the 2 nd Year and Me, Marie, Lynne N. and Julie C. was in it. We had to partner up with the boys. My teacher made me go with Stuart T, Marie with Colin B, (Lucky cow, she had to hold his hand all through one game) Julie C. with Raymond S. and Lynne with David R. It was a right laugh. We came 2 nd overall.

Tonight, we rang Derek up and told him to stand at his front window, because Christine didn’t believe in him. He did! And I really love him.


Tuesday 18th June 1974.

Hi. “Top 20” was on today and Gary Glitter is no. 1. I’m really pleased for him.

I wasn’t allowed out tonight, because of Julie S. coming round after 9 o’clock last night. (She actually said my punishment was for the rest of the week.)

I packed my cupboard into a tea-chest tonight, because we’re moving on Wednesday. (Great!)

We’ve found this little baby sparrow tonight, but we can’t tell what’s wrong with it. At the moment, it’s in the shed, in a basket with lots of grass. Hope it doesn’t die for the morning.


Wednesday 19th June 1974.

Hello! You know that (as you can see my pen’s run out) little sparrow, well we went to the shed this morning and he was still alive. BUT, here comes the sad news. When I got home today, it was dead. It died when my sister was with it.

At school this afternoon, I was doubled up with pain in my stomach. So, until 2.30pm I was in the medical room and then Miss Laurence sent for my Mum who picked me up. I’m not going to school tomorrow either.

Went and took our other car down to our new house tonight. Only one week to go.


Thursday 20th June 1974.

Dear Me, Like the flash green pen? Smart, ain’t it? “Top of the Pops” is on in 5 minutes (7.10). I’m going to write them down as they come on, otherwise I usually forget who’s been on. Here they are: Gary Glitter (I’m cheating. I’ve filled that one in coz he’s no. 1.) Anyway, on the telly they’ve just announced that they can’t show “Top of the Pops”, so instead we’ve got “Dad’s Army”. Stupid telly people.

I’ve only got tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday until I leave my school. (Sadness!)

I’ll have to get a kiss from Derek B. before I move, otherwise I’ll go mad!


Friday 21st June 1974.

Hi ! I broke the news to Smelly Dee today about moving. He seemed quite disappointed. Ha! Ha! Ha! What with Christine H. going back to Canada today and me leaving on Tuesday. Well !

Susan (silly old Bat) broke up with me. You see, Julie was sitting on her own and so I said to Sue, “Let’s go and sit with Julie”. I got over there (it was a big row of desks like this: /Boy/–/–/–/Me/Julie/). Susan come up and coz I was sitting next to Julie, she said in a snotty voice, “Alright, if you don’t want me to sit with you, I won’t!” And she stormed off to the other side of the classroom. I’m not bothering to make up now!


Saturday 22nd June 1974.

Watcha, Got up at 9.20am, had breakfast, went shopping and then we went down to Rayleigh for the day. My Dad was fixing up curtain rails and my Mum put the curtains up. Then we put a square of carpet down in the lounge.

We later moved on to the campsite. I’ve got really sad news. Ray’s Mum, Grace, died on Thursday. She’s only young as well.

I still go craze on Lee. If only, yes, if only he liked me enough to go out with me.

Gotta go now, Me.

Sunday 23rd June 1974.

Dear Me, I’ve only got tonight, tomorrow night and Tuesday night left in this house. I’m feeling rather sad, but I think I’ll settle down quite well in Rayleigh. If I don’t, I’ve got quite a good idea up my sleeve. You see, if I don’t like the school, I might get my Mum to let me travel to Abbs X every day with Toni. (Just a brainwave).

It’s 9.10pm. I’m waiting to go and have my bath, but my sister’s just got in there. Our complete house is nearly packed in boxes. My Mum and Dad have just finished carrying some of it out to the garage.


Monday 24th June 1974.

Dear Me, It’s Monday night. Yes, there’s only tonight and tomorrow night left. I’ve only got tomorrow left at Abbs X. (Great! Mind you, I’m gonna be pretty sad at leaving all my mates, even though Sue broke up with me). By the way, Sue asked to make up today, but I said, “No”. It really shocked her, because I usually give in easy, but this time I’m not!

It’s only 9.25pm. It’s still light outside and I’m going to get undressed and get into bed.


Tuesday 25th June 1974.

Watcha! The time’s finally come! Yes. It’s my last night in this house. I came home after going around with Measy & Sue (she made up with me) and found out that my Nan was actually gonna sleep in my bed. That really got me going. You see, when we first moved here, I didn’t sleep in my bedroom for the first night and now, I wasn’t allowed for the last night. So, I told my Mum and now revor’s sleeping on the settee and I’m in my own bed.

Measy rang Derek up tonight and asked him to come out and say goodbye to me, but he didn’t come out.

See ya.

P.S. My report I got B++

Wednesday 26th June 1974.

Hi, We’ve moved into our new house. It’s great, but no lights work upstairs. So, at the moment, me and Toni are in our bedroom with candles as a light. It pelted all day with rain and everything got spoilt more than it should have. Our new suite (settee etc.) got ripped on the journey.

I was a bit sad to leave all my friends, but it still doesn’t seem to have affected me! I’m gonna write o Susan tomorrow, even though on our 2 nd journey back to Rainham, I told her I’d write it tonight.

Gotta go now, Me.

Thursday 27th June 1974.

Dear Me, It’s been quite a good day. The lounge and dining room carpet has been fitted and everything is straight there. The hall is quite tidy, but there’s no carpets yet. In Toni’s and my bedroom, it looks comfy because we’ve got a big square of carpet on the floor. My Mum and Dad’s room has got everything in it and Trev’s is alright.

It’s 10.20pm and just now there was a man on his front lawn in a red tracksuit doing exercises. It as quite funny.

We were sitting in next door’s with the boys and all the lights were fused.


Friday 28th June 1974.

Dear Me, It’s been quite a good day. This morning, I went to my new school to see if I could go there. They said “Yes”, so I’m starting on Monday. It looks really nice inside.

All evening, I’ve been playing badminton with Trevor and the boy next door, Martin. It was very funny!

Tomorrow’s Saturday. Great! It’s 10.10pm and I’m just in our bedroom, even though I’m not going to go to bed yet.


Saturday 29th June 1974.

Hi ya, Me.

This morning, Me, Mum, Toni, Trevor and Dad all went to do shopping in Rayleigh. My Mum bought me a red jumper for school, red knickers for P.E. and 2 pairs of white socks and a pair of Woolworths training shoes for £1.59

It’s 12.04pm (or is it a.m? One or the other!) I’m laying on my bed just writing this diary. Downstairs, Mum & Dad, Peggy & Edwin and Martin are all sitting chatting. They’ve just come home from the pub, bringing Chinese with them.


P.S. The boy next door- but- one is Terry J’s cousin and Toddy’s!

Sunday 30th June 1974.

Dear Me, It’s been a good day today! I rang Julie S. up and she was telling me all the news back in Hornchurch. On Friday, all my old class went to a dance and Julie said that Bobby and Derek B. were there. She said Kim had a cousin who kept going up and talking to MY Derek. I’ll never forget him for as long as I live.

It’s school for me tomorrow. I’m rather excited! Martin’s Dad is giving me a lift in his car. Martin’s Mum treats me like a little kid though.


Did anyone else cover their homework diaries in orange wallpaper?

Note: My form teacher asked to keep this when I left the school in 1974, as an example of neatness for future pupils.

It was returned to me 28 years later in 2002 by the same teacher at a school reunion!!

This is when I started at my new school

This is when I started at my new school. Although they hardly get mentioned, I met my two best friends there, Heather & Andrea. We’re still best friends 32 years on, although Andrea now lives in Australia!

Monday 1st July 1974.

Hi ! Thought I’d use the flash pen seems I didn’t get a chance to use it at school today. By the way, I’ve decided I hate the school. Everybody seems nice, but it’s just not what I’m used to.

I was crying today, because I didn’t like it and the Mistress took me to the class where I was suppose to be and told the class to be nice to me. I felt a right “Dick”. When I got home I cried even more. My Mum says stay on ‘til’ the end of term and if I still don’t like it, I can leave! But, I’m dreading those 3 weeks.

I’m now going to write to Julie S.

See ya,

Unhappy, Me.

Tuesday 2nd July 1974.

Hi. I went to sleep crying last night and this morning I was crying too. I’ve found out what is making me cry. It’s that I miss all my old mates and my school. I cried tonight because I wanted to go back home and I’m crying now. It’s terrible! Tonight, my Mum was crying too. I made her cry, because I was crying.

I got a letter from Sue at dinnertime (when I came home to dinners.) It was really funny, but it makes me feel sad when I think of her and everybody else.


Wednesday 3rd July 1974.

Dear Me, I’ve been alright today. My Mum didn’t have to go to work, so she picked me up from school at dinnertime. It was a bit better today.

I rang Measy up tonight. It was good to be able to speak to her. Kim A. is apparently going out with Terry J, Susan W. and Beverley P.(these two old 3 rd Year girls) with Bobby J. Then Jane V. with Bobby B. (this girl who used to be in the juniors). I’ve missed all the good fun that’s been going on. (Not fair!)

It’s 10.45pm and I’m now going to get under the covers and go to sleep.

Luv, Me.

Thursday 4th July 1974.

Dear Me, I think I’m beginning to get used to school now. My Mum again had to work a whole day today, so she went down to my old school and saw the Headmaster. She told him about me being upset and he thinks I’m in the wrong school. I’m too brainy for it. (He said I was in the Top 3 of my class there). He reckons I ought to go to the other school here, but from what I’ve heard it’s much rougher.

I made bread rolls in cookery. They really turned out nice. I’m pleased.

Luv, Me.

Friday 5th July 1974.

Hi ya, Thought I’d use the flash pen for a change again. Although this page is about Friday, I’m writing it today, Saturday.

Me and Marina are up the youth field and so are Lee and his cousin, Glen.

Anyway, Marina & me slept in their tent all night. (We didn’t actually sleep, but just stayed there all night!)

At the moment, it’s 8.05am (Saturday). Paul should be down the campsite this morning. I hope so, I’m really looking forward to seeing him.

By the way, Glen fancies me and last night he kept cuddling me. I don’t like him ‘coz’ I still like Lee as you already know!


Saturday 6th July 1974.

Watcha! Paul S. did come down here this morning. He really looks nice! But, Andrew told Paul that I fancied him and so Paul told me he was already going out with a girl. It’s not fair! He’s still being nice to me, thank goodness!

I haven’t been with Lee, Glen or Marina all day. They probably thought “Oh sod ya then!”

In a minute my Mum’s doing the disco for a topsy-turvy dance. It’s 7.20pm.

I hope I’m still gonna be allowed to sleep in marina’s tent tonight, seems as I have not even said “Hello!”


Sunday 7th July 1974.

Dear Me, It’s 9.33pm and we’ve just got back from Kelvedon. I’ve been with Paul all day (well most of the day anyway). Last night, Lee & Glen asked Paul if he’d go out with me and I didn’t know nothing about it. He said “No”. For one thing I’m too tall and another, he goes out with a girl called Anita. But, I still really like him. He’s everso nice to me!

I haven’t been with Marina all day. Last night, she slept with the boys again ‘coz’ I woke up without her being in her own tent.

See ya, Me.

Monday 8th July 1974.

Dear Me, Went to school today. It was alright! We first of all had French, then Art, then after dinner, Geography and Science.

Tonight, I went and knocked for the girl over the back, Alison. She used to live in Harold Hill and her dad was a milkman. Well, he delivered all down Gary K’s road and down Ray P’s road and down Lee’s road. A very small world, don’t you think?

Anyway, we went for a long walk with this other girl, Heather. It made a change from being here.


Tuesday 9th July 1974.

Watcha! Had quite a good day at school. You see, most of the class went on a trip to Greenwich. There was only 5 of us girls and 7 boys. It was a good laugh with such a little class.

I’m waiting for a reply to Susan’s and Julie’s letters. I should get one tomorrow, that’s if they’ve written back quick.

At the moment, I’m laying in bed writing this diary. It’s 10.25pm. My sister’s still downstairs, but my brother’s in his bedroom.


P.S. I like this 2nd year boy, David P. and a 3rd year boy, Robert C.

Wednesday 10th July 1974.

Hi, Me. It’s been an alright day. I find the school days go much quicker here, because there’s only 4 lessons a day, which last an hour each (only once do we have 2 half lessons).

I had a bath and washed my hair tonight. This Bristows shampoo is really nice.

At the moment, I’m sitting upstairs on the loo, even though I’m not going to the toilet!

Downstairs, Charles Aznavour (who’s still no. 1 by the way) is doing a concert with Liza Minnelli.

See ya, Me.

Thursday 11th July 1974.

Dear Me, Had a great evening. You see, Me and Toni went down to the fair near us. It was great. While Toni was on the Big Wheel, I decided to go on this rocket thing which had a ski-jump. Guess who I went on there with? Yes, obert C. He was really gorgeous. Martin and all his mates were there and we went around with them as well. I’m gonna start following this boy, but not so that he gets sick of me. I just can’t wait until tomorrow. School!

See ya, Me.

Friday 12th July 1974.

Dear Me, We all went over Dick & Joan’s house (Mum & Dad’s friends) in Basildon tonight. Anyway, they’ve got this son, Glen, who’s 15. He used to fancy me, but I didn’t like him. I saw him tonight and he’s really tasty now. I think he might still fancy me. (Nice!)

You know that boy, Robert? Well I’ve decided I don’t like him, ‘coz’ Martin supposedly told Toni that he can’t stand me. (Not that I care!) Also, Martin said that he doesn’t go out with girls, he’s just a scrounger.
Goodnight, I’m thinking of Glen.


Saturday 13th July 1974.

Hi, I’ve just come to bed in a huff, ‘coz’ my f***ing sister, Toni, didn’t help with the wiping up. She reckons she made the cakes and washed that stuff up and today, I did the washing & wiping up of the breakfast things, dinner things as well. The whole f***ing house makes me sick.

Glen’s been on my mind all day. If only I’d have liked him when he used to fancy me, but I think he might still fancy me. I’ve got his phone number.

See ya tomorrow,


Sunday 14th July 1974.

Dear Me, I’ve got great news. I’m now going out with Glen B. You see, this afternoon, 5 o’clock, I rang him up. He said he didn’t mind me ringing and also he asked if I’d go to the pictures with him tonight. I said “No”, so he said about some other time. I can’t wait. I told him not to tell his Mum or Dad and he said he wouldn’t. Luckily, my excuse for ringing was that Toni had left her earrings there.

It’s 10.35pm and my brother’s gotta sleep in our room, ‘coz’ my Nan’s staying for the week

See ya, Me.

Monday 15th July 1974.

Hi, My Mum informed me at 11.00pm last night that I was having the day off of school today. So I did. You see, I had to stay with my Nan while the men delivered our new fridge, new deep freeze and colour television. It’s really a nice telly. We can get a beautiful clear picture on BBC1 and a nice clear picture on Southern (ITV).

I’m thinking of Glen all the time. If only he would hurry up and come over. But, I’m still not sure whether I really do like him. Of course I do.

Toni went back to school today. (She’s staying on at our old one, ‘coz’ she’s nearly 16.) She gave a letter to Marie for me.

Tuesday 16th July 1974.

Watcha, It’s been quite a good day at school today. You see, this boy in my class, Martin M, asked me to go out with him. I’m not sure if he was playing about or not.

I got a letter from Sue today. Also, I gave Toni letters to Kay, Deb, Julie and Elaine. She did give them to them. I think all the class miss me. Aaah!

Glen just keeps looming up in my mind all the time. He’s so nice, but I like him, but I’m not sure if I really am ready to go out with him yet.

See ya, Me.

Wednesday 17th July 1974.

Dear Me, I had a real shock this morning! I got a letter from Glen. Yes! My Mum read it, she likes him. I pleaded with her not to tell anyone and she promised not to. But, when my Dad & sister came home from work, they both started teasing me. He’s coming over probably next Thursday or Friday. Nice, but I’m quite scared.

At the moment it’s 9.04pm and I’m sitting on the loo. In a minute I’ve got to have a bath and wash my hair.

By the way, got a letter from Coral today and also gave Toni a reply to Sue’s letter, to give to her.


Thursday 18th July 1974.

Hi there, It’s 9.37pm and I’m in bed after a tiring day at school, in which I watched a boring film all morning and made a fruit ring in Cookery all afternoon.

I should think Glen’s in Wales by now. You see, he’s gone on a field trip with the school to Snowdon. I wish I’d have gone with him (Shame!)

My Mum’s left St. George’s today. She cried when she got home. (Now she knows what it’s like to leave all your friends. I went through it all!)

Gotta go now,


Friday 19th July 1974.

Hi, Got a letter from Julie S. this morning and this evening I got one from Debbie, Julie C. Lynne N. and Susan. She says she won’t come to stay cause it’ll cause too much bother for us all. So my Mum told me to write and say that she’d pick Susan up. But now, my Dad says that if she wants to come, she comes herself, by train. I’ve just torn up the letter I was writing and come to bed, crying. It’s not fair, I won’t see none of my friends at all these hols.

Thinking of Glen makes me cry more.

See ya,


Saturday 20th July 1974.

Dear Me, I got a postcard from the one and only this morning. Yes, it was from Glen. He’s really kind and thoughtful, the sort of boy that I like. He’s coming home from Wales on Tuesday.

This evening, Me, Mum, Dad, Trevor and Nan all went for a long walk round the country. It was really good. And to end the evening, we sat downstairs eating hot dogs with onions. Really nice!

It’s 11.30pm. I’m just doing a wee and writing this diary. Trevor’s outside waiting to go a loo.

See ya, Me.

Sunday 21st July 1974.

Hi ya, My Mum & Dad & Nan & Toni & Trevor have all been teasing me about Glen.

Tonight, we had to take my Nan home, then we went back to our old house and after that we called round Sue’s to see if she’d be allowed to stay with us for a week. Her Mum made lots of excuses why she couldn’t stay with us. So, I’m gonna ring Marie up tomorrow, to see if she can come. If not, Julie S. but she’s gone on holiday with Lynne N.

Luv, Me.

Monday 22nd July 1974.

Hi, We’ve had a really good day. You see, my Mum & Dad are on holiday from work and so at about 5.00pm we all went down to Chalkwell for a swim in the sea. My Mum didn’t go in because of certain reasons. It was really great fun. The sea was warmer than the air itself.

By the way, I rang Marie up this morning and she says she thinks she will be able to come, but not for the whole week as her Mum & Dad woild be off of work holidaying. Also, it wasn’t definite ‘coz’ her Mum & Dad were at work. I’ll ring her tomorrow and find out.


Tuesday 23rd July 1974.


Dear Me, Yes, it’s all arranged. Marie is coming to stay. Her Mum & Dad are gonna bring her down on Sunday morning and she’ll stay until Wednesday night (or longer if she wants to).

Glen got home from Wales, I presume, today. He said he was on his postcard. Also, he’ll be down on Thursday or Friday. (Yuk! I’m scared.) I keep telling my Mum that I don’t like him, but I do really. He’s great.

My Dad took me & Trevor to Chalkwell for a swim again. It was much better than yesterday. The water, I thought, was much warmer.

See ya, Me.

Wednesday 24th July 1974.

If you read yesterday’s, you’ll see that I put that Glen was coming down on Thursday or Friday. Well, it’s Thursday tomorrow. I’m really scared. My Mum said to me just as I was coming to bed, “What time’s Glen coming over?” She said it in front of everyone just to embarrass me. I’m really quite scared. (Silly of me).

We all went on a bus to Southend today. I bought my sister a late birthday present with a £1.00 my Mum lent me & Trevor. We bought her Womble ( Orinoco) talc, foundation cream and black mascara. It came to 90p altogether.


Thursday 25th July 1974.

Watcha, It’s now about 10.50pm and luckily Glen didn’t come over. I’m pleased, but it probably means he’s coming tomorrow. Shall I hide? I won’t know what to say.

My Nan came over for the day. She stayed to dinner & to tea. Quite a good day I suppose.

Our garden is looking quite shipshape. It’s a split-level but there are no turfs laid down yet. It’s just top-soil. It still looks nice. Also, one side of the garden is fenced off.

Me & Toni were playing badminton with Martin & David most of the evening.


Friday 26th July 1974.

Dear Me, Phew, am I glad today is over. You see, Glen didn’t come down today either. I wanted him to come, yet I didn’t want everyone to tease me.

Me & Toni have, most of the day, been in with Martin playing cards, Mousetrap & Cluedo. It was quite enjoyable. Then we played badminton.

It’s Saturday tomorrow. Hurray!

The “Partridge Family” was on Southern tonight. But, it was one we’d seen a few weeks ago on ITV (London Weekend).

Gotta go now, Thinking of HIM (Glen),


Saturday 27th July 1974.

Hi ya, At the moment, I’m laying in bed, it’s 11.45p.m and I’ve just scoffed a chocolate which Toni gave me. You see, she’s been down the campsite on her own for the day. Anyway, Jane gave her a box of chocolates for her birthday. (They are scrumptious!) I wrote to Glen today, I feel ever so stupid. Also I wrote to Julie S.

I got a letter from Sue this morning. Her mum says that she can’t come to stay here, but she expects me to get train rides over there just for one day. Hard luck I won’t be going.

See ya,


Sunday 28th July 1974

Watcha, Measy’s here. I’ve been waiting half an hour to write this diary, while she’s read most of it.

Today we went over the park. I climbed up a wall and couldn’t get down again. So, these boys & Marie told me to do it a certain way. I did, and fell, grazing both arms.

We went round Mark W’s house, but he wasn’t in. Also, we phoned Glen up & Colin answered the phone. He said that Glen was on holiday for 2 weeks. Rather strange!

Tara ,


Monday 29th July 1974

Hi ya, We went round Mark W’s today. He hasn’t changed a bit, except that he’s got a few spots and his voice is breaking. He said that he would come round and see us later that evening. He did.

Me & Marie met up with Paul M. I think he’s everso nice. David P. came out too. We went over the park and everywhere. It was quite a good evening.

I’m glad Measy’s here ‘coz’ she’s helped me make friends. (Aah, ain’t that nice of her?)

Gotta sign off now,

Tara ,

Luv & Stuff

Tuesday 30th July 1974

Dear me, Woke up at 11.30a.m this morning. Had a wash and went down the shops to get chips for dinner. After that, we came home and went to talk to Paul & Mark. Later this evening, we went over the park with Paul, Mark & David. I thought it was good. Mark likes me, but I don’t fancy him, ‘coz’ I like Paul, David & him all the same. (I really think Paul’s better).

Anyway I’m supposed to be going out with Glen B.

See ya.

Wednesday 31st July 1974

Hi there, It was Measy’s last day here today. We got up at 10.30 am (after listening to my mum crying half the night ‘coz’ she don’t like it here, and my dad threatening to leave!) After us both washing our hair we went down the shops and got our dinner. Chips & a cake.

This afternoon, we went out in the street and talked to Paul M, Mark W (he’s started coming out now I’m around!) and David P. It was quite a laugh. After that Marie had to be taken home and we’ve just got back from Cheryl’s. It’s 11.50 p.m. I’m staying at Cheryl’s next week form Sunday.


The summer holidays!!!

The summer holidays were great. A different boy every day almost!!! (I was lucky, coz there were “Home” Boys and “Camping” Boys!!!) This is when I couldn’t spell John Denver! I also got to meet the love of my life (then), Noel Edmonds! (Couldn’t spell his surname either!)

Thursday 1st August 1974.

Watcha! It’s been a great evening. As you know, I fancy David P. Well, I knew that he hated people to send messages about liking people. So, I went up to him and told him straight out that I liked him. Guess what he said? “Same here.” That’s just so fantastic. I’ve been with him & Paul M. all evening. He’s gorgeous looking and I really do fancy him.
I suppose I’d better try to forget about Glen B. I wasn’t really sure whether I liked him or not. But, I’m scared if he comes over & David finds out.


Friday 2nd August 1974.

Hi, this mad crush on David P. is really great. I have been with him & Paul M. all evening, but Trevor was there and he kept showing me up. David is really lovely. I’m gonna miss him when I go and stay with Cheryl. At least I’m only staying until Wednesday.
Gina fancies him as well. But, I’m the lucky one. It’s a bit mean of me really to like him, ‘coz’ she has lived here a year and fancied him. Not to worry, she’s moving soon.
Our phone came today. It’s yellow. The no. is 747426.

Saturday 3rd August 1974.

Dear Me, My love for David P. is still going strong. I’ve seen him twice today. Gina’s everso jealous. She’s been telling Kathryn (Dave’s sister) not to speak to me and that I’m taking her boyfriend away from her. I wouldn’t mind, but Dave can’t stand her. Kathryn told me to go and knock for him tonight. She said that if I didn’t, he’d probably think that I didn’t like him. So I plucked up courage and asked him if he was coming out. He had company, but he said that he’d be out tomorrow. Just when I’m going to the Christening.
Not staying with Cheryl now.


Sunday 4th August 1974.

Hi ya, We went to the Christening today. The baby, my cousin, Andrew, was really marvellous. He didn’t cry once. I’ve missed David all day. Mind you, if I’d have been at home I probably wouldn’t have seen him, ‘coz’ it’s rained continuously. I think it’s still raining now and it’s 10.20pm.

We got home at 9.35pm. I really do fancy David. He’s so nice that I reckon he’s better than Lee H. I really wish, wish, wish it’s not raining tomorrow. I’ve just gotta see Dave. Luckily, my sister’s home now, so I will be allowed out all day.


Monday 5th August 1974.

Dear Me, It started off to be a good day. Kathryn P. knocked for me and informed me that David had gone car washing. She said that he was gonna knock for me, but Paul M. knocked for him first and so he didn’t.
Anyway, this afternoon, David came over to the back garden, ‘coz’ I told him to knock. We went over the park but his mates were there and he wouldn’t speak to me (Well I spose it was me ‘coz’ I sat on my own.)
This evening it was better again, ‘coz’ we all mucked around and he was alright to me. Kathryn says he does like me, but he didn’t want to admit it in front of his friends.


Tuesday 6th August 1974.

Watcha, It’s been an awful day. I rang Dave up this morning (‘coz’ our phone now works) and asked him if he was coming out. He said yes, after he’d been up the shops. But, he didn’t come round. Trevor went to knock and he was going to the pictures. So, I didn’t see him all afternoon.
Then, this evening, we knocked for Paul M. who knocked for Dave, who was going to Southend. We just went over the park for 10 minutes, then Paul went in and so did I. Paul did say that Dave liked me. If only I could believe it was really true. Never mind. By tomorrow I should know whether he likes me or not.


Wednesday 7th August 1974.

Hi ya, We’ve been with David all this afternoon and evening. Mind you, me & Trevor knocked for Paul M. first. Anyway, Dave is just as gorgeous as ever. I just can’t tell whether he likes me. It’s so strange! He seemed better towards me when this boy Mark (his friend) had gone home. I think it must be that he’s shy to admit it. Paul M’s really funny. We had “Famous Five” books out and were having a laugh with them. Paul threw my book in the river twice.
My sister’s been rowing with my Mum and Dad since I’ve been in.


Thursday 8th August 1974.

Dear Me, There was a terrific storm in the night and this morning, so my Mum was scared at leaving us at home. She didn’t go to work. We went up the shops & saw Dave. Anyway, this afternoon, Helen came over and we were having a right laugh together, going up and down the river.

This evening, David and Paul came along and they stopped and played with us. Helen couldn’t stop laughing at David (he’s had his hair cut). She turned me off him. But, Toni told me that they had previously been standing outside, supposedly waiting for me, so I think I still do fancy him.
Top of the Pops was on.


Friday 9th August 1974.

Hi, Haven’t seen David P. or Paul M. at all today. You see, I haven’t been playing out in the street.
The Partridge Family was on Southern tonight, but it was one we’d already seen on Thames.
We’re going camping tomorrow. Should be good and I hope that Paul S. is there. He might be nice to me again.
I’ve been very good and sewn my trousers up in every place that it needed. They were falling to bits, but they’re now almost as good as new.

See ya, Me.

Saturday 10th August 1974.

Watcha, I’m now down the campsite and in Elaine’s tent. You see, she asked me to sleep with her without asking her Mum. So, I am. Ray & Lee keep running round the tent. They want us to go over to their tent for a bit. Hmmm! But, my Dad keeps checking on us. He doesn’t trust me, that’s what it is! I still like Lee.
By the way, Dave G. is down here. Apparently, yesterday he was telling Elaine about the letter I sent him and he wrote back. But, his Mum got it and wouldn’t let him send it. Shame.
I’ll tell you what we did in Ray & Lee’s tent tomorrow.


Sunday 11th August 1974.

Dear Me, We eventually went across the field to Ray & Lee’s last night. They were both in their sleeping bags. Anyway, Ray immediately put his arm round Elaine and me & Lee were just left sitting miles apart. Elaine kept on at Lee to be with me just for the night. So, he kissed me. (I was really happy!)
Ray & Lee have been with us for most of the afternoon.

Gotta go now, Me.

Monday 12th August 1974.

Hi ya, It’s been a good day. Kathryn P. is home from her Nan’s and so she got Trevor to knock for me. We went out. David has been around, but I’m not sure if I still like him. He kept running after this girl (who’s 3 years younger than me) and playing football with her. He doesn’t like me anyway, I don’t think.
This crowd of boys over the park fancied me, but, Yuk, they were horrible. If you read July 16th, I wrote about Martin M. Well, he was up the park tonight and kept shouting out “Acorn” and telling all his mates about my first day at school.

Tuesday 13th August 1974.

Watcha, David P. doesn’t fancy me still, “coz” today proved it. He was in the corn-field with these two girls. (Both younger than me. 3 years!) But, tonight he seemed alright to me again. I don’t care. I was with Lee on Saturday night.
My Mum got a new job today. She took the day off work, rang up for 2 job interviews and in the afternoon, they told her she’d got the job. So, she’s just left Willis Faber completely and not going in tomorrow.
3 Degrees are no. !.
Washed my hair tonight.


Wednesday 14th August 1974.

Dear Me, I’ve been with Kathryn all day. David might like me again. (I’m not sure though). You see, I like this boy called Roy and I think David might be jealous and fancy me again. I’ve been apple picking, (climbing trees & scrumping etc.) I went with Paul, Trev & Kathryn. We got 7p each. Big stuff!
My Mum’s gone to Bingo with Paul M’s Mum & Gary T’s Mum tonight. She’s not back yet.
Pooh, I’ve just taken my socks off. My feet really, really do huff!

See ya, Me.

Thursday 15th August 1974.

Dear loveable Me, How are you? Oh great, thanks! I’ve made up my mind, I think I do like that Roy. I don’t like David anymore.
Martin M. was over the park tonight with all his mates. Anyway, one of them was meant to fancy me and so they chased us home on their bikes. Martin came up to me twice. He’s quite nice, but I’m scared of the others.
Top of the Pops was introduced by the Osmonds. This is who was on:
Glitter Band, Sylvia, 3 Degrees, Sweet Dreams, Donny & Marie, Osmonds, Stylistics, Cozy Powell, Bay City Rollers, (I didn’t see the beginning or end).


Friday 16th August 1974. 
Hi ya, At the moment, I’m camping at Balls Park in Hertfordshire. I’m in my tent (with yukky Trevor). I was meant to be sleeping in with Elaine, but she didn’t seem to be coming. But, she did!
Today, I was over the park with Roy and these others. He actually called out, “See ya” when he had to go home for dinner. I really do like him, even though he has got blonde-ginger hair and freckles.
Also, I’ve got a crush on Paul (camping). But, he’s 24, married, wife who’s pregnant. I like him too!

Gotta sign off now, Me.

Saturday 17th August 1974.

Hi ya there, me old kiddies,
This place is the duddest campsite I’ve ever been to. It was meant to have a disco for all the kids, but nobody turned up. And what’s more, there’s no decent BOYS at all. Not one single one have I seen.
Me & Elaine had a great water fight today with Chris & Alan & Paul (who soaked me a couple of times).

Tara, Me.

Sunday 18th August 1974.

Dear Me, I’ve got great news. Elaine is staying with me for the week. We brought her home from camping tonight. I think it was a dud weekend.
At the moment, I’m sitting in my bedroom. Elaine’s going through all my pen-pal’s letters and I’m just about to put the tape recorder on.
I’m gonna sign off now,
Luv, Me & Elaine.

Monday 19th August 1974.

It’s been the best day of my life. You see, the Radio One Roadshow was in Southend with Noel Edmunds and I was picked out to do the Bits & Pieces comp. Anyway, I came 2nd tie, so we had a tiebreaker. This other boy got it right and so I came 3rd overall. I won a Radio One T-Shirt and this boy won a bag. At the end, I got Noel Edmunds autograph. My Dad took photos with Noel Edmunds with his arm around me. It was really great to think 100’s of people could hear me on the radio all over Gt. Britain.

Happiness, Me & Elaine.

Tuesday 20th August 1974.

Hi ya, I still haven’t got over my shock yesterday. Toni spoke to me on the phone today and she heard me on holiday in Scotland! It was great.
Glen rung up this evening asking me if I’d go to the pictures with him tomorrow night. But, we’re all going out for the day, so that was my excuse. I don’t like him anyway.
This evening, we went out in the car and as we were going past the chippy, Elaine noticed Roy was there. So, as soon as we got home, we rushed round the chip shop. Roy said “hello” to me and we walked on.

Me & Elaine.

Wednesday 21st August 1974.

Hi ya, It’s been a great day. Me & Elaine went to Walton Beach with my Mum & Dad. Well, we spent all day at the fair on the pier. Every boy who owned the stuff chatted us up. There were just a few boys we liked. Anyway, in the afternoon, they asked us if we’d like to go for a walk and they took us up on the cliff in between the beach huts.
I was with a tasty boy called John and Elaine had Alan. I kissed him, but I’ll tell you more tomorrow. Part2. Da, da, da, da.

Me & Elaine.

Thursday 22nd August 1974.

Watcha, I can’t be bothered to tell you about the 2nd part about what happened yesterday, “coz” I’ve got news about today. Me & Elaine went down the town twice. Every boy gave us the eye (only coz Elaine had her revealing top on. Wollop!). BUT, even better news. Later in the evening, we went down the park and this boy called Ian asked Elaine out. She accepted and I had to get lost with a boy called Roy C. Luckily, we met Roy G. on the way. I’m still cracked on him. Elaine asked Roy if he’d go out with me, but I still haven’t got a definite answer.

Bye, Me & Elaine.

Friday 23rd August 1974.

Watcha, Roy gave me an answer this morning. He shouted out across the field, “I don’t wanna go out with you”, but I pretended not to hear. So he sent a mate over to tell me he was sorry. BUT, later this afternoon, I discovered that he had changed his mind & DID want to ask me out. (I can’t wait. I cried with joy!)
We’re now camping. Paul S’s here. He looks great. Paul brought a boy from my old school down. (Of course, he fancied Elaine. She’s really lucky.)
We’re now in my tent, undressed, waiting for Don to come in. We’re gonna have a giggle!

Luv, Elaine & Me.

Saturday 24th August 1974.

It’s been like a nightmare that I’ll never forget tonight. We had a car-crash. You see, it was 10 o’clock and somebody suggested to go for a ride round the camp in Mick C’’s car. (Me, Elaine, Ray T. & Mick C.) But, this Mick was drunk & we didn’t know it. Anyway, we went speeding down the lane and just crashed. The car turned over in a ditch. Me & Elaine were more frightened about telling our Mum & Dad. When we got back to the campsite, I ran in crying to tell Glen. He put his arm round me. (He was really hunky.)

Shocked, Me.

Sunday 25th August 1974.

Dear Me, I’m still under shock after last night. Mick apologised to both of us. But, coming to good news. I’m now going out with Glen. We did the smooch together. Later we went for a walk. He put his arm round me, but my Mum & Dad saw us on their way over the toilets and they suggested that he should take me back to my tent. He did, and came in to talk. We kissed. It was great. Then, my Dad came along again and said that I’d gotta go to bed. Glen was waiting in the bushes for a long time, but my Dad kept watching. Mum & Dad both like him & he likes them.

Monday 26th August 1974.

Here I am again. We got up at 11.30am to find it pelting with rain. Elaine & Me went in the hall where they were having a “Bring & Buy” sale. Glen wasn’t there, but Elaine’s boy, Pete, was.
This afternoon, I was with Glen, (swoon) Lee & Ray. I really do luv Glen. It seems he likes me too.
We’re now at home. My Nan, Uncle Bill, Uncle Stuart & Aunty Cheryl are here. On their way back from holiday.
Got a postcard from Kay S. Nice of her.


Tuesday 27th August 1974.

Dear Me, It’s been quite a good day. Got up at 10.30am, had breakfast, went down shops. Ian, Elaine’s boyfriend, who she met down here, wanted to speak to me. When I saw him, he just wanted to talk to me. ( I think he fancies me “coz” he kept telling me to sit next to him and he wanted to meet my Mum. BUT, I don’t fancy HIM!)
I rang Glen up today. I found his phone no. in the phone book. I knew he’d be at work, but I rang just to see if he lived there or not. His Mum was in. I luv him.


Wednesday 28th August 1974.

Hi there! I’m not feeling too good at this precise moment. You see, I’ve got a cold and sore lips. I think it’s the shock of Saturday night coming out on me. If not, I’ve got Glen’s cold.
You never guess what? There was this letter come through the post addressed to Toni. But, as she’s on holiday, my Mum opened it. It was from her old boyfriend, Andy. He’d written from prison, saying that he wanted to start from the beginning again. If she won’t be nice and write to him in prison, I’m jolly well going to!
Bye for now, Me.

Thursday 29th August 1974.

Watcha, Top of the Pops was on tonight. Here’s who was on: Osmonds (who’re now no.1 ), John Denbar, Johnny Bristol, Showaddywaddy, Bryan Ferry, Cozy Powell, Carl Douglas, Donny & Marie, Sweet Dreams, Barry White, Kiki Dee and KC & the Sunshine Band.
It wasn’t as good as usual.
I got a letter from Sue this afternoon and I sent one straight back. Also, as it’s Julie C’s birthday, I rang her up to say “hello”. She’s alright!
I’m still thinking of Glen. There’s only tomorrow, then he’ll be down the campsite and I’ll see him Saturday.

Friday 30th August 1974.

Hi ya, Sue received my letter this morning, “coz” at 11.30am I got a phone call from her. She was really funny. It was good to hear her voice again.
It’s Friday night and we’re going camping tomorrow morning. Glen should be down there. I’m glad that this week’s gone so quickly.
My Mum said that Kathryn P. could come camping in 2 weeks time, so she asked her Mum & Dad and they said it was ok.
Toni’s back from her hols. She’s now at Kelvedon with Jane.
Bye, Me.

Saturday 31st August 1974.

Watcha, I’m camping, but Glen’s not down here. So, this afternoon, I rang him, but he didn’t come camping because Lee & Ray hadn’t come. Shame!
Beaky (Keith) & Dave are down here. I was with them part of the evening, but then Keith started going off with this girl, Jenny.
So, being like I am, I went with Ray T. again. I only walked with him, but then he put his arm round me. I said to him, “I’m always mucking you around, aren’t I?” He replied, “Yeah, I know”.
It’s only because of Glen that I can’t make myself go out with him.

Diaries of a 70s Teenager

Growing up in the 70s certainly wasn't an easy ride especially if you're hormonal 12 3/4 year old girl from Essex. Copied directly from her diaries Smurfette has very kindly decided to share her daily jottings from her growing up years with us. Read all about her crushes and schooldays, boyfriends and favourite groups, boyfriends and tv shows oh did I mention she was boy mad?

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